根据Bluetooth HID协议,蓝牙设备在0x11和0x13这两个PSM上监听并接收从蓝牙主机发来的L2CAP连接请求。所以,从Socket连接的角度来看,蓝牙设备其实是L2CAP连接的Host端,而蓝牙主机则是L2CAP连接的Client端,这跟它们在Bluetooth HID协议中的角色正相反。
struct bthidd_t {
int serv_ctrl;
int serv_intr;
int sock_ctrl;
int sock_intr;
int b_shutdown;
struct bthidd_t * bthidd_init(void);
void bthidd_exit(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd);
void bthidd_shutdown(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd, int shutdown);
int bthidd_accept(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd);
int bthidd_ctrl_send(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd, char *data, int len);
int bthidd_intr_send(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd, char *data, int len);
由于Mouse和Keyboard设备只需要通过HID Interrupt通道向主机发送HID Report,因此暂时只设计了send接口。以下是这些接口的实现。
#define PSMHIDCTL 0x11
#define PSMHIDINT 0x13
struct bthidd_t {
int serv_ctrl;
int serv_intr;
int sock_ctrl;
int sock_intr;
int b_shutdown;
// Wrapper for bind, caring for all the surrounding variables
static int bth_bind(int sockfd, unsigned short port) {
struct sockaddr_l2 l2a;
int i;
memset(&l2a, 0, sizeof(l2a));
l2a.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
bacpy(&l2a.l2_bdaddr, BDADDR_ANY);
l2a.l2_psm = htobs(port);
i = bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&l2a, sizeof(l2a));
if (0 > i) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bind error (PSM %d): %s.\n", port, strerror(errno));
return i;
struct bthidd_t * bthidd_init(void) {
struct bthidd_t * p_hidd;
int ret;
p_hidd = malloc(sizeof(struct bthidd_t));
if (!p_hidd) { goto _err; }
memset(p_hidd, 0, sizeof(struct bthidd_t));
// Open, bind and listen socket for HID-Control.
p_hidd->serv_ctrl = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_SEQPACKET, BTPROTO_L2CAP);
if (p_hidd->serv_ctrl < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to generate bluetooth socket for HID-Control.\n");
goto _err;
ret = bth_bind(p_hidd->serv_ctrl, PSMHIDCTL);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to bind sockets (%d) to PSM (%d).\n",
p_hidd->serv_ctrl, PSMHIDCTL);
goto _err;
ret = listen(p_hidd->serv_ctrl, 1);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to listen on HID-Control BT socket.\n");
goto _err_with_ctrl;
// Open, bind and listen socket for HID-Interrupt.
p_hidd->serv_intr = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_SEQPACKET, BTPROTO_L2CAP);
if (p_hidd->serv_intr < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to generate bluetooth socket for HID-Interrupt.\n");
goto _err_with_ctrl;
ret = bth_bind(p_hidd->serv_intr, PSMHIDINT);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to bind sockets (%d) to PSM (%d).\n",
p_hidd->serv_intr, PSMHIDINT);
goto _err_with_ctrl;
ret = listen(p_hidd->serv_intr, 1);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to listen on HID-Interrupt BT socket.\n");
goto _err_with_intr;
fprintf(stdout, "%s() %d: The End. handle=%p\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, p_hidd);
return p_hidd;
fprintf(stdout, "%s() %d: Error.\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return NULL;
void bthidd_exit(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd) {
if (p_hidd->sock_intr) {
p_hidd->sock_intr = 0;
if (p_hidd->sock_ctrl) {
p_hidd->sock_ctrl = 0;
if (p_hidd->serv_intr) {
p_hidd->serv_intr = 0;
if (p_hidd->serv_ctrl) {
p_hidd->serv_ctrl = 0;
// only set the b_shutdown field.
void bthidd_shutdown(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd, int shutdown) {
p_hidd->b_shutdown = !!shutdown;
// return: True on success.
int bthidd_accept(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd) {
struct sockaddr_l2 addr_l2_remote_ctrl;
struct sockaddr_l2 addr_l2_remote_intr;
socklen_t addr_l2_len;
char bthaddrstr[40];
int j, ok=1;
struct timeval tv;
fd_set fds;
addr_l2_len = sizeof(addr_l2_remote_ctrl);
// Wait for connection request from remote to our HID-Control socket.
while (ok && !p_hidd->b_shutdown) {
tv.tv_sec = 1;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
FD_SET(p_hidd->serv_ctrl, &fds);
j = select(p_hidd->serv_ctrl + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (j < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "select() error on HID-Control BT socket: "
"%s! Aborting.\n", strerror(errno));
ok = 0;
if (j == 0) {
// Nothing happend. should goto the beginning.
p_hidd->sock_ctrl = accept(p_hidd->serv_ctrl,
(struct sockaddr *)&addr_l2_remote_ctrl, &addr_l2_len);
if (p_hidd->sock_ctrl < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get a HID-Control connection: "
"%s.\n", strerror(errno));
ba2str(&addr_l2_remote_ctrl.l2_bdaddr, bthaddrstr);
bthaddrstr[39] = 0;
fprintf(stdout, "Incoming connection from node [%s, %d, %d] for HID-Control.\n",
bthaddrstr, addr_l2_remote_ctrl.l2_psm, addr_l2_remote_ctrl.l2_cid);
// Wait for connection request to our HID-Interrupt socket.
while (ok && !p_hidd->b_shutdown) {
tv.tv_sec = 3;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
FD_SET(p_hidd->serv_intr, &fds);
j = select(p_hidd->serv_intr + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (j < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "select() error on HID-Interrupt BT socket: "
"%s! Aborting.\n", strerror(errno));
ok = 0;
if (j == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Interrupt connection failed to "
"establish (HID-Control connection already"
" there), timeout!\n");
ok = 0;
p_hidd->sock_intr = accept(p_hidd->serv_intr,
(struct sockaddr *)&addr_l2_remote_intr, &addr_l2_len);
if (p_hidd->sock_intr < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get an interrupt connection: "
"%s.\n", strerror(errno));
ba2str(&addr_l2_remote_intr.l2_bdaddr, bthaddrstr);
bthaddrstr[39] = 0;
fprintf(stdout, "Incoming connection from node [%s, %d, %d] for HID-Interrupt.\n",
bthaddrstr, addr_l2_remote_intr.l2_psm, addr_l2_remote_intr.l2_cid);
return ok;
int bthidd_ctrl_send(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd, char *data, int len) {
return send(p_hidd->sock_ctrl, data, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
int bthidd_intr_send(struct bthidd_t *p_hidd, char *data, int len) {
return send(p_hidd->sock_intr, data, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
bthidd_accept()接收L2CAP连接请求。根据蓝牙HID协议,先建立HID Control的连接,再建立HID Interrupt的连接。当连接建立以后,蓝牙设备就可以通过HID Interrupt通道向蓝牙主机发送HID Report了。为了验证这些接口是否好用,我写了一段简单的测试代码,向蓝牙主机发送鼠标移动事件的Report,每次通知的事件都一样:鼠标指针向右下方位移(10,10)的距离。
#define __PACKED__ __attribute((packed))
// Mouse HID report, as sent over the wire:
struct hidrep_mouse_t {
unsigned char btcode; // Fixed value for "Data Frame": 0xA1
unsigned char rep_id; // Will be set to REPORTID_MOUSE for "mouse"
unsigned char button; // bits 0..2 for left,right,middle, others 0
signed char axis_x; // relative movement in pixels, left/right
signed char axis_y; // dito, up/down
signed char axis_z; // Used for the scroll wheel (?)
} __PACKED__;
// Keyboard HID report, as sent over the wire:
struct hidrep_keyb_t {
unsigned char btcode; // Fixed value for "Data Frame": 0xA1
unsigned char rep_id; // Will be set to REPORTID_KEYBD for "keyboard"
unsigned char modify; // Modifier keys (shift, alt, the like)
unsigned char key[8]; // Currently pressed keys, max 8 at once
} __PACKED__;
void test_send_hid_mouse_report(int sockintr) {
struct hidrep_mouse_t evmouse;
int n;
memset(&evmouse, 0, sizeof(evmouse));
evmouse.btcode = 0xA1; // always this constant value.
evmouse.rep_id = REPORTID_MOUSE;
evmouse.button = 0 & 0x07;
evmouse.axis_x = 10;
evmouse.axis_y = 10;
evmouse.axis_z = 0;
n = send(sockintr, &evmouse, sizeof(evmouse), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (n != sizeof(evmouse)) {
fprintf(stderr, "send() failed. n=%d[%d]\n", n, (int)sizeof(evmouse));
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "send mouse event, OK.\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
struct bthidd_t *p;
p = bthidd_init();
if (p == NULL) { return -1; }
i = bthidd_accept(p);
if (!i) { return -1; }
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
return 0;
结构体 struct hidrep_mouse_t 和 struct hidrep_keyb_t 必须符合 SDP HID Report 中携带的 HID Report Descriptor 所规定的格式。虽然测试程序中没有使用到 Key 事件,但我在这里也顺便把 Key Report 的数据结构定义出来了。
1,停止Bluez的HID Host服务。
2,用 sdptool del 命令清除Ubuntu上所有SDP Record。
3,用 sdphelper 添加我们支持的SDP HID Record。
4,命令行运行 ./bthidd 启动测试程序。bthidd启动后会阻塞在bthidd_accept()函数中,等待蓝牙主机发来的L2CAP连接请求。
5,打开一台Windows 7 PC主机,插上USB蓝牙适配器,右键系统托盘的蓝牙图标,添加新蓝牙设备,找到Ubuntu,进行蓝牙配对。
6,配对成功后,Windows 7 PC主机会主动向Ubuntu发出L2CAP连接请求,请求连接0x11和0x13这两个PSM。
8,连接成功后,看看Windows 7的鼠标指针有没有移动?如果鼠标指针已经移动到屏幕右下角,你可以移动自己的鼠标把指针拽回左上方。
gcc -o libbthidd.so bthidd.c sdp_helper.c -O2 -lbluetooth -Wall -fPIC -shared