Android Studio磁盘空间不足:Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough space to create userdata partition

Android Studio磁盘空间不足如何解决

在学习app开发过程中,用Android Studio模拟器模拟手机出现了磁盘空间不足的情况,具体报错:Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough space to create userdata partition.


Android Studio磁盘空间不足:Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough space to create userdata partition_第1张图片
2、剪切完后打开原文件夹C盘后缀为ini (Pixel_2_API_R)的文件并修改启动路径(改为刚刚新建的Pixel_2_API_R.avd路径)Android Studio磁盘空间不足:Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough space to create userdata partition_第2张图片

下图是我已经修改后的我自己创建的路径Android Studio磁盘空间不足:Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough space to create userdata partition_第3张图片
Android Studio磁盘空间不足:Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough space to create userdata partition_第4张图片

你可能感兴趣的:(Android Studio磁盘空间不足:Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough space to create userdata partition)