Enterprise Library 4.1 + Unity Application Block 1.2 December 2008

微软Patterns&Practices发布了Enterprise Library 4.1。Enterprise Library是一个可重用的组件(application blocks)集,它利用企业开发中常见的一些功能(如日志、验证、缓存、异常处理等)来辅助软件开发者。Application blocks是一种指导方针,封装了微软推荐的开发实践。

该发布还带有一些快速上手示例手把手的试验、关于Enterprise Library和Unity的Webcasts示例代码

该发布中的一些关键性的增强都与Unity Application Block 1.2相关。Unity Application Block(Unity)是一个轻量级、可扩展的依赖注入/控制反转(IOC)容器。Unity application block还以独立库的形式发布。正如上面所指出的,该库的一些改进都围绕着对泛型、数组和性能的更好支持而展开。



Quick Links:

MSDN site:

Community Forum: http://codeplex.com/unity  

What is Unity?

The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container. This release of Unity is a port of Unity Application Block 1.2 to Microsoft Silverlight 2.0.

What’s New?

The following capabilities and packaging of the Unity container have been adjusted in this release:

                     The single Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll file in the Silverlight version contains all the classes from the three separate desktop DLLs:




                You only need to reference and deploy the one assembly in your Silverlight projects.

                     Because of differences in the Silverlight security model, only public types can be created and injected by the container. The desktop version allows you to also inject internal types.

                     XML configuration is not supported.

                     The Unity interception mechanism is not supported.

An updated quickstart is also included.

Information on Microsoft patterns & practices

      Visit us at http://msdn.microsoft.com/practices/ to see the full line of existing patterns & practices.


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