Witch in a jar.…4.25打卡D52

音频:字母发音歌  声律启蒙 汉语一册一单元


I'm a witch.Do you know What is it.?

This is my jar.

This is my witch hat.

This is my, cape. 

This is my, mask.

This is my magic, wand

Do you like it.

I'm a witch, i'm coming to catch you, be careful

dad is a witch

Witch in a jar.…4.25打卡D52_第1张图片

let's make a jar.Baby you can go through the jar.Please go through the jar.Be careful, the witches will catch you and put you in the jar.

This time you are a animal,Which animal do you like.


You can go anywhere you like.This is my jor.I'm coming to catch you.Ha ha, I cought you.

do you want to be anther witch.?Let's  Make a jar And catch your daddy.

We are the happy witches.We like catching Animals.And putting them in the jar.Be careful.

I'm a witch

paint letter F

Witch in a jar.…4.25打卡D52_第2张图片
reading time

Witch in a jar.…4.25打卡D52_第3张图片


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