

shl(bits) – 左移位 (Java’s <<)
shr(bits) – 右移位 (Java’s >>)
ushr(bits) – 无符号右移位 (Java’s >>>)
and(bits) – 与  &
or(bits) – 或   ||
xor(bits) – 异或
inv() – 反向

    val a = 5
    val b = a shl 2 //左移2位,5*2*2=20
    println(b)  //20



运算符 表示含义
and(bits) 按位与
or(bits) 按位或
inv(bits) 按位非
xor(bits) 按位异或
shl(bits) 左移运算符
shr(bits) 右移运算符
ushr(bits) 无符号右移运算符




class SimpleIntArrayDeque {
    private var elements: Array = arrayOfNulls(16) //扩容数组
    private var head: Int = 0 //头
    private var tail: Int = elements.size //尾,tail-1是当前最后一位数据

    fun addFirst(value: Int) {
        if (value == null)
            throw NullPointerException()
        head = (head - 1) and (elements.size - 1)
        elements[head] = value
        if (head == tail)

    fun addLast(value: Int) {
        if (value == null)
            throw NullPointerException()
        elements[tail] = value
        tail = (tail + 1) and (elements.size - 1)
        if (tail == head)
    fun pollFirst(): Int? {
        val h = head
        val result = elements[h]
        if (result != null) {
            elements[h] = null
            head = (h + 1) and (elements.size - 1)
        return result
    fun pollLast(): Int? {
        val t = (tail - 1) and (elements.size - 1)
        val result = elements[t]
        if (result != null) {
            elements[t] = null
            tail = t
        return result

    private fun doubleCapacity() {
        val p = head
        val n = elements.size
        val r = n - p
        var newCapacity = n shl 1  //扩容2倍
        if (newCapacity < 0)
            throw IllegalArgumentException("Sorry, deque too big")
        var newElements: Array = arrayOfNulls(newCapacity)
        System.arraycopy(elements, p, newElements, 0, r)
         * 从0开始拷贝,拷贝头部之前的内容,并把拷贝内容接上刚才拷贝的位置,
         * 使得原来的数组放到新数组的前半部分
        System.arraycopy(elements, 0, newElements, r, p)
        Arrays.fill(elements, null)
        elements = newElements
        head = 0
        tail = n
    fun size(): Int {  //插入前判断,若插入后占满则立即扩容,因此size不会大于数组长度减一
        return (tail - head) and (elements.size - 1)
    fun isEmpty(): Boolean {
        return head == tail

    fun peekFirst(): Int? {
        return elements[head]

    fun peekLast(): Int? {
        return elements[(tail -1) and (elements.size - 1)]

