大家好,我是只谈技术不剪发的 Tony 老师。前文介绍了如何查看 Oracle 中的用户、权限、用户资源配置等信息,今天我们来继续讨论如何通过 Oracle 数据字典查看数据库中的表、字段、约束、索引等信息。
系统视图 dba_tables 中包含了数据库中所有的关系表信息,需要 DBA 权限才能查看:
select owner, table_name, tablespace_name, status, num_rows, avg_row_len
from dba_tables
where owner in ( -- 非系统模式用户
select username
from dba_users
where oracle_maintained = 'N');
关于视图 dba_tables 更多字段的说明可以参考官方文档。
另外,我们也可以通过 all_tables 视图查看当前用户可以访问所有表,或者使用 user_tables 视图查看当前用户拥有的所有表。
select owner, table_name, tablespace_name, status, num_rows, avg_row_len
from dba_tables
where owner = :user_name; -- 用户名
如果想要查看当前登录用户拥有的表,也可以直接查询 user_tables 视图:
select table_name, tablespace_name, status, num_rows, avg_row_len
from user_tables;
注意,user_tables 视图没有 OWNER 字段。
select owner, table_name, tablespace_name, status, num_rows, avg_row_len
from dba_tables
where table_name like '%EMP%';
使用 not like 运算符可以执行相反查找,使用 regexp_like 可以执行正则表达式查找。
系统视图 dba_objects、all_objects 以及 user_objects 中包含了各种对象(表、索引、视图、触发器、程序包等)的信息,可以用于查询对象的创建时间和最后一次修改时间。例如:
select t.owner, t.table_name, o.created, o.last_ddl_time
from dba_tables t
join dba_objects o on (o.owner = t.owner and o.object_name = t.table_name)
where t.owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and t.table_name = :table_name; -- 表名
系统视图 dba_tab_columns、all_tab_columns 以及 user_tab_columns 包含了表、视图以及聚簇表中的字段信息。我们可以使用以下语句查看指定表中的字段:
select owner, table_name, column_name, column_id, data_type,
data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, data_default
from dba_tab_columns
where owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and table_name = :table_name; -- 表名
Oracle 11g 增加了虚拟列(Virtual Column)的支持,Oracle 12c 增加了隐藏列(Invisible Column)的支持。这些字段的信息需要通过名字更短的视图 dba_tab_cols、all_tab_cols 以及 user_tab_cols 进行查看。例如:
select owner, table_name, column_name, column_id, data_type,
data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, data_default
from dba_tab_cols
where owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and table_name = :table_name -- 表名
and (virtual_column = 'Y' or hidden_column = 'Y');
对于虚拟列,data_default 字段是计算字段值的表达式。
select owner, table_name
from dba_tab_cols
where column_name = :column_name; -- 字段名
同样也可以通过 like 运算符进行模糊查找。
视图 dba_constraints、all_constraints 以及 user_constraints 包含了关于表中约束的定义信息。
select owner, table_name, constraint_name, status, deferrable, deferred, validated, index_name, invalid
from dba_constraints
where owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and table_name = :table_name -- 表名
and constraint_type = 'P';
视图 dba_cons_columns、all_cons_columns 以及 user_cons_columns 包含了约束对应的字段信息。
select cc.owner, cc.table_name, cc.constraint_name,
listagg(cc.column_name,',') within group (order by cc.position) as columns
from dba_constraints c
join dba_cons_columns cc on (c.owner = cc.owner and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name)
where c.constraint_type = 'P'
and cc.owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and cc.table_name = :table_name -- 表名
group by cc.owner, cc.table_name, cc.constraint_name;
其中,listagg 函数将多字段约束中的字段名使用逗号分隔进行连接。
select t.owner, t.table_name
from dba_tables t
left join dba_constraints c on (t.owner = c.owner and t.table_name = c.table_name and c.constraint_type = 'P')
where t.owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and c.constraint_type is null;
外键约束的类型为 U,以下查询返回了指定表上的主键:
select owner, table_name, constraint_name, status, deferrable, deferred, validated, index_name, invalid
from dba_constraints
where owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and table_name = :table_name -- 表名
and constraint_type = 'U';
select cc.owner, cc.table_name, cc.constraint_name,
listagg(cc.column_name,',') within group (order by cc.position) as columns
from dba_constraints c
join dba_cons_columns cc on (c.owner = cc.owner and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name)
where c.constraint_type = 'U'
and cc.owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and cc.table_name = :table_name -- 表名
group by cc.owner, cc.table_name, cc.constraint_name;
外键约束的类型为 R,以下查询返回了指定表上的外键:
select owner, table_name, constraint_name, r_owner, r_constraint_name, delete_rule,
status, deferrable, deferred, validated, invalid
from dba_constraints
where owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and table_name = :table_name -- 表名
and constraint_type = 'R';
select c.owner, c.table_name, listagg(cc.column_name,',') within group (order by cc.position) columns, c.constraint_name,
c.r_owner, rc.table_name r_table_name, listagg(rcc.column_name,',') within group (order by rcc.position) r_columns, c.r_constraint_name
from dba_constraints c
join dba_cons_columns cc on (c.owner = cc.owner and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name)
join dba_constraints rc on (rc.constraint_name = c.r_constraint_name)
join dba_cons_columns rcc on (rc.owner = rcc.owner and rc.constraint_name = rcc.constraint_name)
where c.owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and c.table_name = :table_name -- 表名
and c.constraint_type = 'R'
group by c.owner, c.table_name, c.constraint_name, c.r_owner, rc.table_name, c.r_constraint_name;
检查约束和非空约束的类型都是 C,以下查询返回了指定表上的检查约束和非空约束
select owner, table_name, constraint_name, search_condition_vc, delete_rule,
status, deferrable, deferred, validated, invalid
from dba_constraints
where owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and table_name = :table_name -- 表名
and constraint_type = 'C';
select c.owner, c.table_name, c.constraint_name, c.search_condition_vc,
listagg(cc.column_name,',') within group (order by cc.position) as columns
from dba_constraints c
join dba_cons_columns cc on (c.owner = cc.owner and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name)
where c.constraint_type = 'C'
and c.owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and c.table_name = :table_name -- 表名
group by c.owner, c.table_name, c.constraint_name, c.search_condition_vc;
另一种查看非空字段的方式是查询 dba_tab_columns 或者相关视图,例如:
select owner, table_name, column_name, column_id, data_type,
data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, data_default
from dba_tab_columns
where owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and table_name = :table_name -- 表名
and nullable = 'N';
字段的默认值可以直接查询 dba_tab_columns 或者相关视图,例如:
select owner, table_name, column_name, column_id, data_type,
data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, data_default
from dba_tab_columns
where owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and table_name = :table_name -- 表名
and data_default is not null;
视图 dba_indexes、all_indexes 以及 user_indexes 包含了关于数据库中的索引信息。
select table_owner, table_name, table_type, owner, index_name, index_type, uniqueness, status, visibility
from dba_indexes
where table_owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and table_name = :table_name; -- 表名
视图 dba_ind_columns、all_ind_columns 以及 user_ind_columns 包含了索引对应的字段信息。
select i.table_owner, i.table_name, i.index_name, i.index_type, i.uniqueness,
listagg(ic.column_name||' '|| ic.descend, ',') within group(order by ic.column_position) as columns
from dba_indexes i
join dba_ind_columns ic on (i.table_owner = ic.table_owner and i.index_name = ic.index_name)
where i.table_owner = :user_name -- 用户名
and i.table_name = :table_name -- 表名
group by i.table_owner, i.table_name, i.index_name, i.index_type, i.uniqueness;
其中,listagg 函数将复合索引中的字段名使用逗号分隔进行连接。
select coalesce(s1.table_name, s2.table_name) table_name,
coalesce(s1.column_name, s2.column_name) column_name,
s1.data_type data_type1, s1.data_length data_length1,
s2.data_type data_type2, s2.data_length data_length2
from (
select table_name,
from dba_tab_cols
where owner = :user_name1 -- 模式用户 1
) s1
full join (
select table_name,
from dba_tab_cols
where owner = :user_name2 -- 模式用户 2
) s2
on (s2.table_name = s1.table_name and s2.column_name = s1.column_name)
where s1.column_name is null
or s2.column_name is null
or s1.data_type != s2.data_type
or s1.data_length != s2.data_length
order by table_name, column_name;
select 'T1', col1, col2, ... from schema1.table1
select 'T1', col1, col2, ... from schema2.table2
union all
select 'T2', col1, col2, ... from schema2.table2
select 'T2', col1, col2, ... from schema1.table1