微软专利技术“茶壶用户界面”--可能对 Windows 7 的用户体验有重要影响

 美国编号为20080013860的专利技术“构建三维立体用户界面”是由微软公司于2006年7月14日提交的。我相信这或多或少与 Windows 7 有些联系,除非我能领会到它是怎么工作的……一个创建三维用户界面的系统在一个3D的场景中为一个3D的物体模型绘制一个2D的交互式用户界面。一旦绘制完成,这个2D的用户界面将作为那个3D物体 的外壳而成为一个基本的用户界面。一个3D的用户界面创建工具将使用一个2D用户界面的模型的图像资源结合一个3D的线框物体模型来创建一个3D的用户界 面。

微软专利技术“茶壶用户界面”--可能对 Windows 7 的用户体验有重要影响_第1张图片


United States Patent Application 20080013860 “Creation of three-dimensional user interface” was filed by Microsoft on July 14, 2006. I believe this is somehow related to Windows 7, only if I can figure out how it works…

A three-dimensional (3-D) user interface (UI) creation system maps a two-dimensional (2-D), interactive UI to an 3-D object template in a 3-D scene. Once mapped, the 2-D UI functions as a simple user interface while appearing as a skin to the 3-D object. A 3-D UI creation tool applies image resources of a 2-D UI template to a 3-D wire frame template to create a 3-D UI. The system provides for rapid implementation of a 3-D UI without need for understanding a 3-D space or 3-D authoring software. The process includes preparing a 2-D UI, loading a 3-D scene of 3-D objects, and mapping the 2-D UI to a 3-D object template in the 3-D scene. A scheme file provides a specification for recreating the 3-D scene in a runtime module whereby the 3-D scene functions as a 3-D UI system, allowing interaction via a user input system.

Anyone who comes up with the best explanation will be awarded a 2D copy of the M1 build of Windows 7.
