
Hibernate Changelog
Note: Newer entries are automatically generated and the description might not
match the actual issue resolution (i.e. a bug might not be a bug). Please
refer to the particular case on JIRA using the issue tracking number to learn
more about each case.

Changes in version 3.6.0.CR2 (2010.09.29)

** Bug
    * [HHH-892] - HQL parser does not resolve alias in ORDER BY clause
    * [HHH-2917] - Using subselects as operands for arithmetic operations causes NullPointerException
    * [HHH-4510] - Add column-level read/write support (HHH-4440) to annotations
    * [HHH-5490] - dirty data be inserted into 2L cache
    * [HHH-5552] - Infinispan listener implementations need to load entities and keys using application classloader.
    * [HHH-5563] - JndiInfinispanRegionFactory creates region with a stopped cache, if region previously existed
    * [HHH-5568] - correct wrong format in document
    * [HHH-5573] - Change TestCase to rebuildSessionFactory() whenever sessions var is accessed
    * [HHH-5590] - Don't log and rethrow exceptions in AbstractFlushingEventListener
    * [HHH-5591] - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl#queryExecuted() does not update queryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString
    * [HHH-5592] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingOrderByTest hangs on postgresql
    * [HHH-5593] - org.hibernate.test.legacy.FooBarTest.testCollectionWhere fails on hsqldb
    * [HHH-5594] - org.hibernate.test.jpa.lock.JPALockTest fails on hsqldb
    * [HHH-5595] - postgresql jdbc driver does not implement the setQueryTimeout method
    * [HHH-5596] - org.hibernate.test.annotations.onetoone.OneToOneTest.testPkOneToOneSelectStatementDoesNotGenerateExtraJoin() fails on postgresql
    * [HHH-5597] - org.hibernate.test.criteria.LikeTest.testLike fails on postgresql because of the default escape charactor

** Improvement
    * [HHH-5560] - Envers ValidAuditTimeStrategy needs a better name
    * [HHH-5589] - mysql does not support column check

** New Feature
    * [HHH-5190] - Provide annotation support for 's force and insert
    * [HHH-5205] - Add support for source="db" for timestamp versions

** Patch
    * [HHH-5581] - Improve InformixDialect sequence support

Changes in version 3.6.0.CR1 (2010.09.15)

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-3766] - Modify the queries executed to use the "end-revision" column, when available
    * [HHH-5446] - Write an envers tutorial guide
    * [HHH-5499] - Extend AuditReader interface with findRevisions() method

** Bug
    * [HHH-5310] - orm_2_0.xsd compliant mapping files break in JEE use cases
    * [HHH-5356] - Sybase 15 does not support cross join
    * [HHH-5484] - org.hibernate.type.UUIDCharType incorrectly mapped to char and causes test fail due to the padding space
    * [HHH-5542] - Infinispan region factory uses same cache instance for all timestamp regions
    * [HHH-5545] - Resolve query cache results not up to date testsuite failures

** Improvement
    * [HHH-3709] - Add StartRevision/EndRevison fileds to audit tables
    * [HHH-5372] - Improve envers query performance by using new REVEND column
    * [HHH-5441] - Create "Getting Started Guide"
    * [HHH-5543] - JEE bootstrapping should only parse and validate mapping files once
    * [HHH-5557] - Sybase supports alias length upto 30 characters
    * [HHH-5564] - Upgrade to Infinispan 4.2.x

** Task
    * [HHH-5524] - Move tagRelease.sh into svn

Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta4 (2010.09.01)

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-5442] - Write native tutorial chapter
    * [HHH-5444] - Write annotations tutorial chapter
    * [HHH-5445] - Write a jpa/entitymanager tutorial guide
    * [HHH-5462] - Write preface
    * [HHH-5463] - Write a community chapter

** Bug
    * [HHH-817] - Projection aliases should not be applied to where-clause (Milosz Tylenda)
    * [HHH-1189] - interfaces for Proxies are not regonized as interfaces
    * [HHH-3334] - Cascade-save breaks if parent ID is assigned (delays insert) and child has identity ID (early insert) (Wallace Wadge)
    * [HHH-5142] - Exception when initializing lazy @ManyToMany indexed collection containing not audited entities
    * [HHH-5225] - Cannot parse order-by fragment if it contains a registered function without parentheses
    * [HHH-5440] - Joined collection expressions not properly "rendered" in JPA Criteria queries
    * [HHH-5511] - Infinispan Region.destroy() impl should call cache.stop()
    * [HHH-5512] - JndiInfinispanRegionFactory shouldn't try to stop CacheManager
    * [HHH-5517] - Switch uuid generation in SessionFactory to org.hibernate.id.UUIDGenerator instead
    * [HHH-5519] - VersionedItem should not extend Item, otherwise query cache results are confusing
    * [HHH-5520] - Per org.hibernate.cache.RegionFactory javadocs, implementors should be allowed to use no-arg constructor

** Deprecation
    * [HHH-5489] - Deprecate jbosscache as a second level cache provider, in favor of infinispan

** Improvement
    * [HHH-5427] - derby native sequence support broken
    * [HHH-5507] - Add @MapKeyType annotation
    * [HHH-5509] - Leverage StandardBasicTypes internaly
    * [HHH-5515] - Upgrade to Infinispan 4.1.0.CR3

** Patch
    * [HHH-5197] - Envers documentation doesn't include the correct configuration when using Hibernate directly
    * [HHH-5453] - ByteCodeHelper.readByteCode won't load classes bigger than a constant size

** Task
    * [HHH-5502] - Upgrade to maven-jdocbook-plugin 2.3.2
    * [HHH-5505] - enable Sybase 15.5 in the test db profile
    * [HHH-5506] - rollback maven-jdocbook-plugin to 2.3.0
    * [HHH-5510] - Upgrade to maven-jdocbook-plugin 2.3.3

Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta3 (2010.08.18)

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-5464] - Write a chapter about obtaining Hibernate

** Bug
    * [HHH-1643] - Sub-query as function parameter - either sub-query is missed from SQL or NullPointerException raised
    * [HHH-5180] - StandardQueryCache.get() does not handle EntityNotFoundException for natural key lookups
    * [HHH-5426] - HQL update/delete does not invalidate the query cache
    * [HHH-5449] - Versioned HQL update might issue incorrect SQL
    * [HHH-5469] - HHH-3659 is only half done, due to HHH-4989 (i.e. no HQL performance log when running Java 5)
    * [HHH-5473] - Default for CHECK_NULLABILITY does not allow merge retries

** Improvement
    * [HHH-5438] - Skip deployment of "irrelevant" modules
    * [HHH-5439] - Deployment of site.xml
    * [HHH-5474] - Clean up usages of now deprecated ExtendedMappings
    * [HHH-5477] - Introduce StandardBasicTypes for standard basic type constants

** Patch
    * [HHH-5300] - Configurable QueryPlanCache reference counts (Manuel Dominguez Sarmiento)

** Task
    * [HHH-5451] - deprecate cglib as bytecode provider
    * [HHH-5479] - Upgrade jDocBook plugin to 2.3.0
    * [HHH-5485] - Move hiberante dtd files from http://hibernate.sourceforge.net to http://www.hibernate.org/dtd

Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta2 (2010.08.04)

** Bug
    * [HHH-2350] - 2nd level cache broken for non-inverse bidirectional one-to-many relation
    * [HHH-4011] - ChainedPropertyAccessor is not serializable, which breaks caching to disk and replicated caches.
    * [HHH-5097] - Bug in ParameterizedFunctionExpression with two or more parameters: IllegalArgumentException
    * [HHH-5296] - AbstractFromImpl::getJoin() shall return empty set, not null
    * [HHH-5355] - org.hibernate.test.id.uuid.sqlrep.sqlchar.UUIDCharTest errors with IngresDialect
    * [HHH-5400] - Binding BLOB values via byte[] (MaterializedBlobType) fails in 3.6 on MySQL
    * [HHH-5408] - Revise JPA compliance wording used in documentation according to Oracle policies
    * [HHH-5415] - org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.DataHelper dumping "NClob not found" exception to stderr
    * [HHH-5425] - PropertyAccessException when caching results from a Query with a ResultTransformer that as 1 value per row
    * [HHH-5431] - Infinispan's CacheAdapterImpl.putAllowingTimeout not using silent flag

** Improvement
    * [HHH-2510] - override equals() and fix hashCode() in AliasToBeanResultTransformer
    * [HHH-5212] - Alter SQLFunction contract to be more flexible
    * [HHH-5283] - Add BasicType handling of java.net.URL
    * [HHH-5295] - Rendered JPAQL query shall be the same all the times, aliases shall not have random indexes
    * [HHH-5331] - Remove reflection calls on SessionFactory for JDK 1.5 detection in relation to Statistics
    * [HHH-5375] - Merge AnnotationConfiguration into Configuration
    * [HHH-5418] - Have Configuration delay parsing/binding of mappings until buildMappings() is called
    * [HHH-5420] - introducing new dialect for ms sql server 2008 with jdbc 3.0 and above
    * [HHH-5424] - ResultTransformer should only be set in the QueryKey if putting/getting data that is actually transformed

** New Feature
    * [HHH-3908] - Expose way to fully control fetching and result mapping on SQLQuery
    * [HHH-5423] - Provide a JBoss TS TransactionManagerLookup implementation for standalone (non JNDI) usage

** Patch
    * [HHH-5246] - Addition of withClause for DetachedCriteria (Shawn Clowater)
    * [HHH-5349] - CriteriaHQLAlignmentTest fails with an error running with the Ingres dialect
    * [HHH-5401] - Update to HHH-5381  HSQLDB new dialect (Fred Toussi)
    * [HHH-5435] - Add identity column support to the Ingres10Dialect

** Task
    * [HHH-5259] - Invalid reflection optimization configuration property name in Hibernate documentation.
    * [HHH-5416] - upgrade to h2 1.2.140

Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta1 (2010.07.21)

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-3764] - Add the "end-revision" column when generating metadata
    * [HHH-3765] - Fill the "end revision" column with appropriate data in add/mod/del/collection work units
    * [HHH-5115] - Migrate Annotations documentation system to jdocbook's maven plugin (like core)
    * [HHH-5149] - Update "Basic O/R Mapping" (chapter 5) and "Collection Mapping" (chapter 6) of Core manual to use annotations
    * [HHH-5150] - Update settings section to reflect merge from Annotations and Core documentation
    * [HHH-5153] - Update Filters chapter to also show annotation configuration
    * [HHH-5155] - Move Additional modules chapter from Annotations to Core probably in Appendix
    * [HHH-5366] - Move annotations module tests into testsuite module
    * [HHH-5367] - Move annotations module sources into core module
    * [HHH-5379] - Update "Transitive persistence" (10.11) section to incorporate annotations
    * [HHH-5380] - Update "Cache mappings" (20.2.1) section to incorporate annotations
    * [HHH-5388] - Add @NamedQuery, @NamedNativeQuery, @SqlResultSetMapping, @Tuplizers and @FetchProfile to Core documentation
    * [HHH-5389] - Update custom CRUD chapter

** Bug
    * [HHH-2269] - Many-to-one cascade fails with TransientObjectException if the inverse collection is marked CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN
    * [HHH-2277] - bidirectional both lazy=false fetch=join lead to infinite loop
    * [HHH-3001] - The NoopOptimizer is not thread safe
    * [HHH-3005] - DTD: map-key should allow nested type rather than attribute.
    * [HHH-3096] - COUNT DISTINCT operator with idenfication variable w/ composite primary key produces bad sql
    * [HHH-3377] - Update H2Dialect to use DECIMAL SQL type instead of NUMERIC
    * [HHH-3694] - ResultTransformer not used when scroll() is used on a named SQLQuery
    * [HHH-4036] - EntityMetamodel entityNameByInheritenceClassNameMap field used inconsistently
    * [HHH-4147] - Eager Bidirectional association with @ManyToOne in PK lead to infinite loop
    * [HHH-4156] - c3p0 is not used when only specific hibernate.c3p0.* properties
    * [HHH-4240] - SecondaryTables not recognized when using JOINED inheritance
    * [HHH-4250] - @ManyToOne - @OneToMany doesn't work with @Inheritance(strategy= InheritanceType.JOINED)
    * [HHH-4568] - Sybase - Test "BatchTest" fails due to "unexpected row count from update"
    * [HHH-4647] - Problems with @JoinColumn referencedColumnName and quoted column and table names
    * [HHH-4716] -  NotAuditedException using the entity name concept of hibernate.
    * [HHH-4773] - @CollectionId does not force the id column to not-null
    * [HHH-4957] - Criteria Projections.countDistinct() function broken
    * [HHH-4966] - Entity Manager bug with ParameterExpressionImpl
    * [HHH-4968] - Cannot deactivate default BeanValidationListener independently of DDL constraints generation (Vladimir Klyushnikov)
    * [HHH-4991] - ManyToMany table not joined due to max_fetch_depth parameter, results to SQL exceptions
    * [HHH-5006] - hibernate.globally_quoted_identifiers=true and Annotations tests
    * [HHH-5032] - Setting LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT defaults to only OPTIMISTIC
    * [HHH-5042] - TableGenerator does not increment hibernate_sequences.next_hi_value anymore after having exhausted the current lo-range
    * [HHH-5063] - Projections that have aliases same as the property name result in invalid sql
    * [HHH-5069] - Fix annotation documentation wrt setup
    * [HHH-5094] - PersistenceUtilHelper cannot access non-public fields/methods (it should be able to)
    * [HHH-5098] - AssertionFailure thrown when collection contains a parameterized type
    * [HHH-5109] - @OneToOne - too many joins
    * [HHH-5125] - The annotations @Entity and @MappedSuperclass used in one class produce a nullpointerexception
    * [HHH-5131] - SchemaExport drop fails if constraint names change
    * [HHH-5135] - "Ambiguous column" exception thrown with columns having the same name as a function registered with the dialect (e.g. to_date, floor)
    * [HHH-5173] - hql - average returns double but looses the decimal part
    * [HHH-5178] - Unit tests in org.hibernate.test.immutable fail on mssql and sybase due to keyword used for table and column name
    * [HHH-5191] - CollectionMetadataGenerator fails to obtain mappedBy attribute when is defined on superclasses
    * [HHH-5195] - FilterImpl.validate() throws NullPointerExeption on deserialization
    * [HHH-5204] - Introduce @RequiresDialectFeature annotation
    * [HHH-5207] - Unexpected exception occurs during refresh of a transient immutable business object.
    * [HHH-5208] - Oracle 11g R2 RAC - Test SequenceIdentityTest fails because first value of sequence is "2"
    * [HHH-5210] - Query Cache effective only after closing the session that created the cache
    * [HHH-5211] - no need to create a schema first when run this test org.hibernate.test.sql.hand.custom.db2.DB2CustomSQLTest
    * [HHH-5220] - Unit tests related to HHH-5063 and HHH-5135 fail on some dialects
    * [HHH-5230] - Regresion! @SequenceGenerator with allocationSize=1 fails Other allocationSizes appear to be decremented by 1
    * [HHH-5231] - Unit test failures lock up when they run on DB2 and PostgreSQL
    * [HHH-5233] - @FetchProfile fails to take more than one @FetchProfile.FetchOverride
    * [HHH-5253] - TableHiLoGenerator does not increment hi-value any more when lo-range es exhausted
    * [HHH-5258] - Persistence.isLoaded(Object, String) fails if the annotated property does not have a public getter or field
    * [HHH-5272] - Typo in tutorial at web site
    * [HHH-5286] - Jar Scanner instances cannot be passed to EntityManagerFactory creation method
    * [HHH-5288] - Envers auditReader.find() returns wrong data for embedded components using fields with default values
    * [HHH-5298] - @AuditMappedBy doesn't work on an inherited relation
    * [HHH-5315] - AuditJoinTable rows are no longer flushed to the database
    * [HHH-5318] - Wrong logic for RequiresDialectFeature in org.hibernate.test.annotations.HibernateTestCase
    * [HHH-5319] - Clean up data created in org.hibernate.test.annotations.onetomany.OneToManyTest#testUnidirectionalExplicit
    * [HHH-5322] - Regression in PersistenceUtilHelper
    * [HHH-5323] - correct jdbc driver version for testing
    * [HHH-5324] - Tests fail on mysql
    * [HHH-5329] - NoClassDefFoundError when using Hibernate 3.5 with J2SE 1.4 because of a wrong catch block
    * [HHH-5332] - JndiInfinispanRegionFactory cannot be instantiated
    * [HHH-5334] - PersistenceUtilHelpe.findMember(Class, String) private method doesn't work with members of a superclass
    * [HHH-5340] - Typo in tutorial at web site
    * [HHH-5370] - Building IN condition with CriteriaBuilder providing collection of values not working.
    * [HHH-5384] - HEM should not register its own Synchronization
    * [HHH-5395] - Fix the failing Lobs test

** Improvement
    * [HHH-3050] - Convert usage of Hibernate's FastHashMap to ConcurrentHashMap (Java 1.5)
    * [HHH-4945] - Replace all usages of EJB3TestCase with org.hibernate.ejb.test.TestCase
    * [HHH-5138] - Redesign types + introduce TypeRegistry & TypeResolver
    * [HHH-5144] - Dont restrict on jdk5 in hibernate core development
    * [HHH-5162] - Deprecate @Entity.mutable in favor of @Immutable
    * [HHH-5171] - Allow usage of standalone @JoinFormula annotation
    * [HHH-5182] - Inject SessionFactory into "non-basic" Types
    * [HHH-5217] - Minimize double sequence value reads in PooledOptimizer
    * [HHH-5218] - Provide a new "pooled value" based optimizer which interprets the database value as the low boundary instead of upper boundary
    * [HHH-5245] - Introduce LobHelper
    * [HHH-5248] - Introduce CompositeType interface (to replace AbstractComponentType interface)
    * [HHH-5251] - NativeSQLQueryReturn impls pre-cache a final hashcode based on non-final fields
    * [HHH-5252] - AttributeFactory needs more info in AssertionFailure
    * [HHH-5262] - Allow UserType and CompositeUserType to be registered with BasicTypeRegistry
    * [HHH-5268] - Support for java.util.UUID properties/generators
    * [HHH-5285] - Add support for CompositeUserType to implement org.hibernate.usertype.LoggableUserType
    * [HHH-5362] - Upgrade trunk to latest Infinispan 4.1
    * [HHH-5373] - Better account for SQLWarnings in temp table creation

** New Feature
    * [HHH-3579] - Support for PostgreSQL UUID data type
    * [HHH-3659] - statistics: Execution time of a query
    * [HHH-5260] - Allow query region name specific eviction settings
    * [HHH-5337] - Allow customization of "import.sql" file name and multi files import

** Patch
    * [HHH-1574] - AbstractEntityPersister.getNaturalIdentifierSnapshot doesn't work with many-to-one ids (Alex Burgel)
    * [HHH-2268] - Skip bridge methods during getter determination (JDK Bug 5062759)
    * [HHH-3220] - Patch to prevent "org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: possible non-threadsafe access to the session" error caused by stateless sessions
    * [HHH-5064] - OrderBy string getting dumped to console on session factory creation (Shawn Clowater)
    * [HHH-5078] - JPA criteria query numeric expressions produce wrong result (due to wrong bracketing)
    * [HHH-5147] - EnumType speed up in initEnumValues()
    * [HHH-5213] - Add native SQL Boolean type to Ingres10Dialect
    * [HHH-5336] - a few typo fixes
    * [HHH-5381] - HSQLDB new dialect (Fred Toussi)

** Task
    * [HHH-4868] - Upgrade to Javassist 3.12.0.GA
    * [HHH-5139] - Increase minimum language level from 1.4 to 1.5
    * [HHH-5145] - Update pom to use the new distributationManagement information
    * [HHH-5148] - Merge Hibernate Annotations reference documentation into Core
    * [HHH-5181] - Merge hibernate-annotations module code into hibernate-core
    * [HHH-5186] - update db profiles id and jdbc properties' name to use dballocator
    * [HHH-5200] - Prepare to use H2 as the default testing datbase
    * [HHH-5254] - Present document on Types as a separate chapter
    * [HHH-5281] - TypeSafeActivator should also generate constraints for @Length
    * [HHH-5294] - declare source files encoding to utf-8 to avoid maven warning
    * [HHH-5317] - Update Annotations and EM to use latest version of Hibernate Validator
    * [HHH-5357] - Rename hibernate-testing packages
    * [HHH-5358] - Merge jmx module back into core
    * [HHH-5365] - merge annotations module into core module
    * [HHH-5374] - Upgrade to H2 version 1.2.139
    * [HHH-5382] - Upgrade to slf4j 1.6
    * [HHH-5397] - Odds and ends from documentation merge


Changes in version 3.5.1 (2010.04.14)

** Bug
    * [HHH-2809] - dialect changes: limit string
    * [HHH-3543] - method org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction.notifyLocalSynchsBeforeTransactionCompletion "swallows" all exceptions occured inside it
    * [HHH-4077] - Misuse of NamingStrategy and logical column names in HbmBinder
    * [HHH-4721] - Error in AuditSync.beforeCompletion() does not result in faillure of JDBCTransaction
    * [HHH-4912] - testManyToManyWithFormula induces error with Ingres dialect
    * [HHH-4938] - Multiple errors reported during legacy FooBarTest with Ingres
    * [HHH-4961] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running  testPaginationWithPolymorphicQuery with Ingres
    * [HHH-4965] - Implicit parameters abusively use TypeFactory.heuristicType losing UserType and XToOneType info
    * [HHH-4970] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running testComponentParameterBinding with Ingres
    * [HHH-4973] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running testSelectClauseSubselect with Ingres
    * [HHH-4976] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running testImplicitPolymorphism with Ingres
    * [HHH-4977] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running testOneToManyFilter with Ingres
    * [HHH-5045] - org.hibernate.test.hql.HQLTest failure running testConcatenation with Ingres
    * [HHH-5059] - callouts and programlistings with highlighting
    * [HHH-5082] - QueryException thrown when grouping by component
    * [HHH-5096] -  FetchingScrollableResultsImpl.last() does not move to the last result if cursor is after the last result
    * [HHH-5102] - Instances of a subclass can't be loaded
    * [HHH-5103] - Specifying the referencedColumnName in a @JoinColumn in backtics like `uid` fails
    * [HHH-5104] - EntityType.isEqual() test x equals x but should test x equals y  (Thierry-Dimitri Roy)
    * [HHH-5106] - UnsupportedOperationException on SQL named native queries when using the type-safe API

** Improvement
    * [HHH-3962] - Ingres Hibernate dialect for EAP 4.3.0 GA CP04

** Patch
    * [HHH-2470] - Use of session.createSQLQuery causes memory leak (Harry Mark and Michael Stevens)
    * [HHH-5003] - IngresDialect requires query substitutions for boolean values
    * [HHH-5076] - Multiple failures reported during ReadOnlyProxyTest with Ingres

** Task
    * [HHH-3997] - Build aggregated javadocs
    * [HHH-5083] - Align javadoc styles better with docbook / website
    * [HHH-5084] - Improve overview for aggregated javadocs
    * [HHH-5116] - Remove copyrighted fonts from annotations

Changes in version 3.5.0-Final (2010.03.31)

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-4599] - An embeddable class may contain ToOne or ToMany associations
    * [HHH-4666] - Implement the clarified rules for resource discovery (esp for and co)
    * [HHH-4691] - Validate all new concepts are supported in orm.xml

** Bug
    * [HHH-2088] - TypeMismatchException on object equality expression from one-to-one relationship
    * [HHH-2997] - LikeExpression case sensitive not working properly
    * [HHH-4784] - JDBCTransaction -> commit() -> notifyLocalSynchsBeforeTransactionCompletion()
    * [HHH-4870] - Cannot determine java-type from given member [null]
    * [HHH-4919] - DefaultMergeEventListener does not call Interceptor.instantiate() for a new persistent entity (Francesco Degrassi)
    * [HHH-4931] - two tests in org.hibernate.test.legacy.MultiTableTest fail on Ingres
    * [HHH-4946] - org.hibernate.test.legacy.FooBarTests testLimit failure with Ingres
    * [HHH-4958] - Immutable entity snapshot is retained after insert
    * [HHH-4972] - javax.persistence.query.timeout and javax.persistence.lock.timeout can be passed when creating an EMF
    * [HHH-4993] - Updates to read-only entity associations made while in persistent state are ignored by flush
    * [HHH-4998] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest failure running  testStr with Ingres
    * [HHH-5000] - duplicate words in the documents
    * [HHH-5010] - org.hibernate.test.hql.CriteriaHQLAlignmentTest.testCriteriaAggregationReturnType() needs call flush before do the query
    * [HHH-5013] - the previous select query should not to hold locks in TypeParameterTest#testSave

** Improvement
    * [HHH-1088] - Add support for projections using composite keys and components
    * [HHH-4374] - @Subselect
    * [HHH-4907] - Support for tuple syntax in HQL/Criteria on databases which do not support tuple syntax
    * [HHH-4940] - Document immutable/read-only entity and immutable collection functionality
    * [HHH-4989] - Make Statistics concurrent safe when Java 5 is present (Alex Snaps)
    * [HHH-5008] - Log query lock mode in EntityLoader constructor
    * [HHH-5022] - Small documentation improvements in chapter 6

** New Feature
    * [HHH-4812] - Add fetch profile support in annotations
    * [HHH-4994] - find(Class entityClass, Object primaryKey, Map properties) and refresh(Object entity, Map properties) do not honor properties
    * [HHH-5026] - Ability to customize Scanner strategies

** Patch
    * [HHH-4419] -  is missed using annotations
    * [HHH-5049] - org.hibernate.test.legacy.ParentChildTest error running testLoadAfterNonExists with Ingres

** Task
    * [HHH-4933] - Write documentation on JPA 2
    * [HHH-4990] - Move to commons-annotations 3.2.0.Final
    * [HHH-4995] - Update dependency versions for JPA 2 and Metamodel Generator
    * [HHH-4996] - Use monospace fonts in docbook programlistings
    * [HHH-5035] - upgrade to jdocbook 2.2.3
    * [HHH-5047] - Remove column coordinates from areaspecs
    * [HHH-5058] - Include hibernate-jpa-2.0-api (JPA 2 API) in release bundle

Changes in version 3.5.0-CR-2 (2010.02.24)

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-4605] - Add support for @OneToMany @JoinColumn in XML
    * [HHH-4606] - Add support for @*ToOne @JoinTable in XML
    * [HHH-4662] - Implement javax.persistence.query.timeout
    * [HHH-4676] - Any interceptor exception (RTE) should mark the tx for rollback
    * [HHH-4765] - Enhance Dialect support for JPA-2 locking

** Bug
    * [HHH-3817] - JBC second level cache integration can cache stale collection data
    * [HHH-4583] - Incorrect handling of empty conjunction and disjunction
    * [HHH-4613] - KEY, VALUE and ENTRY should not be strict keywords
    * [HHH-4693] - MapProxy - problems during marshalling/demarchalling
    * [HHH-4809] - Immutable entities added to a session have Status.MANAGED unless loaded by the Session
    * [HHH-4810] - Persistent immutable and read-only entities are updated before being deleted
    * [HHH-4825] - mapping order impacting behavior leading to bug
    * [HHH-4836] - Infinispan: 2L QueryCache don't considers cached queries which belong to current transaction
    * [HHH-4845] - Investigate why entitymanager test cannot be run in forkMode once
    * [HHH-4899] - Type not supported: org.hibernate.type.TimestampType
    * [HHH-4917] - Keyword TYPE not supported
    * [HHH-4926] - Upgrade to jDocBook 2.2.1
    * [HHH-4928] - Non-Audited Entity with @ManyToOne in PK causes error in Envers 1.2.2
    * [HHH-4932] - Upgrade EM to use the latest metamodel generator (CR-1)
    * [HHH-4944] - putFromLoad calls could store stale data
    * [HHH-4948] - Session.flush()  does not always cascade save or update to read-only or immutable entities

** Improvement
    * [HHH-4905] - Allow consistent handling of numeric primary key values by any integral data type
    * [HHH-4911] - Make referencedColumnName case insensitive
    * [HHH-4930] - Drop org. prefix on hibernate.cache.default_cache_concurrency_strategy and hibernate.id.new_generator_mappings for consistency
    * [HHH-4934] - Improve logging in MetadataContext and AttributeFactory
    * [HHH-4942] - Refactor PackagedEntityManagerTest and JarVisitorTest to use ShrinkWrap

** New Feature
    * [HHH-3841] - Add support for lock timeouts

** Patch
    * [HHH-4908] - Multiple failures reported during ReadOnlyProxyTest with Ingres

** Task
    * [HHH-4640] - Add test with JNDI bound JBoss Transactions Transaction Manager
    * [HHH-4936] - Document JPA criteria queries
    * [HHH-4949] - Document JPA 2 metamodel
    * [HHH-4951] - Correct DTD entities for injecting version and date into docs

Changes in version 3.5.0-CR-1 (2010.02.10)

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-4661] - Properly propagate Query.setLockMode to Hibernate Core
    * [HHH-4664] - Implement EntityManagerFactory#getProperties()
    * [HHH-4848] - Derived identities: Derived entities using @IdClass and mapping a @XToOne are not supported

** Bug
    * [HHH-4317] - Memory leak in EnumType class.
    * [HHH-4824] - localpath appeared in the doc xml
    * [HHH-4841] - Read-only proxies in NonFlushedChanges are not read-only when applied to a new session
    * [HHH-4861] - Allow lookup by the "simple" pk type of "parent entity" in "derived identities" cases
    * [HHH-4877] - "Check Nullability" logging incorrectness in SettingsFactory
    * [HHH-4880] - EntityManager.refresh does not throw EntityNotFoundException for removed entity
    * [HHH-4883] - Unable to join across a component
    * [HHH-4884] - Fix binding of @TableGenerator#initialValue into org.hibernate.id.enhanced.TableGenerator
    * [HHH-4889] - @IdClass containing an associated entity reference (instead of the pk of this associated entity) should still work
    * [HHH-4895] - property mappings incorrect for composite ids with many-to-one
    * [HHH-4896] - Read-only proxy targets initialized from second-level cache are not read-only
    * [HHH-4898] - Results from read-only Criteria and Query obtained from query cache are not read-only
    * [HHH-4900] - Wrong immutable type check in IdMetadataGenerator
    * [HHH-4902] - Handle JPA 2 requirement of setting id attribute to non-null with its equivalent of foreign-generator

** Improvement
    * [HHH-4578] - Criteria is missing read-only flag
    * [HHH-4704] - Pass session into EntityTuplizer#setIdentifier
    * [HHH-4879] - Support HQL index-refering functions for many-to-many, indexed collections
    * [HHH-4894] - Process composite-id sub-generators PersistentIdentifierGenerator contract(s)

** New Feature
    * [HHH-4731] - Public API to know if an entity class is audited

** Patch
    * [HHH-4886] - Merge minor change from IngresDialect.java from 3.3.2 for Ingres 9.2 compatibility

** Task
    * [HHH-4892] - Simplify testing of persistence packages

Changes in version 3.5.0-Beta-4 (2010.01.28)
- http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH/fixforversion/11012

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-4529] - Partial support for derived identity (including @MapsId)
    * [HHH-4651] - Add support for EntityManager properties
    * [HHH-4659] - Add support for standard declarative cache (@Cacheable)
    * [HHH-4660] - Support Cache Retrieve Mode and Cache Store Mode Properties
    * [HHH-4669] - Implement JDBC driver properties support
    * [HHH-4677] - implement PersistenceUnitInfo#getPersistenceXMLSchemaVersion(); and the same in PersistenceMetadata
    * [HHH-4678] - Apply PersistenceUnitInfo#getSharedCacheMode and #getValidationMode
    * [HHH-4690] - Consider adding a flag for legacy/new generators
    * [HHH-4725] - implement orphanRemoval for OneToOne
    * [HHH-4849] - Derived Identity: default @JoinColumn is not honored for properties linked to @MapsId

** Bug
    * [HHH-3828] - Criteria: Restriction whith class does not work
    * [HHH-4736] - Cannot pass ValidatorFactory into PersistenceProvider.createContainerEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceUnitInfo, Map)
    * [HHH-4781] - When a read-only entity is refreshed it is changed to modifiable
    * [HHH-4789] - Check  annotations and entitymanager poms for consistent plugin configuration
    * [HHH-4796] - NullPointerException when an @AssociationOverride joinColumn is set but no @AssociationOverride joinTable is on a given property
    * [HHH-4797] - Backref properties should be ignored when building the JPA 2 metamodel (leading atm to java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot determine java-type from given member [null])
    * [HHH-4804] - Entities in non-lazy associations loaded by a read-only HQL Query are not read-only
    * [HHH-4805] - JPA 2 metamodel impl ignores nested generics
    * [HHH-4806] - em.getTransaction.commit() does not always wrap in a RollbackException
    * [HHH-4807] - not-null checking no longer applied even if Bean Validation is not present
    * [HHH-4828] - Entities returned by Query...setReadOnly(true)...iterate() should be read-only
    * [HHH-4834] - Exception in the metamodel population when raw types are used in collections
    * [HHH-4843] - org.hibernate.ejb.util.LogHelper assumes javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo#getProperties is never null
    * [HHH-4846] - NPE in AbstractIdentifiableType.checkDeclaredVersion
    * [HHH-4847] - In nested id generators, use the context aka idObject for set operation and the raw entity as input for generation
    * [HHH-4850] - Transaction commit throws RollbackException instead of PessimisticLockException
    * [HHH-4851] - OneToOneSecondPass Metadata is mistakenly interpreted
    * [HHH-4853] - Lock Mode Properties and Uses, "Vendor-specific hints must be ignored if they are not understood. "
    * [HHH-4855] - Incorrectly tries to search a secondary table when globally quoted identifiers are used
    * [HHH-4858] - Implicitly add a cascade PERSIST when @MapsId is used
    * [HHH-4859] - NPE when the entity uses a core-style "embedded" id (ie not an @IdClass nor an explicit @EmbeddedId)
    * [HHH-4862] - quoted column/alias names not properly handled in org.hibernate.loader.EntityAliases

** Improvement
    * [HHH-4552] - Support generated value within composite keys
    * [HHH-4813] - annotation and entitymanager module should use the maven-injection-plugin to generate version string
    * [HHH-4816] - Cleanup JPA setting name constants

** New Feature
    * [HHH-2501] - Add capability to set a default read-only/modifiable setting for a session
    * [HHH-2762] - SessionImplementor.getNonFlushedChanges()/applyNonFlushedChanges() API and initial implementation
    * [HHH-4616] - Configure global/cache level JMX statistics from Hibernate configuration file
    * [HHH-4726] - Add support for delete-orphan cascading to
    * [HHH-4840] - Support embedded id properties like core

** Task
    * [HHH-4792] - Validate fix for HHH-4791
    * [HHH-4793] - Revert disabling of VersionsJoinTableRangeComponentNamingTest and fix underlying issue
    * [HHH-4799] - Create a *unit* test that asserts SerializationHelper's ability to deser a class using an "isolated classloader" (aka a TCCL)
    * [HHH-4822] - Add @FailureExpected annotation to annotations and entitymananger modules to allow the skipping of tests
    * [HHH-4823] - Reorder modules in top level pom so that testsuite runs directly after core
    * [HHH-4856] - Upgrade dependency to jpa metamodel generator

Changes in version 3.5.0-Beta-3 (2010.01.13)
- http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH/fixforversion/10981

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-4203] - Implement JPA 2.0 criteria apis (compiling)
    * [HHH-4352] - implement @AttributeOverride for Map (key, value)
    * [HHH-4353] - implement default column naming strategy for Collections and Map of basic types
    * [HHH-4527] - Implement @j.p.Access support
    * [HHH-4536] - Fix the mismatch between JPA 2's logical model and mapping.* physical model wrt t*toOne and *ToMany
    * [HHH-4546] - add JPA 2.0 locking
    * [HHH-4553] - Hibernate doesn't support official JPA2 escape char for table name
    * [HHH-4584] - Query Language needs to support joins on embedded values
    * [HHH-4598] - An embeddable class may contains collection of basic types or embeddable objects
    * [HHH-4600] - Implements full support for JPA 2 Maps
    * [HHH-4601] - implement orphanRemoval for *ToMany
    * [HHH-4649] - support for in ORM.xml files
    * [HHH-4654] - Criteria quries must support referencing parameters by name
    * [HHH-4657] - support CascadeType.DETACH and em.detach()
    * [HHH-4663] - Make sure CriteriaQuery is serializable
    * [HHH-4665] - Implement emf.getPersistentUnitUtil().getIdentifier(Object)
    * [HHH-4667] - Properly parse the new orm.xml xsd and persistence.xml xsd
    * [HHH-4675] - Bean Validation ConstraintViolationException should trigger a tx rollback as per JPA's spec
    * [HHH-4679] - Make sure @AssociationOverride support the dot notation (section 11.1.2)
    * [HHH-4680] - Implement @AssociationOverride .value for Map value overriding (section 11.1.2)
    * [HHH-4681] - Implement @AttributeOverride "key." or "value." for Maps
    * [HHH-4682] - Check that @CollectionTable (or its absence) defaults to the right table/column names
    * [HHH-4684] - Make sure @Lob works with @ElementCollection
    * [HHH-4685] - Make sure bidirectional @*To* works from an embedded object to another entity
    * [HHH-4686] - Implement @MapKeyEnumerated
    * [HHH-4687] - implement @MapKeyTemporal
    * [HHH-4688] - Make sure @OrderBy works for @ElementCollection
    * [HHH-4689] - Make sure @OrderBy supports dotted notation to point to embedded properties
    * [HHH-4692] - add the new orm_2_0.xsd file
    * [HHH-4696] - Add persistence.xsd version 2
    * [HHH-4724] - query.multiselect() on a CriteriaQuery returns List instead of List
    * [HHH-4752] - @AttributeOverride for column name should use no prefix for @ElementCollection (legacy uses "element")
    * [HHH-4753] - Default table name for @CollectionTable is not inferred correctly according to spec requirement
    * [HHH-4756] - javax.persistence.criteria.Path#get should result in *delayed* join rendering
    * [HHH-4758] - Rename org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.AbstractNode#queryBuilder to #criteriaBuilder
    * [HHH-4766] - Properly support criteria notion of SUM aggregation return types
    * [HHH-4771] - @ElementCollection fk column should default to entityName_columnNameOfOwningId
    * [HHH-4782] - Implement @AssociationOverride.joinTable

** Bug
    * [HHH-1352] - Session.setReadOnly(Object, boolean) fails for proxies
    * [HHH-1575] - Expression.in on component object gives parameters til SQL in wrong order
    * [HHH-2166] - Long "in" lists in queries results in a Java stack overflow exception.
    * [HHH-2990] - Fix SerializationHelper$CustomObjectInputStream to use Class.forName and better classloader
    * [HHH-3164] - "id in ..." with EmbeddedId and criteria API
    * [HHH-3240] - In Derby field type 'text' is converted to CLOB(255)
    * [HHH-3338] - Order of attributes in generated SQL query is dependent on Java version
    * [HHH-3529] - ConnectionWrapper is not visible from class loader
    * [HHH-4041] - Null Pointer Exception when using @NotAudited on an entity with discriminator column, inherited from base entity with InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE
    * [HHH-4063] - NPE reading metadata from an mapped interface
    * [HHH-4065] - Incorrect SQL is used for HQL if the number of values for a filter collection parameter is changed
    * [HHH-4090] - RelationTargetAuditMode.NOT_AUDITED not working with many-to-many relations
    * [HHH-4257] - map key type no longer inferred correctly, throws exception at runtime
    * [HHH-4283] - Bidirectional indexed collection mapped incorrectly for IndexedCollectionTest
    * [HHH-4457] - SchemaUpdate fails on Sybase ASE 15 when a new column is added without a default value
    * [HHH-4519] - Hibernate/Infinispan integration doesn't property handle Entity/CollectionRegionAccessStrategy evictAll
    * [HHH-4520] - Infinispan second level cache integration can cache stale collection data
    * [HHH-4531] - Derby dialect should not support comments
    * [HHH-4542] - Annotation processor does not handle "bag" mappings correctly
    * [HHH-4560] - JDBC4 support inadvertently missed 1.4 compatibility
    * [HHH-4565] - Maven deps: HSQLDB shouldn't be a dependency in compile scope.
    * [HHH-4566] - Maven deps: JAXB API and JAXB RI shouldn't be dependencies of Hibernate Annotations.
    * [HHH-4567] - EntiytManager's QueryImpl mishandles ordinal position of HQL-style positional parameters
    * [HHH-4571] - Infinispan not properly being built into distribution bundle
    * [HHH-4572] - check if the connection supports jdbc4 before looking for the createClob method
    * [HHH-4574] - ConnectionProviderFactory.getConnectionProperties() includes extra properties
    * [HHH-4581] - Embedded objects in criteria API does not work
    * [HHH-4586] - Parameterized functions built throught CriteriaBuilder missing parameters when rendered
    * [HHH-4588] - Seam 2.x depends on ReaderInputStream which it shouldn't.  Deprecate the current Hibernate ReaderInputStream class
    * [HHH-4590] - CASTs from CriteriaBuilder.toXXX methods still need to be fleshed out
    * [HHH-4604] - IllegalArgumentException should be raised when an ordinal parameter is not present in the query
    * [HHH-4611] - When the revision number in the revision entity uses a @Column(columnDefinition=), the sql-type is not properly set on the REV property of audit entities
    * [HHH-4614] - (javassist) Instrumented model with abstract MappedSuperclass and field access doesn't work
    * [HHH-4625] - Use of maven-injection-plugin intermittently leads to build failures
    * [HHH-4631] - Infinispan integration module is causing build problems
    * [HHH-4633] - Using same table for multiple relations doesn't work
    * [HHH-4634] - A many-to-many relation owned by both sides causes a mapping exception
    * [HHH-4641] - @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn on an inherited entity doesn't affect the column name
    * [HHH-4644] - When using join-inheritance and a custom revision entity, the child mapping uses incorrect revision number column sql type
    * [HHH-4645] - Rename properties used to configure Envers from camel case to _
    * [HHH-4650] - Removing an item from a persistent collection, flushing, and adding the same item again fails
    * [HHH-4653] - Setting the "referencedColumnName" in @JoinColumnOrFormula throws an NPE
    * [HHH-4670] - Incorrect revision types when in a add-flush-mod-flush sequence
    * [HHH-4698] - Better handling of JPA criteria expressions
    * [HHH-4702] - org.hibernate.ejb.metamodel.AttributeFactory should use member for javaType, et al
    * [HHH-4707] - Currently no support for modulus operator
    * [HHH-4708] - Make CompoundSelectionImpl implement ExpressionImplementor
    * [HHH-4709] - registered length functions should return Integer
    * [HHH-4711] - persistence.xml is not validated during parsing
    * [HHH-4715] - Unexpected results when an updated entity that is already modifiable is set to modifiable again
    * [HHH-4720] - Improve javax.persistence.metamodel.Attribute support
    * [HHH-4735] - Proxy can be associated with a new session when it is already connected to a different one
    * [HHH-4741] - org.hibernate.test.filter.DynamicFilterTest.testSqlSyntaxOfFiltersWithUnions fails on MySQL
    * [HHH-4743] - Bug in BooleanLiteralNode with CustomType
    * [HHH-4764] - org.hibernate.test.pagination.PaginationTest.testLimitOffset() fails on oracle and db2 due to
    * [HHH-4767] - Bug in how Criteria Subquery selections are handled
    * [HHH-4768] - Bug in how Criteria Subquery correlations are handled
    * [HHH-4769] - In HQL, function ROUND always returns an Integer, it truncate the decimal part of Double number.
    * [HHH-4772] - Empty conjunction/disjunction in criteria does not follow spec rules
    * [HHH-4774] - Do not handle literals using parameters in JPA criteria select
    * [HHH-4775] - CriteriaBuilder#notEqual being interpreted oppositely
    * [HHH-4776] - Add a NullLiteralExpression for CriteriaBuilder#nullLiteral
    * [HHH-4777] - org.hibernate.ejb.test.PackagedEntityManagerTest.testOverridenPar() hard code hsqldb connection info
    * [HHH-4778] - Need better handling of criteria expression casting
    * [HHH-4780] - Allow BigDecimal and BigInteger to be specified as numeric literal types
    * [HHH-4785] - BinaryArithmeticOperation reverses incoming arguments
    * [HHH-4786] - SerializableType + custom Serializable class + L2 cache causes problems
    * [HHH-4788] - antrun plugin version is not explicitly specified in the parent pom
    * [HHH-4790] - Envers test failing, disabling for beta-3 release
    * [HHH-4791] - Invalid assumption made in org.hibernate.envers.tools.Tools#getTargetFromProxy

** Deprecation
    * [HHH-4561] - Deprecate openConnection()/closeConnection() methods on Batcher interface

** Improvement
    * [HHH-2576] - Allow native-sql to have placeholders for default schema and catalog
    * [HHH-4000] - Utlize jhighlight hooks for rendered syntax coloration of XML and Java based programlisting docbook elements
    * [HHH-4540] - Allow the revision timestamp to be a Date
    * [HHH-4545] - Allow o.h.action.Executable to register for either (or both) before or after transaction completion callbacks
    * [HHH-4548] - Alter poms to not use javax.* artifacts under Sun proprietary license
    * [HHH-4550] - Document that update-timestamps cache region should not be configured for expiry.
    * [HHH-4569] - Split focus of ConfigurationPerformanceTest
    * [HHH-4573] - Minor typo, formatting and cleanup fixes
    * [HHH-4575] - When Infinispan is configured for INVALIDATION don't send cluster message on entity insert
    * [HHH-4671] - Derby is one of those dialects that should not support "cross join"
    * [HHH-4697] - Add means to get HibernateEntityManagerFactory from HibernateEntityManagerImplementor
    * [HHH-4705] - Derby does now in fact support the full ANSI SQL TRIM function
    * [HHH-4719] - Support modulo operator
    * [HHH-4737] - Cache the EntityKey in EntityEntry when id is non-null
    * [HHH-4763] - Change antrun plugin configuration in entitymanager module to allow metamodel generation without processing all life cycles

** New Feature
    * [HHH-2308] - Adding predicates to the join condition using Criteria Query
    * [HHH-4608] - Add new properties that will allow to specify the default schema and catalog that should be used for audit tables
    * [HHH-4694] - Support "fake" many-to-one bidirectional relations
    * [HHH-4749] - Don't block calls to getListeners on SessionImplementor when using thread scoped sessions

** Patch
    * [HHH-1918] - enable non-hilo identity generation in DerbyDialect
    * [HHH-2347] - Improvement to DerbyDialect default identy generation mode
    * [HHH-2584] - PersistentMap.remove() incorrect on uninitialized, non-extra-lazy map
    * [HHH-3860] - Cascading performance problems when session contains many entities

** Task
    * [HHH-4006] - Document fetch profiles
    * [HHH-4498] - Move the xml configuration files in the annotations module into the default resource directory /src/test/resources
    * [HHH-4655] - Upgrade jpamodelgen dependency in entitymanager to use 1.0.0.Beta1
    * [HHH-4672] - Upgrade JPA dependency to hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0-CR-1
    * [HHH-4673] - Upgrade JPA Static Metamodel Generator dependency to 1.0.0.Beta1
    * [HHH-4674] - JBoss has renamed its JACC artifact
    * [HHH-4783] - Remove obsolete changelog.txt files in annotations and entitymanager modules

Changes in version 3.5.0-Beta-2 (2009.11.02)

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-4047] - Phase 1 - API & implement join-strategy
    * [HHH-4196] - Implement JPA 2.0 criteria apis (building)
    * [HHH-4202] - Implement JPA 2.0 metamodel APIs
    * [HHH-4528] - Read mapping annotations from entity properties rather than the composite pk
    * [HHH-4533] - Support for @MappedSuperclass such that we can build javax.persistence.metamodel.MappedSuperclassType
    * [HHH-4537] - Expose Members for MappedSuperclass properties

** Bug
    * [HHH-1724] - Critieria needs to be aligned with new aggreation type rules
    * [HHH-3817] - JBC second level cache integration can cache stale collection data
    * [HHH-3818] - Hibernate/JBC integration doesn't property handle Entity/CollectionRegionAccessStrategy evictAll
    * [HHH-4095] - bug in org.hibernate.Hibernate.createBlob( InputStream in )
    * [HHH-4100] - Problems with Envers docbook sources
    * [HHH-4105] - SessionFactory mispells method to obtain fetch profile definition
    * [HHH-4114] - ASTParserLoadingTest fails due to missing "bit_length" function
    * [HHH-4115] - FooBarTest - "operator does not exist: character varying = integer"
    * [HHH-4435] - DataVersionAdapter.newerThan incorrect when comparing to self
    * [HHH-4437] - ToOneDelegateSessionImplementor breaks Hibernate.getClass(auditedEntity.proxyOfnotAuditedEntity)
    * [HHH-4441] - SessionImpl serialization violates java serialization spec
    * [HHH-4447] - Envers proxy.getId() returns null if proxy was not initialized yet
    * [HHH-4449] - NPE during inserting new audited entity with reference to another proxy entity if proxy.lazyInitializer.session is null
    * [HHH-4463] - Native queries should not be automatically paginated in getSingleResult() as it fails for some DB and or queries
    * [HHH-4475] - Constants point to non-existing default JBC/JGroups config file locations
    * [HHH-4486] - Account for MySQL's statement
    * [HHH-4494] - cglib log warning says BytecodeProvider impl is considered deprecated
    * [HHH-4500] - MSSQL, Oracle - Mapping inconsistency
    * [HHH-4503] - Sybase - Annotations - unit tests using LOBs fail
    * [HHH-4507] - Persistence units in entitymanager's testsuite are using fixed hsqldb configuration
    * [HHH-4513] - AnotationConfiguration does not honor hibernate.validator.apply_to_ddl property in case Hibernate Validator 4 is activated
    * [HHH-4522] - CallbackAndDirtyTest throws exception when run against PostgreSQL
    * [HHH-4525] - Trunk is not including the newly added modules to the distribution bundle
    * [HHH-4532] - Unit Tests in test/idgen/enhanced/forcedtable need update

** Improvement
    * [HHH-3461] - Enhance DialectFactory to support Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere
    * [HHH-4364] - Support @NamedQuery on a @MappedSuperclass (Sharath Reddy)
    * [HHH-4382] - @ManyToOne not working wth @Formula
    * [HHH-4397] - Split test involving database specific features (like sequence / identity)
    * [HHH-4405] - Integrate new long string and binary property types in core with  annotations
    * [HHH-4415] - TestCase could check for superclass of Dialect before skipping it
    * [HHH-4442] - Change StandardDialectResolver to use SybaseASE15Dialect over deprecated SybaseDialect
    * [HHH-4443] - Allow generic handling of any Hibernate type for post-insert generated identifiers
    * [HHH-4476] - Move cache-jbosscache to JBoss Cache 3.2.1
    * [HHH-4484] - When JBoss Cache is configured for INVALIDATION don't send cluster message on entity insert
    * [HHH-4502] - Update database profiles in pom.xml
    * [HHH-4508] - Typo in DialectFactory - avalable should be available
    * [HHH-4523] - Some of the tests in the entitymanager have hard coded connection settings - these tests should use filtered connection settings
    * [HHH-4526] - Add better metainf information tot he hibernate all jar gennerated for dist

** New Feature
    * [HHH-1012] - Index not created by SchemaUpdate
    * [HHH-1480] - JOIN precendence rules per SQL-99
    * [HHH-3000] - Allow a TypeDef to be associated with a class (Sharath Reddy)
    * [HHH-4103] - Implement an Infinispan 2nd level cache provider
    * [HHH-4232] - TypeDef support on @Embeddable or @MappedSuperClass classes (Sharath Reddy)
    * [HHH-4332] - Filters for MappedSuperClass
    * [HHH-4473] - Create documentation to explain the usage of the new 'defaultForType' attribute of the TypeDef annotation
    * [HHH-4479] - We should be able to implement Joins using formulas with Annotations
    * [HHH-4512] - TypeDef annotation should support both 'name' and 'defaultForType' attributes

** Patch
    * [HHH-3972] - Adding FETCH FIRST and OFFSET support to DerbyDialect
    * [HHH-4440] - Support for column-level read/write fragments (Rob Hasselbaum)
    * [HHH-4488] - ListProxy, MapProxy etc. - problems during marshalling/demarchalling

** Task
    * [HHH-2412] - Support for JDBC4
    * [HHH-3580] - import entitymanager into core as a module
    * [HHH-3849] - Disable lock striping in JBoss Cache configs
    * [HHH-4355] - Allow running tests against different databases by using a simple switch
    * [HHH-4485] - Replace the JBoss Cache integration configuration properties with "jbc2"-less versions
    * [HHH-4487] - Restore versions of the old public API jbc2 package classes
    * [HHH-4499] - Account for modules needing JDK 1.6
    * [HHH-4501] - Use Maven wagon-scm provider for release deployments
    * [HHH-4530] - Change the docbook style for Annotations and EntityManager to the latest styles used in the other Core modules
    * [HHH-4538] - Update to Bean Validation 1.0.0 and Hibernate Validator 4.0.0

Changes in version 3.5.0.Beta-1 (2009.08.18)

** Sub-task
    * [HHH-3801] - Create a cache-jbosscache-legacy module
    * [HHH-3802] - Move the up-to-date JBC integration into cache-jbosscache
    * [HHH-3803] - Repackage JBC integration to org.hibernate.cache.jbc
    * [HHH-4027] - Remove current cache-jbosscache module content
    * [HHH-4028] - Move current cache-jbosscache2 module content to cache-jbosscache
    * [HHH-4029] - Remove cache-jbosscache2 module

** Bug
    * [HHH-1930] - QuerySyntaxException "with-clause expressions did not reference from-clause element to which the with-clause was associated"
    * [HHH-2146] - NullpointerException in DefaultDeleteEventListener.deleteTransientEntity
    * [HHH-2694] - create-drop with c3p0 causes SQLException
    * [HHH-2745] - NullPointerException when eager fetching joined many-to-many with native SQL query
    * [HHH-3046] - Merge fails on complicated data structure because of cycle references
    * [HHH-3216] - Incorrect parse result in ParameterParser
    * [HHH-3231] - org.hibernate.id.enhanced.TableGenerator throws "IllegalArgumentException: alias not found: tbl" under Oracle
    * [HHH-3351] - Dynamic entity model and inheritance - exception when trying to persist
    * [HHH-3392] - Query Cache entries are not distributable
    * [HHH-3472] - JTASessionContext broken for WebSphere
    * [HHH-3481] - JTATransactionFactory bug when Transaction cannot be found in JNDI
    * [HHH-3506] - enabled filters should apply to HQL update/delete statements
    * [HHH-3508] - Sybase Dialect - Override supportsCascadeDelete to return "false"
    * [HHH-3519] - account for parameters in select clause of INSERT-SELECT for DB2
    * [HHH-3528] - FETCH JOIN query doesn't work in a StatelessSession
    * [HHH-3573] - Incorrect support for columns which aren't insertable
    * [HHH-3575] - Empty versions-query (both types) will cause a runtime exception
    * [HHH-3584] - Generate SQL when Dynamic Update is true is including version field even when marked as updateable=false
    * [HHH-3594] - Hibernate collection listener throw exception when adding entity to the collection
    * [HHH-3600] - exception while saving bidirectional association
    * [HHH-3602] - Inheritence issue
    * [HHH-3621] - Assertion failure in MigrationTest
    * [HHH-3623] - Make at least ListProxy serializable
    * [HHH-3633] - Envers ignores empty discriminator classes
    * [HHH-3636] - Attempt to read invalid column when loading collection of subclasses mapped with table-per-subclass with discriminator
    * [HHH-3640] - Some standard SQL functions are not implemented in Sybase
    * [HHH-3647] - instance not of expected entity type: java.util.HashMap is not a: smx3.schema3.Party_AUD
    * [HHH-3652] - CompositeIdWithGeneratorTest needs a standard way to compare timestamps
    * [HHH-3662] - Merging read-only entities causes AssertionError("Merged entity does not have status set to MANAGED...")
    * [HHH-3668] - Sybase does not support implicit conversion from character types to numeric types causes failing unit tests
    * [HHH-3670] - Invalid test for str() for SQL Server and Sybase
    * [HHH-3671] - The revision type field is not persisted when setting a custom revision type field name throught the properties
    * [HHH-3672] - Sybase - second(), minute(), hour(), and extract() cause GenericJDBCException
    * [HHH-3675] - Limitations on Sybase ResultSet implementation cause unit test failures
    * [HHH-3679] - Sybase conversion of Java byte to tinyint fails with 8-bit values causing unit test failures
    * [HHH-3680] - Sybase - composite primary key in unit test exceeds maximum for index causing failure
    * [HHH-3686] - Sybase - QueryCacheTest.testQueryCacheInvalidation fails
    * [HHH-3693] - Implicit Polymorphic query + pagination returning zero result
    * [HHH-3696] - Sybase - unit tests fail when numeric values overflow in precision or scale on insert
    * [HHH-3698] - Problem with HQL parameter bindings as indexed collection selectors
    * [HHH-3699] - Problem with HQL parameter bindings for parameters in WITH join clause
    * [HHH-3701] - SQL function "trim" is not available in Sybase Dialect
    * [HHH-3703] - RevisionEntity with compound primary key fails
    * [HHH-3705] - NPE encountered on using AnnotationConfiguration
    * [HHH-3706] - Audit Table Schema not generated using
    * [HHH-3729] - @AuditJoinTable annotation has no effect for embedded concrete subclasses of a MappedS
