STM32 cube 扩展库 .a 文件 在 CUBE IDE内 引用的方法

STM32 cube 扩展库 .a 文件 在 CUBE IDE内 引用的方法

在前面,我想针对STM32 CUBE IDE 提一下 Clean project 的重要性,大家用.a,.lib文件多可能是看到的ST提供的闭源算法库,如果报错了,你还要关注一下FPU模式的选择(在编译器中有hard,softfp,soft选项,修改了之后记得一定要Clean project,背后的原因我目前没能力解释清楚…)

其实官方有给足详细的说明(但本人之前为这个.a文件not found 问题也快烦炸了…)


检索上述 user guide 中的 INCLUDE LIBRARIES 条目


1.Library 框处在.a文件前添加冒号(如 “ST.a” ,要写成":ST.a")[注意这个冒号]

(当然还有一种把前面"lib"去掉和后面".a"去掉,这个不适用于 不是lib开头的文件)(其实这些方法都在TrueStudio的使用手册中有)(CUBE IDE 的编辑器前生)

2.Library search path 指定一下 “.a” 文件的 文档位置(这个大家应该没问题,主要是第一条)


3. In the Libraries list add the name of the library - not the path! The name is the
filename without “lib” prefix and without the file extension (.a). It is important
not to include those parts of the name. This is a GCC convention.
Example: For a library-file named libMyLibrary.a add the name MyLibrary.
If by any chance the library’s name don’t confirm to the GCC convention, the full
name to the library can be entered, preceded by a colon “:”.
Example: For a library-file name STemWin524b_CM4_GCC.a add the name
4. In the Library Paths list, set the path to where the library is located. Do not
include the name of the library in the path.
Example: ../../MyLibrary/Debug, this is the path to the archive file of the
library project myLibrary residing in the same workspace as the application
5. The source folder for the header files should also be added to the Include paths.
Do that by selecting Project, Properties, Tool Settings, C Compiler, Directories
and press the Add… button. Then add the path to the source folder for the
header files in the library. 

STM32 cube 扩展库 .a 文件 在 CUBE IDE内 引用的方法_第1张图片

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