Qt QWidget播放视频背景图片闪烁


void VRS::changeEvent(QEvent * event)
    if( event->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange)



void CSSAWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QStyleOption opt;
    QPainter p(this);
    style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
    p.drawPixmap(0, 0, width(), height(), m_pixMapBG);//绘制背景


  • 结合网上查找方案和Qt官方文档之后,设置widget属性setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); 之后,在软件上进行其他窗口切换的时候不再刷新背景。
    Qt官方文档解释如下:To rapidly update custom widgets that constantly paint over their entire areas with opaque content, e.g., video streaming widgets, it is better to set the widget’s Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, avoiding any unnecessary overhead associated with repainting the widget’s background.快速刷新需要在整个窗口区域持续绘制不透明内容自定义widget,比如视频流widget,最好设置Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent属性来避免任何不必要的过度重绘背景。

    Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent属性的解释如下:Indicates that the widget paints all its pixels when it receives a paint event. Thus, it is not required for operations like updating, resizing, scrolling and focus changes to erase the widget before generating paint events. The use of WA_OpaquePaintEvent provides a small optimization by helping to reduce flicker on systems that do not support double buffering and avoiding computational cycles necessary to erase the background prior to painting. Note: Unlike WA_NoSystemBackground, WA_OpaquePaintEvent makes an effort to avoid transparent window backgrounds. This flag is set or cleared by the widget’s author.

  • 虽然使用上述方法,当操作一直在软件上时不再出现重绘背景的问题。但是当软件失去焦点,再重新获取焦点时,依旧会出现重绘背景。经过调查后发现一种解决方法:在视频播放开始后调用函数setUpdatesEnabled(false)设置widget不刷新,在视频播放结束之后调用函数setUpdatesEnabled(true)设置widget刷新。这种方式能够完全避免播放视频过程中背景闪现问题。
