VLD检查C++ VS2017内存泄漏具体到某一行代码

       VLD工具可以用来检查VS C++程序的内存泄露。


       官网不方便下载的,可以用我的链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-SiP9bYCfk67aUmKIOUwpQ   提取码:dvaw

       下载安装VLD后会有 include, lib, bin,vlc.ini等文件。把include, lib, bin添加到程序中,如果是C++老鸟,应该不难。然后在代码中添加头文件 #include"vld.h" 即可, 例如下面的代码:

#include "vld.h"

#pragma comment(lib, "vld.lib")

int main()
	int *arr = new int[10];

	return 0;

        数组arr没有被delete, 进程结束后,仍然有40个字节的内存片段泄露。把VLD bin目录除了dbghelp.dll的文件复制到程序可执行目录,去你的VS2017安装路径找到dbghelp.dll,例如我的路径:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\Extensions\Cpp\x64,把该路径的dbghelp.dll复制到程序可执行目录。

VLD检查C++ VS2017内存泄漏具体到某一行代码_第1张图片


VLD检查C++ VS2017内存泄漏具体到某一行代码_第2张图片


; Sets the report file destination, if reporting to file is enabled. A relative
; path may be specified and is considered relative to the process' working
; directory.
;   Valid Values: Any valid path and filename.
;   Default: .\memory_leak_report.txt
ReportFile = .\memory_leak123.txt

; Sets the report destination to either a file, the debugger, or both. If
; reporting to file is enabled, the report is sent to the file specified by the
; ReportFile option.
;   Valid Values: debugger, file, both
;   Default: debugger
ReportTo = file


VLD检查C++ VS2017内存泄漏具体到某一行代码_第3张图片
