TensorFlow + Keras 入门项目:Image Classification with CNN(基于Fashion-MNIST数据集)


Interpreter: Python3.7

Environment: Anaconda3 + Tensorflow-gpu2.0.0 + Spyder+cuda10.0+cudnn7.6

API:  tf.keras(a high-level API to build and train models in TensorFlow)

上一篇博客https://blog.csdn.net/Happy_hui520/article/details/95214357 里写了基于Fashion MNIST数据集的图像识别,使用了一个简单的全连接神经网络,这篇教程里着重写CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks) 的创建和训练,其它步骤与之前相同。训练卷积神经网络时适合使用GPU进行运算,不然速度会很慢,当然你要提前配置好TensorFlow-gpu的环境。


TensorFlow + Keras 入门项目:Image Classification with CNN(基于Fashion-MNIST数据集)_第1张图片

TensorFlow + Keras 入门项目:Image Classification with CNN(基于Fashion-MNIST数据集)_第2张图片





The basic building block of a neural network is the layer. A layer extracts a representation from the data fed into it. Hopefully, a series of connected layers results in a representation that is meaningful for the problem at hand.

Much of deep learning consists of chaining together simple layers. Most layers, like tf.keras.layers.Dense, have internal parameters which are adjusted ("learned") during training.




第一个卷积层是输入层,对输入的28*28的图片矩阵用32个 3*3 的卷积核(filter)进行卷积运算,得到28*28*32的矩阵。然后第一个最大值池化层(Max pooling layer)进行下采样(大小为2*2,步长为2)得到14*14*32的矩阵。

第二个卷积层对输入的14*14*32矩阵用64个 3*3 的卷积核进行卷积运算,得到14*14*64的矩阵,这一层的参数数量是weights+biases = 32*64*9 + 64 = 18496。然后第二个最大值池化层(Max pooling layer)进行下采样(大小为2*2,步长为2)得到7*7*64的矩阵。

然后是一个平滑层(3136,1),把池化层的64个7*7矩阵处理成一个数组,与后面的全连接层相连,参数数量就是权重和偏置的和 weights+biases = 3136*128+128=401536。

最后再通过一个全连接层(Output layer)以分类概率的形式输出结果。

model = tf.keras.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32,(3,3),padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu,
    tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3,3), padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu),
    tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2,2), strides=2),
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation=tf.nn.relu),
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation=tf.nn.softmax)

This network layers are:

  • "convolutions" tf.keras.layers.Conv2D and MaxPooling2D— Network start with two pairs of Conv/MaxPool. The first layer is a Conv2D filters (3,3) being applied to the input image, retaining the original image size by using padding, and creating 32 output (convoluted) images (so this layer creates 32 convoluted images of the same size as input). After that, the 32 outputs are reduced in size using a MaxPooling2D (2,2) with a stride of 2. The next Conv2D also has a (3,3) kernel, takes the 32 images as input and creates 64 outputs which are again reduced in size by a MaxPooling2D layer. So far in the course, we have described what a Convolution does, but we haven't yet covered how you chain multiples of these together. We will get back to this in lesson 4 when we use color images. At this point, it's enough if you understand the kind of operation a convolutional filter performs

  • output tf.keras.layers.Dense — A 128-neuron, followed by 10-node softmax layer. Each node represents a class of clothing. As in the previous layer, the final layer takes input from the 128 nodes in the layer before it, and outputs a value in the range [0, 1], representing the probability that the image belongs to that class. The sum of all 10 node values is 1.




TensorFlow + Keras 入门项目:Image Classification with CNN(基于Fashion-MNIST数据集)_第3张图片







优化器选用Adam(adaptive momentum),是目前很好的训练算法,想了解的话可以看这篇博客https://blog.csdn.net/leadai/article/details/79178787

损失函数采用 稀疏交叉熵损失函数(sparse_categorical_crossentropy),它和categorical_crossentropy的区别如下:

  • If your targets are one-hot encoded, use categorical_crossentropy.
    • Examples of one-hot encodings:
      • [1,0,0]
      • [0,1,0]
      • [0,0,1]
  • But if your targets are integers, use sparse_categorical_crossentropy.
    • Examples of integer encodings (for the sake of completion):
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3

metrics 是度量方法,就是你希望如何评估模型的性能(在训练的时候会动态显示相关信息)。



Train the model

First, we define the iteration behavior for the train dataset:

  1. Repeat forever by specifying dataset.repeat() (the epochsparameter described below limits how long we perform training).
  2. The dataset.shuffle(60000) randomizes the order so our model cannot learn anything from the order of the examples.
  3. And dataset.batch(32) tells model.fit to use batches of 32 images and labels when updating the model variables.

Training is performed by calling the model.fit method:

  1. Feed the training data to the model using train_dataset.
  2. The model learns to associate images and labels.
  3. The epochs=5 parameter limits training to 5 full iterations of the training dataset, so a total of 5 * 60000 = 300000 examples.

(Don't worry about steps_per_epoch, the requirement to have this flag will soon be removed.)

train_dataset = train_dataset.repeat().shuffle(num_train_examples).batch(BATCH_SIZE)
test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(BATCH_SIZE)

model.fit(train_dataset, epochs=5, steps_per_epoch=math.ceil(num_train_examples/BATCH_SIZE))


TensorFlow + Keras 入门项目:Image Classification with CNN(基于Fashion-MNIST数据集)_第4张图片

TensorFlow + Keras 入门项目:Image Classification with CNN(基于Fashion-MNIST数据集)_第5张图片

我笔记本电脑用的是酷睿i5-6200U和GeForce 930M(很垃圾...),差不多40多秒跑完一个迭代期(epoch)。可以看到准确度上升到了94%



test_loss, test_accuracy = model.evaluate(test_dataset, steps=math.ceil(num_test_examples/32))
print('Accuracy on test dataset:', test_accuracy)

TensorFlow + Keras 入门项目:Image Classification with CNN(基于Fashion-MNIST数据集)_第6张图片


想了解卷积神经网络的原理可以看Michael Nielsen 的这篇文章:http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap6.html

