



  • xxx\IC Imaging Control 3.4\samples\vc10\MembufferCollection


#include "tisudshl.h"
#include "cmdhelper.h"
using namesoace DShowLib;

    // Initialize the library.
    Grabber grabber;
    if( !setupDeviceFromFile( grabber ) )//这个会弹出一个相机设置对话框,厂家自己写的
        return -1;
    grabber.setOverlayBitmapPathPosition( ePP_NONE );

    // Set the image buffer format to eY800. eY800 means monochrome, 8 bits (1 byte) per                              
    // Let the sink create a matching MemBufferCollection with 1 buffer.
    tFrameHandlerSinkPtr pSink = FrameHandlerSink::create( eY800, 1 );

    // We use snap mode.
    pSink->setSnapMode( true );

    // Set the sink.
    grabber.setSinkType( pSink );    

    // Prepare the live mode, to get the output size if the sink.
    if( !grabber.prepareLive( false ) )
        std::cerr << "Could not render the VideoFormat into a eY800 sink.";
        return -1;

    // Retrieve the output type and dimension of the handler sink.
    // The dimension of the sink could be different from the VideoFormat, when
    // you use filters.
    FrameTypeInfo info;//帧类型信息
    pSink->getOutputFrameType( info );//检索程序输出类型和纬度,为下面的申请缓冲区大小做准备

    BYTE* pBuf[5];//创建一个uchar*类型的指针数组
    // Allocate 5 image buffers of the above calculate buffer size.
    for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )//5张图像的缓冲区
        pBuf[i] = new BYTE[info.buffersize];//初始化数组中每个下标对应元素的大小

    // Create a new MemBuffer collection that uses our own image buffers.
    tMemBufferCollectionPtr pCollection = MemBufferCollection::create( info, 5, pBuf );
    if( pCollection == 0 || !pSink->setMemBufferCollection( pCollection ) )
        std::cerr << "Could not set the new MemBufferCollection, because types do not match.";
        return -1;

    // Start live mode for fast snapping. The live video will not be displayed,
    // because false is passed to startLive().
    grabber.startLive( false );//为快照开始实时模式,不显示实时视频,把false改成true就显示实时视频了
    // Snap 5 images. The images are copied to the MemBufferCollection the
    // application created above.
    pSink->snapImages( 5 );
    // Stop the live video.
    // Close the device.

    // Save the five captured images in the MemBuffer collection to separate files.
    pCollection->save( "file*.bmp" );//保存在当前目录下,五张图片

    // Free the five buffers in the MemBuffer collection.
    for( int j = 0; j < 5; ++j )
        delete pBuf[j];

    return 0;



