Spectral Clustering by Joint Spectral Embedding and Spectral Rotation


orthonormal matrix


如果:AA^{T}=I 或 A^{T}A=I (则n阶实矩阵A称为正交矩阵)



2 A的各行是单位向量且两两正交

3 A的各列是单位向量且两两正交

4 |A|=1 或 -1




The existing joint model adopts  an orthonormal real matrix to approximate the orthogonal but  non-orthonormal cluster indicator matrix. It is noted that only  in a very special case (i.e., all clusters have the same number of samples), the cluster indicator matrix is an orthonormal matrix multiplied by a real number.


The error of approximating a non-orthonormal matrix is inevitably large. To overcome the drawback, we propose replacing the non-orthonormal cluster indicator matrix with a scaled cluster indicator matrix which is an orthonormal matrix.


这种方式的误差很大,为了解决这种问题,作者提出把非正交标准化的矩阵替换成一个标准正交化的 scaled cluster indicator matrix。

Yang et al. 在2016年IJCAI上面提的UFDSC方法也是一个联合学习模型,但是因为使用了正交标准化的约束,而使得最后的结果不准确,对于每个社团内节点数量相同的数据集可以有很好的效果,但是对于数据分布极其不均匀的数据集,UFDSC会不准确,给出了一个toy-example

Spectral Clustering by Joint Spectral Embedding and Spectral Rotation_第1张图片



1.A joint model is proposed to simultaneously and iteratively perform spectral embedding and spectral rotation with spectral embedding generating a real-valued cluster indicator matrix and spectral rotation generating a binary cluster indicator matrix. Compared to the classical spectral clustering methods, the proposed joint model is able to overcome the drawbacks of the information loss and the risk of the discrete clustering deviation.

2.In the spectral rotation part of the proposed joint model, approximation is conducted in-between two orthonormal matrices:a) a matrix generated by spectral embedding followed by a rotation operation and b) a scaled cluster indicator matrix. Therefore, the proposed method is able to obtain an accurate clustering result. In addition, the proposed method is able to overcome the problem of the unbalance of UFDSC.

3. The physical meaning of the scaled cluster indicator matrix is interpreted. Moreover, the theoretical derivation of the scaled cluster indicator matrix is given. The insight in the scaled cluster indicator matrix is helpful to understand the proposed method and developing a new method.



                                                                w_{ij}=a_{ij}=exp(-\frac{||x_{i}-x_j{}||_{2}^{2}}{2 \sigma^{2}})

构造图相似度矩阵, 然后构造图拉普拉斯矩阵,L=D-W,D是度矩阵,拉普拉斯矩阵有一些很好的性质








原文使用的是 k-way N-cut,公式三:

The goal of minimum k-way Ncut is to simultaneously minimize the sum f(Y)

                                                                                f(Y)=\sum_{x_{i}\in C_k{}}\sum_{x_{j}\notinC_{k}}a_{ij}

and maximize the sum g(Y) of weighted volume V(C_{k}) of each cluster C_{k}


The effect of minimizing the sum of similarity is to let samples in different clusters have the least similarity


                                                              f(Y)=\sum_{x_{i}\in C_{k}}\sum_{x_{j}\notin C_{k}}a_{ij}=\sum_{ij=1}^{n}a_{ij}(y_{mi}-y_{mj})^{2}





                                                                 g(Y)=\sum_{k=1}^{K}\sum_{x_{i}\in C_{k}}D_{ii}=\sum_{k=1}^{K}y_{k}^{T}Dy_{k}

Therefore,the problem of k-way Ncut can be formulated as minimizing J(Y)




设 Z=Y(Y^{T}DY)^{-\frac{1}{2}}



Define Z=D^{-\frac{1}{2}}\hat{F} Then J(Z) can be rewritten as:



where \hat{L}=D^{-1/2}LD^{1/2}  is known as the normalized Laplacian matrix. Note that J(\hat{F})=\frac{1}{K}Tr(\hat{F}\hat{L}\hat{F}) is hard to solve, because the elements of \hat{F} are constrained to be discrete values. The solution of this problem is to relax the matrix \hat{F} from discrte values to continuous ones. Then the problem J(\hat{F}) becomes 

J(F)=\frac{1}{}{K}Tr(F^{T}\hat{L}F) where F \in R^{N \times K}

其实上面就是一个N-way 的 Spectral embedding :

F^{*}=argmin tr(F^{T}\hat{L}F), \,\,s.t. F^{T}F=I


Classical Spectral Rotation 

The optimal F^{*} which is obtained by soling the optimization problem above is not a zero-one valued matrix.

Therefore, to get the final clustering result, it is common to apply K-means or spectral rotation to transform F* to a zero-one value matrix so that it approaches the underlying cluster indicator matrix. It is known that the underlying cluster indicator matrix Y is binary and its element is either 0 or 1.



Spectral rotation is an algorithm for optimal transforming the real-valued cluster indicator matrix F* to a binary matrix Y.


Spectral Clustering by Joint Spectral Embedding and Spectral Rotation_第2张图片

简单的说就是用一个正交矩阵去重构最优解,使其与一个离散binary matrix之间最小化。



Spectral Clustering by Joint Spectral Embedding and Spectral Rotation_第3张图片









































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