- 一、架构
- 二、概念
- 三、实战 demo
- 四、源码剖析
- 4.1 sun.misc.Cleaner 类
- 4.2 构造方法
- 4.3 create 方法
- 4.4 add 方法
- 4.5 remove 方法
- 4.6 clean 方法
- 4.7 static变量 dummyQueue
- 4.8 static 变量 first
- 4.9 成员变量 thunk
- 五、番外篇
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public class _05_00_TestCleaner {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int index = 0;
while (true) {
// 提醒 GC 去进行垃圾收集了
// 该对象不断重新指向其他地方,那么原先指针指向的对象的就属于需要回收的数据
DemoObject obj = new DemoObject("demo01");
增加 obj 的虚引用,定义清理的接口 DoSomethingThread
Cleaner.create(obj, new DoSomethingThread("thread_" + index++));
static class DoSomethingThread implements Runnable {
private String name;
public DoSomethingThread(String name) {
this.name = name;
// do something before gc
public void run() {
System.out.println(name + " running DoSomething ...");
static class DemoObject{
private String name;
thread_0 running DoSomething ...
thread_1 running DoSomething ...
thread_2 running DoSomething ...
thread_3 running DoSomething ...
thread_4 running DoSomething ...
thread_5 running DoSomething ...
thread_6 running DoSomething ...
thread_7 running DoSomething ...
thread_8 running DoSomething ...
thread_9 running DoSomething ...
cleaner 类,可以让你在对象被回收前,干点其他事情。临终遗言吧。效果等同于 finalize
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package sun.misc;
import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
public class Cleaner
extends PhantomReference<Object>
// 静态私有全局变量
// 在 ReferenceHandler 线程的处理中, Cleaner 对象是不进入这个队列的,设置的目的,是为了能进 pending
private static final ReferenceQueue<Object> dummyQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>();
// Doubly-linked list of live cleaners, which prevents the cleaners
// themselves from being GC'd before their referents
// 静态私有全局变量,链表的头
static private Cleaner first = null;
private Cleaner
next = null,
prev = null;
// 往前面插入
private static synchronized Cleaner add(Cleaner cl) {
if (first != null) {
cl.next = first;
first.prev = cl;
first = cl;
return cl;
// 删除某个节点
private static synchronized boolean remove(Cleaner cl) {
// If already removed, do nothing
// 已经被删除了,就啥事都不用干
if (cl.next == cl)
return false;
// 如果是头节点
if (first == cl) {
// 如果有后继节点
if (cl.next != null)
first = cl.next;
else // 如果是头节点,又没后继节点,那么 first = null
first = cl.prev;
// 如果后继节点不是 null
if (cl.next != null)
cl.next.prev = cl.prev;
// 如果前驱节点不是 null
if (cl.prev != null)
cl.prev.next = cl.next;
// next 和 prev 指针都指向自己,这个表示已经是被删掉了
// Indicate removal by pointing the cleaner to itself
cl.next = cl;
cl.prev = cl;
return true;
//实现 Runable 接口的对象,这个对象会在实现的 run 方法里做 gc 前清理资源的操作,它的run方法最终会由 ReferenceHander 线程来调用执行
// ReferenceHander 从 pending 队列里面取数据,然后调用 sun.misc.Cleaner#clean 方法,clean 方法会调用 thunk.run() 方法
private final Runnable thunk;
//私有的构造方法,说明 Cleaner 对象是无法直接被创建的,参数为被引用的对象和 ReferenceQueue 成员变量
// 创建方法为下方的 create
private Cleaner(Object referent, Runnable thunk) {
super(referent, dummyQueue);
this.thunk = thunk;
//这个create静态方法提供给我们来实例化Cleaner对象,需要两个参数,被引用的对象与实现了Runnable接口的对象,新创建的Cleaner对象被加入到了 dummyQueue 队列里
public static Cleaner create(Object ob, Runnable thunk) {
if (thunk == null)
return null;
return add(new Cleaner(ob, thunk));
* Runs this cleaner, if it has not been run before.
// clean方法先将对象从 dummyQueue 队列remove移除(这样 Cleaner 对象就可以被gc回收掉了),然后调用thunk的run方法后执行清理操作
public void clean() {
if (!remove(this))
try {
} catch (final Throwable x) {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
public Void run() {
if (System.err != null)
new Error("Cleaner terminated abnormally", x)
return null;
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private Cleaner(Object referent, Runnable thunk) {
super(referent, dummyQueue);
this.thunk = thunk;
私有的构造方法,说明 Cleaner 对象是无法直接被创建的,参数为被引用的对象和 ReferenceQueue 成员变量,真正创建方法为下方的 create。
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public static Cleaner create(Object ob, Runnable thunk) {
if (thunk == null)
return null;
return add(new Cleaner(ob, thunk));
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// 往前面插入 ,跟 Reference 类的队列一脉相承
private static synchronized Cleaner add(Cleaner cl) {
if (first != null) {
cl.next = first;
first.prev = cl;
first = cl;
return cl;
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// 删除某个节点
private static synchronized boolean remove(Cleaner cl) {
// If already removed, do nothing
// 已经被删除了,就啥事都不用干
if (cl.next == cl)
return false;
// 如果是头节点
if (first == cl) {
// 如果有后继节点
if (cl.next != null)
first = cl.next;
else // 如果是头节点,又没后继节点,那么 first = null
first = cl.prev;
// 如果后继节点不是 null
if (cl.next != null)
cl.next.prev = cl.prev;
// 如果前驱节点不是 null
if (cl.prev != null)
cl.prev.next = cl.next;
// next 和 prev 指针都指向自己,这个表示已经是被删掉了
// Indicate removal by pointing the cleaner to itself
cl.next = cl;
cl.prev = cl;
return true;
clean方法先将对象从 dummyQueue 队列remove移除(这样 Cleaner 对象就可以被gc回收掉了),然后调用thunk的run方法后执行清理操作。
// clean方法先将对象从 dummyQueue 队列remove移除(这样 Cleaner 对象就可以被gc回收掉了),然后调用thunk的run方法后执行清理操作
public void clean() {
if (!remove(this))
try {
} catch (final Throwable x) {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
public Void run() {
if (System.err != null)
new Error("Cleaner terminated abnormally", x)
return null;
该 clean 方法的调用,直接看上一篇【JAVA Reference】ReferenceQueue 与 Reference 源码剖析(二)
private static final ReferenceQueue<Object> dummyQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>();
在 ReferenceHandler 线程的处理中, Cleaner 对象是不进入这个队列的,设置的目的,是为了能进 pending
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// 静态私有全局变量,链表的头,把一堆 cleaner 串起来
private static Cleaner first = null;
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private final Runnable thunk;
具体看方法=== clean ===
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下一章节:【JAVA Reference】Cleaner 对比 finalize 对比 AutoCloseable(四)
上一章节:【JAVA Reference】ReferenceQueue 与 Reference 源码剖析(二)