static void insertSort(vector<Type> & arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i; j > 0 && arr[j - 1] > arr[j]; j--) {
swap(arr[j - 1], arr[j]);
最坏情况: θ ( N 2 ) \theta(N^{2}) θ(N2)
主要原因是原始希尔排序使用区间是除二递减的: D k = D k − 1 / 2 ; D 0 = l e n g t h / 2 D_{k} = D_{k - 1} / 2; D_{0} = length / 2 Dk=Dk−1/2;D0=length/2,由于不互质的问题,可能导致前几次排序不起作用要一直到最后一次间隔为一的插入排序才起作用。
static void shellSort(vector<Type> & arr) {
for (int inc = arr.size() / 2; inc > 0; inc /= 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i += inc) {
for (int j = i; j >= inc && arr[j - inc] > arr[j]; j -= inc) {
swap(arr[j - inc], arr[j]);
static int partition(vector<Type> & arr, int lhs, int rhs) {
// Compared with base every time;
int baseVal = arr[lhs];
while (lhs < rhs) {
while (lhs < rhs && baseVal <= arr[rhs]) {
arr[lhs] = arr[rhs];
while (lhs < rhs && arr[lhs] <= baseVal) {
arr[rhs] = arr[lhs];
// At the end, lhs should be equal to rhs set back the base.
// It is ok to return whatever lhs or rhs.
arr[lhs] = baseVal;
return lhs;
static void reQuickSort(vector<Type> & arr, int lhs, int rhs) {
if (lhs < rhs) {
int basePos = partition(arr, lhs, rhs);
reQuickSort(arr, lhs, basePos - 1);
reQuickSort(arr, basePos + 1, rhs);
static void quickSort(vector<Type> & arr) {
reQuickSort2(arr, 0, arr.size() - 1);
static Type median3(vector<Type> & arr, int lhs, int rhs) {
// Let arr[lhs] < arr[center] < arr[rhs]
int center = (lhs + rhs) / 2;
if (arr[lhs] > arr[center]) {
swap(arr[lhs], arr[center]);
if (arr[center] > arr[rhs]) {
swap(arr[center], arr[rhs]);
if (arr[lhs] > arr[center]) {
swap(arr[lhs], arr[center]);
// move pivot to arr[rhs - 1]
swap(arr[center], arr[rhs - 1]);
// so that we only have to consider arr[lhs + 1] to arr[rhs - 2]
return arr[rhs - 1];
static void reQuickSort(vector<Type> & arr, int lhs, int rhs) {
const int cutOff = 5;
if (cutOff <= rhs - lhs) {
// Partition
int pivot = median3(arr, lhs, rhs);
int i = lhs;
int j = rhs - 1;
while (1) {
// When equal, stop
while (arr[++i] < pivot) {}
while (arr[--j] > pivot) {}
if (i < j) {
swap(arr[i], arr[j]);
else {
swap(arr[i], arr[rhs - 1]);
reQuickSort(arr, lhs, i - 1);
reQuickSort(arr, i + 1, rhs);
} else {
_insertSort(arr, lhs, rhs);
static void quickSort(vector<Type> & arr) {
reQuickSort(arr, 0, arr.size() - 1);
static void merge(vector<Type> & arr, vector<Type> & temp,
int left, int right, int rightEnd) {
int leftEnd = right - 1;
int tmpI = left;
while (left <= leftEnd && right <= rightEnd) {
if (arr[left] <= arr[right])
temp[tmpI++] = arr[left++];
temp[tmpI++] = arr[right++];
while (left <= leftEnd) {
temp[tmpI++] = arr[left++];
while (right <= rightEnd) {
temp[tmpI++] = arr[right++];
static void mergePass(vector<Type> & arr, vector<Type> & temp, int length) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i + 2 * length <= arr.size(); i += 2 * length) {
merge(arr, temp, i, i + length, i + 2 * length - 1);
// Solve the odd problem.
if (i + length < arr.size()) {
merge(arr, temp, i, i + length, arr.size() - 1);
} else {
for (int j = i; j < arr.size(); j++) {
temp[j] = arr[j];
sstatic void mergeSort(vector<Type>& arr) {
int length = 1;
vector<Type> temp(arr);
while (length < arr.size()) {
mergePass(arr, temp, length);
length *= 2;
mergePass(temp, arr, length);
length *= 2;
D k = 2 k − 1 D_{k} = 2^{k} - 1 Dk=2k−1 ,相邻元素互质
最快情况: T = θ ( N 3 / 2 ) T = \theta(N^{3/2}) T=θ(N3/2)
猜想: T a v g = O ( N 5 / 4 ) T_{avg} = O(N^{5/4}) Tavg=O(N5/4)
堆排序是建立在数据结构——堆的基础上的,堆是一棵完全二叉树,分为最大堆和最小堆, 最大堆的父节点总是大于子节点,最小堆同理。构建堆的流程以及堆排序的解析可以参考视频:堆排序(Heapsort)。
static void buildHeap(vector<Type> & arr) {
int lastParent = (arr.size() - 1 - 1) / 2;
for (int i = lastParent; i >= 0; i--) {
heapify(arr, arr.size(), i);
static void heapify(vector<int> & arr, int n, int index) {
int c1 = index * 2 + 1;
int c2 = index * 2 + 2;
int max = index;
if (c1 < n) {
max = arr[c1] > arr[max] ? c1 : max;
if (c2 < n) {
max = arr[c2] > arr[max] ? c2 : max;
if (max != index) {
swap(arr[index], arr[max]);
heapify(arr, n, max);
static void heapSort(vector<Type> & arr) {
for (int i = arr.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
swap(arr[0], arr[i]);
heapify(arr, i, 0);
关于 poor use of cache memory,快排在递归进行部分的排序的时候,只会访问局部的数据,因此缓存能够更大概率的命中;而堆排序的建堆过程是整个数组各个位置都访问到的,后面则是所有未排序数据各个位置都可能访问到的,所以不利于缓存发挥作用。简单的说就是快排的存取模型的**局部性(locality)**更强,堆排序差一些。
static void bubbleSort(vector<Type> & arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < arr.size() - i - 1; j++) {
if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {
swap(arr[j], arr[j + 1]);
是一种简单直观的排序算法,无论什么数据进去都是 O(n²) 的时间复杂度。所以用到它的时候,数据规模越小越好。
static void selectSort(vector<Type> & arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
int min = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j < arr.size(); j++) {
min = arr[min] < arr[j] ? min : j;
swap(arr[i], arr[min]);
static void radixSort(vector<Type>& arr) {
// Get the max digit
int max = arr[0];
for (Type num : arr) {
max = max > num ? max : num;
int maxDigit = 0;
while (max > 0) {
max /= 10;
// Sort
vector<Type> tmp(arr.size(), 0);
int radix = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < maxDigit; i++) {
vector<int> count(10, 0);
for (Type num : arr) {
count[(num / radix) % 10]++;
for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
count[j] += count[j - 1];
for (int j = arr.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
int k = (arr[j] / radix) % 10;
tmp[--count[k]] = arr[j];
arr = tmp;
radix *= 10;
static void bucketSort(vector<Type>& arr) {
const int BUCKET_NUM = 10;
vector<Type> buckets[BUCKET_NUM];
Type min = arr[0];
Type max = arr[0];
// Find the range
for (Type num : arr) {
min = min < num ? min : num;
max = max > num ? max : num;
int inc = floor((max - min) / BUCKET_NUM) + 1;
for (Type num : arr) {
buckets[int((num - min) / inc)].push_back(num);
arr = vector<Type>();
for (int i = 0; i < BUCKET_NUM; i++) {
sort(buckets[i].begin(), buckets[i].end());
arr.insert(arr.end(), buckets[i].begin(), buckets[i].end());
排序是否稳定取决于排序是否会调换那些值相等的元素的顺序,例如对于{1, 2, 3, 2, 4}
, 排完序后第一个2
{5, 8, 5, 2, 9}
, 我们知道第一遍选择第1个元素5会和2交换,那么原序列中2个5的相对前后顺序就被破坏了,所以选择排序不是一个稳定的排序算法。{5, 3, 3, 4, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11}
, 现在中枢元素5和3(第5个元素,下标从1开始计)交换就会把元素3的稳定性打乱。这三种排序算法都利用了桶的概念,但对桶的使用方法上有明显差异:
void qsort( void *base, size_t num, size_t width, int (__cdecl *compare )
template <class RandomAccessIterator>
void sort ( RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last );
template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void sort ( RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp );
int compare (const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ) );
sort是一个改进版的qsort. std::sort函数优于qsort的一些特点:对大数组采取9项取样,更完全的三路划分算法,更细致的对不同数组大小采用不同方法排序。
时间返回的是CPU时钟计时单元(clock tick)数,测的是100000个int数据。
Sort name | Time(clock tick) |
Standard sort | 6030 |
My quick sort | 17658 |
My bucket sort | 18589 |
My radix sort | 19308 |
My quick sort (simple) | 20994 |
My merge sort | 29492 |
My heap sort | 45097 |
My shell sort | 28089929 |
My select sort | 32799181 |
My insertion sort | 33213722 |
My bubble sort | 68185322 |
源码获取: GitHub
template <typename Type>
void checkSort(void (*func)(vector<Type> &),
const vector<Type> & ran_arr, const vector<Type> & std_arr) {
vector<int> copy_arr(ran_arr);
clock_t start, end;
start = clock();
end = clock();
cout << '\t' << "Time cost:" << end - start << endl;
if (std_arr == copy_arr) {
cout << '\t' << "Correct" << endl;
} else {
cout << '\t' << "Fail: ";
for (int num : copy_arr) {
cout << num << ' ';
cout << endl;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// Create test data
const int MAX_TEXT_SIZE = 100000;
vector<int> arr(MAX_TEXT_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
arr[i] = rand() % MAX_TEXT_SIZE;
clock_t start, end;
cout << "Standard sort:" << endl;
vector<int> std_arr(arr);
start = clock();
sort(std_arr.begin(), std_arr.end());
end = clock();
cout << '\t' << "Time cost:" << end - start << endl;
// My sort
cout << "My quick sort:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::quickSort, arr, std_arr);
cout << "My quick sort2:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::quickSort2, arr, std_arr);
cout << "My bubble sort:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::bubbleSort, arr, std_arr);
cout << "My heap sort:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::heapSort, arr, std_arr);
cout << "My select sort:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::selectSort, arr, std_arr);
cout << "My insertion sort:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::insertSort, arr, std_arr);
cout << "My shell sort:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::shellSort, arr, std_arr);
cout << "My merge sort:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::mergeSort, arr, std_arr);
cout << "My radix sort:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::radixSort, arr, std_arr);
cout << "My bucket sort:" << endl;
checkSort(MySorts<int>::bucketSort, arr, std_arr);
return 0;