用的lua的脚本语言,IDE工具是mac Sublime Text 3,以及windows Lua Editor
local cjson = require "cjson" local logging = {} local function incr(dict, key, increment) increment = increment or 1 local newval, err = dict:incr(key, increment) if not newval or err then dict:add(key, increment) newval = increment end return newval end function logging.log_response_time(dict, value) local sum_key = "request_time-sum" local count_key = "request_time-count" local start_time_key = "request_time-start_time" local request_time_key = value dict:add(start_time_key, ngx.now()) incr(dict, sum_key, value) incr(dict, count_key) incr(dict, request_time_key) return true end function logging.log_response_status(dict) local response_code = ngx.var.status or "" local response_key = "response_code-"..response_code incr(dict, response_key) return true end function logging.get_timing_values(dict) local keys = dict:get_keys(0) local response_times = {} for k,v in pairs(keys) do if tonumber(v) then val = dict:get(v) response_times[#response_times] = {response_time = v, count = val} end end dict:flush_all() return cjson.encode(response_times) end function logging.get_timing_summary(dict) local sum_key = "request_time-sum" local count_key = "request_time-count" local start_time_key = "request_time-start_time" local keys = dict:get_keys(0) local start_time = dict:get(start_time_key) local count = dict:get(count_key) or 0 local sum = dict:get(sum_key) or 0 local mean = 0 local stdevsum = 0 local qps = 0 if count > 0 then mean = sum / count end for k,v in pairs(keys) do if tonumber(v) then val = dict:get(v) maxval = maxval and (maxval > val and maxval or val) or val if oldmax ~= maxval then mode = v modecount = val end oldmax = maxval mintime = mintime and (mintime < v and mintime or v) or v maxtime = maxtime and (maxtime > v and maxtime or v) or v stdevsum = stdevsum + (mean - v)^2 end end local stdev = math.sqrt(stdevsum/count) local elapsed_time = 0 if start_time then elapsed_time = ngx.now() - start_time end if elapsed_time > 0 then qps = count / elapsed_time end dict:flush_all() local summary = {count=count, qps=qps, mean=mean, mode=mode, modecount=modecount, mintime=mintime, maxtime=maxtime, stdev=stdev, elapsed_time=elapsed_time} return cjson.encode(summary) end function logging.get_response_summary(dict) local response_key_prefix = "response_code-" local response_codes = {} local keys = dict:get_keys(0) for k,v in pairs(keys) do if v:find(response_key_prefix, 1, true) then val = dict:get(v) response_codes[#response_codes] = {response_code = v, count = val} end end return cjson.encode(response_codes) end return logging
-- 写入文件 local function writefile(filename, info) local wfile=io.open(filename, "w") --写入文件(w覆盖) assert(wfile) --打开时验证是否出错 wfile:write(info) --写入传入的内容 wfile:close() --调用结束后记得关闭 end -- 检测路径是否目录 local function is_dir(sPath) if type(sPath) ~= "string" then return false end local response = os.execute( "cd " .. sPath ) if response == 0 then return true end return false end -- 检测文件是否存在 local file_exists = function(name) local f=io.open(name,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end local area = nil local originalUri = ngx.var.uri; local originalFile = ngx.var.file; local index = string.find(ngx.var.uri, "([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)"); if index then originalUri = string.sub(ngx.var.uri, 0, index-2); area = string.sub(ngx.var.uri, index); index = string.find(area, "([.])"); area = string.sub(area, 0, index-1); local index = string.find(originalFile, "([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)"); originalFile = string.sub(originalFile, 0, index-2) end -- check original file if not file_exists(originalFile) then local fileid = string.sub(originalUri, 2); -- main local fastdfs = require('restyfastdfs') local fdfs = fastdfs:new() fdfs:set_tracker("", 22122) fdfs:set_timeout(1000) fdfs:set_tracker_keepalive(0, 100) fdfs:set_storage_keepalive(0, 100) local data = fdfs:do_download(fileid) if data then -- check image dir if not is_dir(ngx.var.image_dir) then os.execute("mkdir -p " .. ngx.var.image_dir) end writefile(originalFile, data) end end -- 创建缩略图 local image_sizes = {"80x80", "800x600", "40x40", "60x60"}; function table.contains(table, element) for _, value in pairs(table) do if value == element then return true end end return false end if table.contains(image_sizes, area) then local command = "gm convert " .. originalFile .. " -thumbnail " .. area .. " -background gray -gravity center -extent " .. area .. " " .. ngx.var.file; os.execute(command); end; if file_exists(ngx.var.file) then --ngx.req.set_uri(ngx.var.uri, true); ngx.exec(ngx.var.uri) else ngx.exit(404) end