
本文为瑞典林雪平大学(作者:Hien Quoc Ngo)的毕业论文,共67页。

在过去的数十年中,连接的无线设备数量有了巨大的增长。数以十亿计的设备通过无线网络进行连接和管理。同时,每个设备都需要高吞吐量来支持语音、实时视频、电影和游戏等应用程序,对无线吞吐量和无线设备数量的需求将不断增加。此外,人们对无线通信系统的能耗也越来越关注。因此,未来的无线系统必须满足三个主要要求:i)具有高吞吐量;ii)同时服务于多个用户;iii)具有较少的能耗。大规模多输入多输出(multiple input multiple output,MIMO)技术是在同一时频资源中为多个用户提供大量天线(并置或分布式)的基站(BS)技术,可以满足上述要求,是下一代无线系统的一种很有前途的候选技术。在BS处具有大量天线阵列时,对于大多数传播环境的信道变得有利,即用户和BS之间的信道向量是(几乎)成对正交的,因此,线性处理几乎是最优的。由于复用增益和阵列增益,可以实现巨大的吞吐量和能量效率。特别是,通过简单的功率控制方案,大规模MIMO可以为所有用户提供一致的良好服务。



The last ten years have seen a massivegrowth in the number of connected wireless devices. Billions of devices areconnected and managed by wireless networks. At the same time, each device needsa high throughput to support applications such as voice, real-time video,movies, and games. Demands for wireless throughput and the number of wirelessdevices will always increase. In addition, there is a growing concern aboutenergy consumption of wireless communication systems. Thus, future wirelesssystems have to satisfy three main requirements: i) having a high throughput;ii) simultaneously serving many users; and iii) having less energy consumption.Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology, where a base station(BS) equipped with very large number of antennas (collocated or distributed)serves many users in the same time-frequency resource, can meet the aboverequirements, and hence, it is a promising candidate technology for nextgenerations of wireless systems. With massive antenna arrays at the BS, formost propagation environments, the channels become favorable, i.e., the channelvectors between the users and the BS are (nearly) pairwisely orthogonal, andhence, linear processing is nearly optimal. A huge throughput and energyefficiency can be achieved due to the multiplexing gain and the array gain. Inparticular, with a simple power control scheme, Massive MIMO can offer uniformlygood service for all users. In this dissertation, we focus on the performanceof Massive MIMO. The dissertation consists of two main parts: fundamentals andsystem designs of Massive MIMO. In the first part, we focus on fundamentallimits of the system performance under practical constraints such as lowcomplexity processing, limited length of each coherence interval, intercellinterference, and finite-dimensional channels. Wefirst study the potential forpower savings of the Massive MIMO uplink with maximum-ratio combining (MRC),zero-forcing, and minimum mean-square error receivers, under perfect andimperfect channels. The energy and spectral efficiency tradeoff isinvestigated. Secondly, we consider a physical channel model where the angulardomain is divided into a finite number of distinct directions. A lower bound onthe capacity is derived, and the effect of pilot contamination in this finite-dimensionalchannel model is analyzed. Finally, some aspects of favorable propagation inMassive MIMO under Rayleigh fading and line-of-sight (LoS) channels areinvestigated. We show that both Rayleigh fading and LoS environments offerfavorable propagation.

In the second part, based on thefundamental analysis in the rst part, we propose some system designs forMassive MIMO. The acquisition of channel state information (CSI) is veryimportant in Massive MIMO. Typically, the channels are estimated at the BSthrough uplink training. Owing to the limited length of the coherence interval,the system performance is limited by pilot contamination. To reduce the pilotcontamination effect, we propose an eigenvalue-decomposition based scheme toestimate the channel directly from the received data. The proposed schemeresults in better performance compared with the conventional training schemesdue to the reduced pilot contamination. Another important issue of CSIacquisition in Massive MIMO is how to acquire CSI at the users. To address thisissue, we propose two channel estimation schemes at the users: i) a downlinkbeamforming training scheme, and ii) a method for blind estimation of theeffective downlink channel gains. In both schemes, the channel estimationoverhead is independent of the number of BS antennas. We also derive theoptimal pilot and data powers as well as the training duration allocation tomaximize the sum spectral efficiency of the Massive MIMO uplink with MRCreceivers, for a given total energy budget spent in a coherence interval.Finally, applications of Massive MIMO in relay channels are proposed andanalyzed. Specifically, we consider multipair relaying systems where manysources simultaneously communicate with many destinations in the sametime-frequency resource with the help of a Massive MIMO relay. A Massive MIMOrelay is equipped with many collocated or distributed antennas. We considerdifferent duplexing modes (full-duplex and half-duplex) and different relayingprotocols (amplify-and-forward, decode-and-forward, two-way relaying, andone-way relaying) at the relay. The potential benefits of massive MIMOtechnology in these relaying systems are explored in terms of spectralefficiency and power efficiency.

I. 引言

  1. 研究动机
  2. 多用户MIMO蜂窝系统
  3. 大规模MIMO
  4. 数学基础知识
  5. 本文贡献总结
  6. 未来研究方向
    II. 大规模MIMO基础
    A. 超大规模多用户MIMO系统的能量与频谱效率
    B. 具有超大天线阵和有限维信道的多小区多用户MIMO上行链路
    C. 大规模MIMO中的有利传播问题
    III. 系统设计
    D. 基于EVD的超大天线阵列多小区多用户MIMO信道估计
    E. 具有线性预编码和下行链路导频的大规模MU-MIMO下行链路TDD系统
    F. 大规模MIMO中目标下行链路信道增益的盲估计
    G. 具有最优功率和训练持续时间分配的大规模MIMO
    H. 分布式AF波束形成的大规模多对双向中继网络
    I. 大规模阵列多对双向中继信道的频谱利用率
    J. 大规模阵列多对全双工中继及线性处理

