第一部分 HM Encoder
1.1 encoder.cfg 文件
1.1.1 关于bitDepth(8bit YUV,10 bit YUV,....)
("InputBitDepth", m_uiInputBitDepth, 8u, "Bit-depth of input file")
("BitDepth", m_uiInputBitDepth, 8u, "Deprecated alias of InputBitDepth")
("OutputBitDepth", m_uiOutputBitDepth, 0u, "Bit-depth of output file")
("InternalBitDepth", m_uiInternalBitDepth, 0u, "Internal bit-depth (BitDepth+BitIncrement)")
// Unit definition parameters
("MaxCUWidth", m_uiMaxCUWidth, 64u)
("MaxCUHeight", m_uiMaxCUHeight, 64u)
("MaxPartitionDepth,h", m_uiMaxCUDepth, 4u, "CU depth")
("QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize", m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize, 6u, "Maximum TU size in logarithm base 2")
("QuadtreeTULog2MinSize", m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize, 2u, "Minimum TU size in logarithm base 2")
("QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra", m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra, 1u, "Depth of TU tree for intra CUs")
("QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter", m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter, 2u, "Depth of TU tree for inter CUs")
#======== Unit definition ================
MaxCUWidth : 64 # Maximum coding unit width in pixel
MaxCUHeight : 64 # Maximum coding unit height in pixel
MaxPartitionDepth : 4 # Maximum coding unit depth
QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize : 5 # Log2 of maximum transform size for
# quadtree-based TU coding (2...6)
QuadtreeTULog2MinSize : 2 # Log2 of minimum transform size for
# quadtree-based TU coding (2...6)
QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter : 3
QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra : 3
largest coding units (LCUs): 由maxCUWidth/maxCUHeight 定义尺寸,是NXN的正方形。典型的LCU可以是128X128,64X64等。
smallest coding unit (SCU): 对LCU不断地进行4分法得到CU,最大的depth由MaxPartitionDepth 定义,通过限制深度的划分,得到的最小的CU就是SCU。目前允许的最小的SCU为8x8.
下面是一个example: LCU=128X128, MaxPartitionDepth =5
depth=0 128x128 (LCU)
depth=1 64x64
depth=2 32x32
depth=3 16x16
depth=4 8x8 (SCU)
CU: Coded Unit, LCU可以进一步划分(平均4分法)成CU,CU才是在编码中的基本单位(类似于MB),因此一个LCU中可以保护inter编码的CU和Intra编码的CU这种混合情况,原因就在于LCU并不是面向编码的单位,CU才是基本的编码单位。因为是平均4分法,因此不会出现长方形的CU。最小的CU限制为8x8.
PU: prediction Unit , 如果说CU是同H264中的MB相似的概念,那么PU就是inter/intra partition (H264中的P16X16/P16X8/P8X16,P8X8,P8X4,P4X8,P4X4,对于intra只有I16X16/I4X4).在H265中,一个CU可以划分成多个PU,PU不限制是正方形,可以是长方形。目前最小的PU为8x4/4x8,不支持4x4. 一共有8种模式。
同样的,在H265中也是区分Intra partition size和Inter partition size。
其中Intra partition size只有2种类型:不划分(2NX2N),4分法(NXN)
而inter partition size一共有8种partition,其中4种为对称和4种非对称的partition:
2NxN 2Nx N Nx2N NxN (类似于H264中的P16X16,P16X8,P8X16,P8X8)
非对称的4种为:其中一个值为2N,另外一个味1/4 * 2N=N/2
2N*N/2, 2N*3N/2, N/2 * 2N, 3N/2 * 2N
TU: Transform Unit,the basic unit used for the transform and quantization processes,是DCT和量化的基本单位。
PU和TU的关系,首先TU的size可以大于PU的size,但是不能大于其属于的CU size。
TU的可选的类型需要根据当前PU 的类型来确定:如果PU是对称的划分,那么TU可选的size为2N * 2N, N*N (假设当前CU为2N * 2N),
2N * 2N if transform_size_flag = 0
TU_SIZE= N * N if transform_size_flag = 1 && PU is symmetry
N/2 * N/2 if transform_size_flag = 1 && PU is asymmetry
Table 2‑1 Possible combinations of CU, PU and TU
split flag = 0 (CUd processing, current depth = d) |
split flag = 1 (NxN split) |
Prediction type |
PU splitting |
TU size |
Recursive CU processing for CUd+1 whose size is NxN |
INTRA (only for 2Nx2N, NxN)
INTER (for all PU splitting)
SKIP (only for 2Nx2N) |
symmetric type |
asymmetric type |
TU size flag = 0 |
TU size flag = 1 |
2Nx2N 2NxN Nx2N NxN |
2NxnU 2NxnD nLx2N nRx2N |
2Nx2N |
NxN (symmetric type) N/2xN/2 (asymmetric type) |
CU/PU/TU的内容来自于: JCTVC-A124
Samsung’s Response to the Call for Proposals on Video Compression Technology
1.1.3. 输入YUV的预处理
("CroppingMode", m_croppingMode, 0, "Cropping mode (0: no cropping, 1:automatic padding, 2: padding, 3:cropping")
("HorizontalPadding,-pdx",m_aiPad[0], 0, "Horizontal source padding for cropping mode 2")
("VerticalPadding,-pdy", m_aiPad[1], 0, "Vertical source padding for cropping mode 2")
("CropLeft", m_cropLeft, 0, "Left cropping for cropping mode 3")
("CropRight", m_cropRight, 0, "Right cropping for cropping mode 3")
("CropTop", m_cropTop, 0, "Top cropping for cropping mode 3")
("CropBottom", m_cropBottom, 0, "Bottom cropping for cropping mode 3")