man -k 关键字


[root@localhost t1]# visudo -h
visudo: invalid option -- 'h'
usage: visudo [-chqsV] [-f sudoers]
[root@localhost t1]# visudo --help
visudo: invalid option -- '-'
usage: visudo [-chqsV] [-f sudoers]
[root@localhost t1]# help visudo
-bash: help: no help topics match `visudo'.  Try `help help' or `man -k visudo' or `info visudo'.
[root@localhost t1]# man -k visudo
visudo (8)           - edit the sudoers file
到这里时, 我发现了man的另一个用法:"man -k 关键字", (好吧, 小白).
[root@localhost t1]# man -k passwd
chpasswd (8)         - update passwords in batch mode
gpasswd (1)          - administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 (1) - Generate a PBKDF2 password hash.
lpasswd (1)          - Change group or user password
pam_localuser (8)    - require users to be listed in /etc/passwd
passwd (1)           - update user's authentication tokens
sslpasswd (1ssl)     - compute password hashes
pwhistory_helper (8) - Helper binary that transfers password hashes from passwd or shadow to opasswd
[root@localhost t1]#

