[Troubleshooting steps]AIP label related issue

Updating the steps:



Currently our product Group has removed the button to download the AIP classic client last month.

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If your labels are not migrated to Unified Labeling, you must create a ticket under portal.azure.com to get downloading access.


About migrating AIP classic to AIP UI: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/information-protection/configure-policy-migrate-labels



[Troubleshooting steps]AIP label related issue

Difference between AIP and sensitivity label:

                From the screenshot you shared, this is our Sensitivity Label in protection.office.com

[Troubleshooting steps]AIP label related issue_第2张图片


While if it’s AIP labels in portal.azure.com, it should look like this:




                Difference between these 2 kinds of labels: https://www.itpromentor.com/aip-vs-365-labels/


AIP label is not showing in Outlook


This is normally due to the AIP client version was not correct.

                Cx can download AIP client via: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53018

                The confusing part is once cx clicked download, it pops up for multiple versions of AIP clients.


                The Green Part in the screenshot below is our AIP client(Classic).

                The Red Part in the screenshot below is our AIP client(Unified Labeling).



[Troubleshooting steps]AIP label related issue_第3张图片


What's the difference between the Azure Information Protection client and the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client?

The Azure Information Protection client (classic) has been available since Azure Information Protection was first announced as a new service for classifying and protecting files and emails. This client downloads labels and policy settings from Azure, and you configure the Azure Information Protection policy from the Azure portal. For more information, see Overview of the Azure Information Protection policy.

‘The Azure Information Protection unified labeling client is a more recent addition, to support the unified labeling store that multiple applications and services support. This client downloads sensitivity labels and policy settings from the following admin centers: The Office 365 Security & Compliance Center, the Microsoft 365 security center, and the Microsoft 365 compliance center. For more information, see Learn about sensitivity labels.


                If customer has already downloaded the right client, which should be AIP Client(Classic). Since they are using templates in portal.azure.com


                To troubleshoot the issue if client version is right:

[Troubleshooting steps]AIP label related issue_第4张图片

*To force a immediate refresh to the AIP client on Windows


[Troubleshooting steps]AIP label related issue_第5张图片

*To force an immediate refresh to the AIP client on Mac


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*The below article also contains the template refresh time on each client



                Original Link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/information-protection/refresh-templates