Cisco 4506 ROMMON IOS upgrade(console)

Step 1 Directly connect a serial cable to the console port of the supervisor engine.

Step 2 Download the cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9 program from, and place it on a TFTP server in a directory that is accessible from the switch to be upgraded


Step 3 Use the dir bootflash: command to ensure that sufficient space exists in Flash memory to store the PROM upgrade p_w_picpath. If you are using a CompactFlash card, replace bootflash: with slot0:

//使用dir bootflash命令去查看FLASH内存空间是否足够,如果使用的是闪存卡,则将命令中的bootflash替换成slot0


Step 4 Download the cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9 program into Flash memory using the copy tftp command

//下载cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9 文件,使用copy tftp命令拷贝到flash内存中

The following example shows how to download the PROM upgrade p_w_picpath cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9 from the remote host to bootflash:

Switch# copy tftp: bootflash:

Address or name of remote host []? 

Source filename [cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9]? 

Destination filename [cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9]? 

Accessing tftp://

Loading cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9 from (via



[OK - 2404172 bytes]


2404172 bytes copied in 28.536 secs (84250 bytes/sec)



Step 5 On a dual-supervisor system, copy the same ROMMON p_w_picpath to the standby supervisor engine with the copy bootflash:cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9 slavebootflash command

//如果是双引擎系统,需要使用copy bootflash: cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9 slavebootflash命令拷贝一个同样的镜像到备份引擎


Step 6 Enter the reload command to reset the switch, press Ctrl-C to stop the boot process, and re-enter ROMMON.



Switch# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

03:57:16:%SYS-5-RELOAD:Reload requested ?

Rom Monitor Program Version 12.2(44r)SG3
.(output truncated)
 Established physical link 1Gb Full Duplex
 Network layer connectivity may take a few seconds
rommon 1 >


Step 7 Run the PROM upgrade program by entering this command:


boot bootflash:cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9



rommon 2 > boot bootflash:cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9 


Image Name : Cat4K_Mpc8548_Rommon  
 Image size : 1048576 bytes 

 Uncompressing p_w_picpath..... 
 *        ** Now Upgrading Primary ROMMON Image **        * 

 Offset: 7E00000 
erasing... writing... reading... verifying...  Done!

 *            ** Now Programming FPGA Image **            *

 Image Name : Cat4K_JAWA_Fpga  
 Image size : 524288 bytes 

 Uncompressing p_w_picpath..... 

Device ID 12, status  0, size 524288 bytes, we have 524288 bytes
erasing... writing/verifying sectors... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Done!
 System will now reset itself and reboot within few seconds

 *                                                        * 
 * Welcome to Rom Monitor for WS-X45-SUP6-E System.       * 
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.         * 
 * All rights reserved.                                   * 
 *                                                        * 
Rom Monitor Program Version 12.2(44r)SG9
 CPU Rev: 2.0, Board Rev: 4, Board Type: 10, CPLD Jawa Rev: 20
rommon 1>

Step 8 Boot the Cisco IOS software p_w_picpath. This may happen automatically if the system is configured to auto-boot.



Step 9 On a redundant system, hook up a console to the now-active supervisor engine. After the system achieves an SSO state, repeat steps 6-8.



Step 10 Use the show module command to verify that you have upgraded the ROMMON:

//使用sh module 命令去验证更新的ROMMON


Switch# show module
Chassis Type : WS-C4510R-E

Power consumed by backplane : 40 Watts

Mod Ports Card Type                              Model              Serial No.
 3    48  10/100/1000BaseT POE E Series          WS-X4648-RJ45V-E   JAE1129QL9N 
 4    48  10/100/1000BaseT Premium POE E Series  WS-X4648-RJ45V+E   JAE1129QSAV 
 5     6  Sup 6-E 10GE (X2), 1000BaseX (SFP)     WS-X45-SUP6-E      JAE1225MJMN 
 6     6  Sup 6-E 10GE (X2), 1000BaseX (SFP)     WS-X45-SUP6-E      JAE1224LAOS 
 7    48  10/100/1000BaseT (RJ45)V, Cisco/IEEE   WS-X4548-RJ45V+    JAB1229BCMD 
 8    24  10/100/1000BaseT (RJ45)V, Cisco/IEEE   WS-X4524-GB-RJ45V  JAB0815059Q 

M MAC addresses                    Hw  Fw           Sw               Status
 3 001c.58f8.2240 to 001c.58f8.226f 0.3                               Ok       
 4 001c.58f8.2090 to 001c.58f8.20bf 0.3                               Ok       
 5 0017.94c9.85c0 to 0017.94c9.85c5 1.1 12.2(44r)SG9  12.2(50)SG      Ok       
 6 0017.94c9.85c6 to 0017.94c9.85cb 1.1 12.2(44r)SG9  12.2(50)SG      Ok       
 7 000a.8aff.3830 to 000a.8aff.385f 0.1                               Ok       
 8 0030.850e.3e78 to 0030.850e.3e8f 0.6                               Ok   ....


Step 11 Use the delete command on the active supervisor to delete the PROM upgrade program from bootflash

Switch# delete bootflash:cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9


Step 12 On a redundant system, also delete the upgrade file from the standby supervisor engine:

Switch# delete slavebootflash:cat4500-e-ios-promupgrade-122_44r_SG9