JAVA 继承 构造函数的执行顺序


package com.hf.scjp.constructor;

public class Parent1 {
 public static StaticTest stat=new StaticTest(1L);
 static {
    System.out.println("in parent1 static code …… ");
   public Parent1(){
    System.out.println("in parent1 constructor …… ");




package com.hf.scjp.constructor;

public class Son1 extends Parent1 {
 public static StaticTest stat=new StaticTest(1);
 static {
    System.out.println("in Son1 static code …… ");
 public Son1(){
     System.out.println("in Son1 constructor …… ");
 public Son1(int s){
     System.out.println("in Son1 constructor with param: int");

package com.hf.scjp.constructor;

public class GrandChild1  extends Son1{
 public static StaticTest stat=new StaticTest();
 static {
    System.out.println("in GrandChild1 static code …… ");
 public GrandChild1(){
     System.out.println("in GrandChild1 constructor …… ");
 public GrandChild1(String s){
     System.out.println("in GrandChild1 constructor with param: String");
 public GrandChild1(int s){
     System.out.println("in GrandChild1 constructor with param: int");
 public GrandChild1(long s){
     System.out.println("in GrandChild1 constructor with param: long");
 public static void main(String[] args){
  GrandChild1 GrandChild1=new GrandChild1("");
  GrandChild1 GrandChild2=new GrandChild1(3);
  GrandChild1 GrandChild3=new GrandChild1(3L);

public class StaticTest {
    public StaticTest(){
     System.out.println("in StaticTest constructor param:  ");
    public StaticTest(int i){
     System.out.println("in StaticTest constructor param:int  ");
    public StaticTest(long l){
     System.out.println("in StaticTest constructor param:long  ");
  * @param args
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // TODO 自动生成方法存根



in StaticTest constructor param:long 
in parent1 static code ……
in StaticTest constructor param:int 
in Son1 static code ……
in StaticTest constructor param: 
in GrandChild1 static code ……
in parent1 constructor ……
in Son1 constructor ……
in GrandChild1 constructor with param: String


in parent1 constructor ……
in Son1 constructor with param: int
in GrandChild1 constructor with param: int


in parent1 constructor ……
in Son1 constructor with param: int
in GrandChild1 constructor with param: int
in GrandChild1 constructor with param: long


1 类中的静态对象先于static{}执行
2  static{}中的代码是在构建类对象之前执行的
3 构造子类的时候是按照先父后子的顺序执行的
4 如果在子的构造函数中并没有使用显式的调用父类的构造函数(使用super),则执行无参构造函数。
5 如果使用this(),则会先调用this(),再调用下面的代码(此时父类别的默认构造函数不再执行,而会根据执行this()执行相应的父构造函数)
