Mind the Gap:注意间隔
“Mindfulness” is a popular term in American business these days.However, I’ve found that there is a gap in defining this key business word. So just to make sure we are all on the same page, the definition we are going by is this:
Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you’re mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience.
The improvisational self-audit is the ability to recognize what you are doing in real time. This means mindfulness plus awareness of language and action. With a self-audit you can make an intelligent decision to continue your behavior or change it to get the desired effect on the people you are hoping to influence. This involves making subtle changes in real time based on how you perceive your message is being received and interpreted. A self-audit is mindfulness on steroids.
If you’re thinking through a problem on your own, the self-audit helps you consider whether you are properly focused and whether you are truly making progress rather than just letting yourself appear busy.If you’re addressing a coworker or a team, the self-audit gives you a chance to consider whether you are having the impact you want to have and what adjustment might be necessary. In interpersonal and group settings the self-audit is the moment in which you decide whether you are doing a good job of representing your brand by affecting your audience the way you desire.
The purpose of the self-audit is to strengthen the “muscles” needed to be aware of yourself, to be aware of how you are fitting into a situation, and to be aware of a team and how you are impacting that team. It’s about being mindful of how you lead and how you follow—how you affect people on a one-to-one basis and on a group basis. In that sense other people will always be the barometer in gauging the accuracy of your self-audit and how well you are projecting your brand.
In practice the first step in a self-audit—the first step to better branding adjustments in real time—is commitment. This implies commitment to being present in the moment, to putting yourself under a high-powered microscope for a brief time. If you are really aiming for authenticity, then honesty has to go hand in hand with this commitment. If a self-audit is going to work, it must be an honest attempt to see yourself in real time, and it must be an honest assessment of what you see.
After mental awareness the next step is physical awareness. At a basic physical level a self-audit asks these questions:
Is my posture erect or slumped?
Do I look wide awake or about to pass out?
Am I making eye contact?
What is my facial expression? (Am I smiling?)
What’s my tone of voice like?
At what level is my personal energy?
Am I engaged by the person or people with whom I’m communicating?
It is said that of the messages we receive we understand 55 percent of a message from body language, 38 percent from tone of voice,and 7 percent from the actual content of words.3 What nonverbal messages are you embodying yourself and communicating to others?Every little element of our physical presence is an expression of something: our head gestures, body gestures, degree of eye contact, eye rolling, or eyebrow raising. Our breathing can be deep and relaxed or shallow and quick. Are you sighing or exhaling in a way that signifies exhaustion or frustration? Maybe the frustration is warranted.
Maybe you are not just frustrated; you are also extremely tired. Neither of these states of mind has to be denied. The point of the self-audit is to be aware of what you’re doing, not necessarily to judge it. When you are aware of your actions, you can see how they affect others. This is where the power lies. To be aware of how your physical state impacts both your thinking and the messages received by those around you puts you in the position to make subtle changes along the way.
At a higher level of self-auditing there are additional questions to consider:
What is my word choice like?
What is my intonation (how am I delivering my message)?
Am I being clear and concise or overexplaining?
And the most important question of all: Am I affecting the audience the way I want to affect them?
And if not: What subtle adjustments can I make in real time to adapt and get the results I desire?
The purpose of the self-audit is to understand what you are doing and to recognize whether what you’re doing is increasing or decreasing the probability that you are affecting people around you the way you want. In short, it’s a moment of mindfulness centered on whether or not you are properly managing your brand.4 The self-awareness one achieves through a self-audit doesn’t necessarily lead to a list of dos and don’ts. Improv is about performing at the top of your intelligence in the moment, and whether onstage or in a business setting that moment must always be assessed and adjusted to.
Generally if you have your arms crossed and are not participating in a meeting, that gives the signal that you’re closed off or in disagreement—judging. And if you’re looking out the window rather than at the person you are speaking to, that’s generally a signal that you are distracted by something. If you are texting while in the middle of a conversation, that gives the signal that whatever is being discussed or whomever you are talking with is not important enough to give yourundivided attention to.
However, these physical clues don’t always mean the same thing. Perhaps the folded arms are a sign of relaxation that means you are open to the person you are speaking with. Maybe that window stare connotes reflection rather than distraction. Maybe the texting during a conversation is relevant to the conversation itself.Again, check your audience in real time; this is part of the self-audit.If your goal is to build rapport and connect with another person, then in your moment of self-audit it will be pretty clear whether that engagement is being accomplished.
As soon as you become aware that all of your nonverbal communication is part of your brand and has an effect on people, it’s easy to see whether that effect is positive or whether it needs to be adjusted. Try it:
Have a brief interaction with one person in which you are selfauditing your behavior, language, and nonverbal communication with an outward eye on how the person is reacting to you. Take a deliberate moment to honestly assess how you are acting, reacting,and communicating, verbally and nonverbally, in real time, with the person across from you. Make subtle changes and observe how these actions affect the person.