

  • Python+NetworkX画图的nx.draw_networkx(函数详解)


def draw_networkx(G, pos=None, arrows=True, with_labels=True, **kwds):
    """Draw the graph G using Matplotlib.

    Draw the graph with Matplotlib with options for node positions,
    labeling, titles, and many other drawing features.
    See draw() for simple drawing without labels or axes.

    G : graph
       A networkx graph

    pos : dictionary, optional
       A dictionary with nodes as keys and positions as values.
       If not specified a spring layout positioning will be computed.
       See :py:mod:`networkx.drawing.layout` for functions that
       compute node positions.

    arrows : bool, optional (default=True)
       For directed graphs, if True draw arrowheads.
       Note: Arrows will be the same color as edges.

    arrowstyle : str, optional (default='-|>')
        For directed graphs, choose the style of the arrowsheads.
        See :py:class: `matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more

    arrowsize : int, optional (default=10)
       For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow head head's length and
       width. See :py:class: `matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for attribute
       `mutation_scale` for more info.

    with_labels :  bool, optional (default=True)
       Set to True to draw labels on the nodes.

    ax : Matplotlib Axes object, optional
       Draw the graph in the specified Matplotlib axes.

    nodelist : list, optional (default G.nodes())
       Draw only specified nodes

    edgelist : list, optional (default=G.edges())
       Draw only specified edges

    node_size : scalar or array, optional (default=300)
       Size of nodes.  If an array is specified it must be the
       same length as nodelist.

    node_color : color or array of colors (default='#1f78b4')
       Node color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same
       length as nodelist. Color can be string, or rgb (or rgba) tuple of
       floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be
       mapped to colors using the cmap and vmin,vmax parameters. See
       matplotlib.scatter for more details.

    node_shape :  string, optional (default='o')
       The shape of the node.  Specification is as matplotlib.scatter
       marker, one of 'so^>v>> G = nx.dodecahedral_graph()
    >>> nx.draw(G)
    >>> nx.draw(G, pos=nx.spring_layout(G))  # use spring layout

    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> limits = plt.axis('off')  # turn of axis

    Also see the NetworkX drawing examples at

    See Also
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Matplotlib required for draw()")
    except RuntimeError:
        print("Matplotlib unable to open display")

    if pos is None:
        pos = nx.drawing.spring_layout(G)  # default to spring layout

    node_collection = draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, **kwds)
    edge_collection = draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, arrows=arrows, **kwds)
    if with_labels:
        draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, **kwds)
