

Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uData.uSql

< Serializable() >  _
Public   Class  LoginInformation
Private  gServerName  As   String   =   " ./SQLExpress "
Private  gDatabase  As   String
Private  gUserName  As   String
Private  gPassword  As   String
Private  gUseSSPI  As   Boolean   =   True

< NonSerialized() >   Private  gSqlVersion  As   String   =   Nothing
< NonSerialized() >   Private  SQL_CONNECTIONSTRING  As   String   =   " Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1}; "
< NonSerialized() >   Private  SSPI_STRING  As   String   =   " Integrated Security=True; "
< NonSerialized() >   Private  NOT_SSPI_STRING  As   String   =   " Persist Security Info=True;User ID={0};Password={1}; "

Public   Property  ServerName()  As   String
Return  gServerName
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  value  As   String )
=  value
End   Set
End Property

Public   Property  Database()  As   String
Return  gDatabase
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  value  As   String )
=  value
End   Set
End Property

Public   Property  UserName()  As   String
Return  gUserName
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  value  As   String )
=  value
End   Set
End Property

Public   Property  Password()  As   String
Return  gPassword
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  value  As   String )
=  value
End   Set
End Property

Public   Property  UseSSPI()  As   Boolean
Return  gUseSSPI
End   Get
Set ( ByVal  value  As   Boolean )
=  value
End   Set
End Property

Public   Function  TestConnect()  As   Boolean
Dim  mResult  As   Boolean   =   False

Dim  mConnection  As   New  SqlClient.SqlConnection( Me .ConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString)


Me .gSqlVersion  =   Me .GetSqlVersion(mConnection)
=   True

Catch  ex  As  Exception
End   Try


Return  mResult
End Function

Public   ReadOnly   Property  ConnectionStringBuilder()  As  SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder

Return   New  SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder(GetConnnectionString)
End   Get
End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  SqlVersion()  As   String
Return  gSqlVersion
End   Get
End Property

Private   Function  GetConnnectionString()  As   String
Dim  mConnectionString  As   String

=   String .Format( Me .SQL_CONNECTIONSTRING,  Me .ServerName,  Me .Database)

If   Me .UseSSPI  Then
=   String .Concat(mConnectionString,  Me .SSPI_STRING)
=   String .Concat(mConnectionString,  String .Format( Me .NOT_SSPI_STRING,  Me .UserName,  Me .Password))
End   If

Return  mConnectionString
End Function

' 取当前SQLServer版本
         Private   Function  GetSqlVersion( ByVal  connection  As  SqlClient.SqlConnection)  As   String
Dim  mResult  As   String   =   Nothing

Dim  mCommand  As   New  SqlClient.SqlCommand( " Master..xp_msver " , connection)
Dim  mDataReader  As  SqlClient.SqlDataReader

With  mCommand
=  CommandType.StoredProcedure

=  .ExecuteReader
With  mDataReader
While  .Read()
If  .Item( " Name " ).ToString  =   " ProductVersion "   Then

=  .Item( " Character_Value " ).ToString
Exit   While
End   If
End   While

End   With

End   With

Return  mResult
End Function

' 取数据库列表
         Public   Function  GetDatabases()  As   String ()
Dim  tmpInformation  As   New  LoginInformation
Me )
=   " Master "

Dim  mResult( - 1 As   String

Dim  mConnection  As   New  SqlClient.SqlConnection(tmpInformation.ConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString)
Dim  mCommand  As   New  SqlClient.SqlCommand( " SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases " , mConnection)
Dim  mDataReader  As  SqlClient.SqlDataReader

=  mCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
With  mDataReader
While  .Read()
Of   String )(mResult, .Item( " Name " ).ToString)
End   While
End   With

Catch  ex  As  Exception

End   Try

Return  mResult
End Function

Public   Sub  CopyFrom( ByVal  info  As  LoginInformation)
With  info
Me .ServerName  =  .ServerName
Me .Database  =  .Database
Me .UserName  =  .UserName
Me .Password  =  .Password
Me .UseSSPI  =  .UseSSPI
End   With
End Sub

Public   Sub  Read()
Dim  mFileName  As   String   =  LzmTW.EntryAssemblyInfo.GetApplicationUserPath  &   " LoginInformation.dat "
Dim  mLoginInformation  As  LoginInformation
If  IO.File.Exists(mFileName)  Then
=  uSystem.uRuntime.uSerialization.SerializeHelper.Load( Of  LoginInformation)(mFileName, uRuntime.uSerialization.FormatType.Binary)
Me .CopyFrom(mLoginInformation)
=   Nothing
Catch  ex  As  Exception
End   Try
End   If
End Sub

Public   Sub  Save()
Dim  mFileName  As   String   =  LzmTW.EntryAssemblyInfo.GetApplicationUserPath  &   " LoginInformation.dat "
Of  LoginInformation)(mFileName, uRuntime.uSerialization.FormatType.Binary,  Me )
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uData.uSql

Public   Class  SqlLoginService

Private  gLoginInformation  As   New  LoginInformation

Public   ReadOnly   Property  LoginInformation()  As  LoginInformation
Return  gLoginInformation
End   Get
End Property

Sub   New ()
End Sub

Public   Function  TestConnect()  As   Boolean
Dim  mResult  As   Boolean
=  gLoginInformation.TestConnect()
If   Not  mResult  Then
=  gLoginInformation.TestConnect()
End   If

Return  mResult
End Function

Public   Sub  ResetLoginInformation()
Dim  f  As   New  SqlLoginForm
Me )
End Sub
End Class

End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uData.uSql
Friend   Class  SqlLoginForm

Private  gService  As  SqlLoginService
Private  gServers( - 1 As   String
Private  gIsSavePass  As   Boolean
Private  gLoginWayArray  As   String ()  =   New   String () { " Windows 身份验证 " " SQL Server 身份验证 " }

Private   Sub  ComboBoxServer_SelectedIndexChanged( ByVal  sender  As   Object ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  ComboBoxServer.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub

Private   Sub  TextBoxUser_TextChanged( ByVal  sender  As   Object ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  TextBoxUser.TextChanged, TextBoxPassword.TextChanged
End Sub

Private   Sub  ComboBoxAuthentication_SelectedIndexChanged( ByVal  sender  As   Object ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  ComboBoxAuthentication.SelectedIndexChanged
If   String .IsNullOrEmpty( Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.Text)  Then   Exit Sub

Dim  mIsSSPI  As   Boolean   =  ( Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.Text  =  gLoginWayArray( 0 ))

End Sub

Private   Sub  UpdateUIWhenLoginWayChanged( ByVal  isSSPI  As   Boolean )

Me .LabelUser.Enabled  =   Not  isSSPI

If  isSSPI  Then
Me .LabelUser.Text  =   " 用户名(&U): "
Me .TextBoxUser.Text  =  ( New  Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.User).Name
Me .TextBoxPassword.Text  =   ""
Me .CheckBoxRemember.Checked  =   False
Me .LabelUser.Text  =   " 登录名(&L): "
Me .TextBoxUser.Text  =  gService.LoginInformation.UserName
Me .TextBoxPassword.Text  =  gService.LoginInformation.Password
Me .CheckBoxRemember.Checked  =   Me .gIsSavePass
End   If

Me .TextBoxUser.Enabled  =   Not  isSSPI
Me .LabelPassword.Enabled  =   Not  isSSPI
Me .TextBoxPassword.Enabled  =   Not  isSSPI
Me .CheckBoxRemember.Enabled  =   Not  isSSPI

End Sub

Public   Overloads   Function  ShowDialog( ByVal  service  As  SqlLoginService)  As  DialogResult
=  service
Me AddressOf  UIInitialize)
Return   MyBase .ShowDialog()
End Function

Private   Sub  UIInitialize()
Me .Cursor  =  Cursors.WaitCursor
Me .ComboBoxServer.Enabled  =   False
Me .SendMessage( " 稍等,正在获取服务器列表... " )

For   Each  row  As  DataRow  In  Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator.Instance.GetDataSources.Rows
Of   String )(gServers, row( 0 ).ToString)

Me .ComboBoxServer.DataSource  =  gServers
Me .ComboBoxServer.Enabled  =   True
Me .SendMessage()

Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.DataSource  =  gLoginWayArray
With  gService.LoginInformation

If   Not   String .IsNullOrEmpty(.ServerName)  AndAlso  Array.IndexOf(gServers, .ServerName)  =   - 1   Then
Of   String )(gServers, .ServerName)
Me .ComboBoxServer.DataSource  =  gServers
End   If

Me .ComboBoxServer.Text  =  .ServerName
Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.Text  =   CStr ( IIf (.UseSSPI, gLoginWayArray( 0 ), gLoginWayArray( 1 )))

Me .UpdateUIWhenLoginWayChanged(.UseSSPI)

If   Not  .UseSSPI  Then
Me .gIsSavePass  =   Not   String .IsNullOrEmpty(.Password)
End   If

Me .CheckBoxRemember.Checked  =   Me .gIsSavePass

' GetDatabases()
                 Me .ComboBoxDatabase.Text  =  .Database

Me .Cursor  =  Cursors.Default
End   With

End Sub

Private   Sub  ButtonConnect_Click( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  ButtonConnect.Click
Dim  tmpInformation  As  LoginInformation  =   Me .GetCurrentInformation
Me .Cursor  =  Cursors.WaitCursor
Me .SendMessage( " 稍等,正在尝试连接数库... " )

If   Not  tmpInformation.TestConnect  Then
Me .SendMessage( " 连接失败 " )
Me .SendMessage( " 连接成功 " )
End   If

Me .Cursor  =  Cursors.Default
End Sub

Private   Sub  ButtonDatabase_Click( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  ButtonDatabase.Click
End Sub

Private   Sub  GetDatabases()
Dim  tmpInformation  As  LoginInformation  =   Me .GetCurrentInformation
Me .Cursor  =  Cursors.WaitCursor
Me .SendMessage( " 稍等,正在获取服务器列表... " )

Dim  mDatabaseArray()  As   String   =  tmpInformation.GetDatabases

If  mDatabaseArray.Length  =   0   Then
Me .SendMessage( " 连接失败 " )
Me .SendMessage()
Me .ComboBoxDatabase.DataSource  =  mDatabaseArray
If  Array.IndexOf(mDatabaseArray,  Me .gService.LoginInformation.Database)  <>   - 1   Then
Me .ComboBoxDatabase.Text  =   Me .gService.LoginInformation.Database
End   If
End   If

Me .Cursor  =  Cursors.Default
End Sub

Private   Sub  DoWhenInformationChanged()
Me .ComboBoxDatabase.DataSource  =   Nothing
Me .ComboBoxDatabase.Text  =   Me .gService.LoginInformation.Database
End Sub

Private   Function  GetCurrentInformation()  As  LoginInformation
Dim  tmpInformation  As   New  LoginInformation
With  tmpInformation
=   Me .ComboBoxServer.Text
=   Me .ComboBoxDatabase.Text
=  ( Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.Text  =  gLoginWayArray( 0 ))
=   Me .TextBoxUser.Text
=   Me .TextBoxPassword.Text
End   With
Return  tmpInformation
End Function

Private   Sub  SendMessage( ByVal  s  As   String )
Me .LabelMessage.Text  =   String .Format( " 消息:{0} " , s)
Me .Refresh()
End Sub

Private   Sub  SendMessage()
Me .SendMessage( "" )
End Sub

Private   Sub  ButtonOK_Click( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  ButtonOK.Click
Dim  tmpInformation  As  LoginInformation  =   Me .GetCurrentInformation
Me .gService.LoginInformation.CopyFrom(tmpInformation)

With  tmpInformation
If  .UseSSPI  Then
=   ""
=   ""
If   Not   Me .CheckBoxRemember.Checked  Then
=   ""
End   If
End   If

End   With

End Sub

End Class
End Namespace


Namespace  LzmTW.uSystem.uData.uSql
< Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated() >  _
Partial   Class  SqlLoginForm
Inherits  System.Windows.Forms.Form

' Form 重写 Dispose,以清理组件列表。
         < System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode() >  _
Protected   Overrides   Sub  Dispose( ByVal  disposing  As   Boolean )
If  disposing  AndAlso  components  IsNot   Nothing   Then
End   If
MyBase .Dispose(disposing)
End Sub

' Windows 窗体设计器所必需的
         Private  components  As  System.ComponentModel.IContainer

' 注意: 以下过程是 Windows 窗体设计器所必需的
         ' 可以使用 Windows 窗体设计器修改它。
         ' 不要使用代码编辑器修改它。
         < System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough() >  _
Private   Sub  InitializeComponent()
Me .LabelServer  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .LabelAuthentication  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .LabelUser  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .LabelPassword  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .ComboBoxServer  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Me .ComboBoxAuthentication  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Me .TextBoxPassword  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Me .CheckBoxRemember  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
Me .GroupBox1  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
Me .ButtonOK  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Me .ButtonCancel  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Me .ComboBoxDatabase  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Me .LabelDatabase  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .ButtonConnect  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Me .GroupBox2  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
Me .LabelMessage  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me .ButtonDatabase  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Me .TextBoxUser  =   New  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Me .SuspendLayout()
             ' LabelServer
             Me .LabelServer.AutoSize  =   True
Me .LabelServer.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 21 19 )
Me .LabelServer.Name  =   " LabelServer "
Me .LabelServer.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 89 12 )
Me .LabelServer.TabIndex  =   0
Me .LabelServer.Text  =   " 服务器名称(&S): "
             ' LabelAuthentication
             Me .LabelAuthentication.AutoSize  =   True
Me .LabelAuthentication.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 33 46 )
Me .LabelAuthentication.Name  =   " LabelAuthentication "
Me .LabelAuthentication.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 77 12 )
Me .LabelAuthentication.TabIndex  =   1
Me .LabelAuthentication.Text  =   " 身份验证(&T): "
             ' LabelUser
             Me .LabelUser.AutoSize  =   True
Me .LabelUser.Enabled  =   False
Me .LabelUser.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 73 93 )
Me .LabelUser.Name  =   " LabelUser "
Me .LabelUser.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 65 12 )
Me .LabelUser.TabIndex  =   2
Me .LabelUser.Text  =   " 用户名(&U): "
             ' LabelPassword
             Me .LabelPassword.AutoSize  =   True
Me .LabelPassword.Enabled  =   False
Me .LabelPassword.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 85 119 )
Me .LabelPassword.Name  =   " LabelPassword "
Me .LabelPassword.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 53 12 )
Me .LabelPassword.TabIndex  =   3
Me .LabelPassword.Text  =   " 密码(&P): "
             ' ComboBoxServer
             Me .ComboBoxServer.FormattingEnabled  =   True
Me .ComboBoxServer.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 155 20 )
Me .ComboBoxServer.Name  =   " ComboBoxServer "
Me .ComboBoxServer.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 267 20 )
Me .ComboBoxServer.TabIndex  =   4
             ' ComboBoxAuthentication
             Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.DropDownStyle  =  System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.FormattingEnabled  =   True
Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 155 46 )
Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.Name  =   " ComboBoxAuthentication "
Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 267 20 )
Me .ComboBoxAuthentication.TabIndex  =   5
             ' TextBoxPassword
             Me .TextBoxPassword.Enabled  =   False
Me .TextBoxPassword.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 194 116 )
Me .TextBoxPassword.Name  =   " TextBoxPassword "
Me .TextBoxPassword.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 227 21 )
Me .TextBoxPassword.TabIndex  =   7
Me .TextBoxPassword.UseSystemPasswordChar  =   True
             ' CheckBoxRemember
             Me .CheckBoxRemember.AutoSize  =   True
Me .CheckBoxRemember.Enabled  =   False
Me .CheckBoxRemember.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 194 143 )
Me .CheckBoxRemember.Name  =   " CheckBoxRemember "
Me .CheckBoxRemember.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 90 16 )
Me .CheckBoxRemember.TabIndex  =   8
Me .CheckBoxRemember.Text  =   " 记住密码(&M) "
Me .CheckBoxRemember.UseVisualStyleBackColor  =   True
             ' GroupBox1
             Me .GroupBox1.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 15 256 )
Me .GroupBox1.Name  =   " GroupBox1 "
Me .GroupBox1.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 445 5 )
Me .GroupBox1.TabIndex  =   9
Me .GroupBox1.TabStop  =   False
             ' ButtonOK
             Me .ButtonOK.DialogResult  =  System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
Me .ButtonOK.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 194 276 )
Me .ButtonOK.Name  =   " ButtonOK "
Me .ButtonOK.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 107 31 )
Me .ButtonOK.TabIndex  =   10
Me .ButtonOK.Text  =   " 确定 "
Me .ButtonOK.UseVisualStyleBackColor  =   True
             ' ButtonCancel
             Me .ButtonCancel.DialogResult  =  System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel
Me .ButtonCancel.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 315 276 )
Me .ButtonCancel.Name  =   " ButtonCancel "
Me .ButtonCancel.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 107 31 )
Me .ButtonCancel.TabIndex  =   11
Me .ButtonCancel.Text  =   " 取消 "
Me .ButtonCancel.UseVisualStyleBackColor  =   True
             ' ComboBoxDatabase
             Me .ComboBoxDatabase.FormattingEnabled  =   True
Me .ComboBoxDatabase.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 167 188 )
Me .ComboBoxDatabase.Name  =   " ComboBoxDatabase "
Me .ComboBoxDatabase.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 146 20 )
Me .ComboBoxDatabase.TabIndex  =   13
             ' LabelDatabase
             Me .LabelDatabase.AutoSize  =   True
Me .LabelDatabase.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 73 188 )
Me .LabelDatabase.Name  =   " LabelDatabase "
Me .LabelDatabase.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 65 12 )
Me .LabelDatabase.TabIndex  =   12
Me .LabelDatabase.Text  =   " 数据库(&D): "
             ' ButtonConnect
             Me .ButtonConnect.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 23 276 )
Me .ButtonConnect.Name  =   " ButtonConnect "
Me .ButtonConnect.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 103 31 )
Me .ButtonConnect.TabIndex  =   14
Me .ButtonConnect.Text  =   " 测试连接(&C) "
Me .ButtonConnect.UseVisualStyleBackColor  =   True
             ' GroupBox2
             Me .GroupBox2.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 75 171 )
Me .GroupBox2.Name  =   " GroupBox2 "
Me .GroupBox2.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 347 5 )
Me .GroupBox2.TabIndex  =   10
Me .GroupBox2.TabStop  =   False
             ' LabelMessage
             Me .LabelMessage.AutoSize  =   True
Me .LabelMessage.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 21 241 )
Me .LabelMessage.Name  =   " LabelMessage "
Me .LabelMessage.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 35 12 )
Me .LabelMessage.TabIndex  =   15
Me .LabelMessage.Text  =   " 消息: "
             ' ButtonDatabase
             Me .ButtonDatabase.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 319 188 )
Me .ButtonDatabase.Name  =   " ButtonDatabase "
Me .ButtonDatabase.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 103 31 )
Me .ButtonDatabase.TabIndex  =   16
Me .ButtonDatabase.Text  =   " 取数据库列表(&G) "
Me .ButtonDatabase.UseVisualStyleBackColor  =   True
             ' TextBoxUser
             Me .TextBoxUser.Enabled  =   False
Me .TextBoxUser.Location  =   New  System.Drawing.Point( 194 89 )
Me .TextBoxUser.Name  =   " TextBoxUser "
Me .TextBoxUser.Size  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 226 21 )
Me .TextBoxUser.TabIndex  =   17
             ' SqlLoginForm
             Me .AcceptButton  =   Me .ButtonOK
Me .AutoScaleDimensions  =   New  System.Drawing.SizeF( 6.0 !,  12.0 !)
Me .AutoScaleMode  =  System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font
Me .CancelButton  =   Me .ButtonCancel
Me .ClientSize  =   New  System.Drawing.Size( 472 319 )
Me .Controls.Add( Me .TextBoxUser)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ButtonDatabase)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .LabelMessage)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .GroupBox2)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ButtonConnect)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ComboBoxDatabase)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .LabelDatabase)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ButtonCancel)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ButtonOK)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .GroupBox1)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .CheckBoxRemember)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .TextBoxPassword)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ComboBoxAuthentication)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .ComboBoxServer)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .LabelPassword)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .LabelUser)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .LabelAuthentication)
Me .Controls.Add( Me .LabelServer)
Me .FormBorderStyle  =  System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
Me .MaximizeBox  =   False
Me .MinimizeBox  =   False
Me .Name  =   " SqlLoginForm "
Me .ShowInTaskbar  =   False
Me .StartPosition  =  System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
Me .Text  =   " 连接到SqlServer服务器 "
Me .TopMost  =   True
Me .ResumeLayout( False )
Me .PerformLayout()

End Sub
Private   WithEvents  LabelServer  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private   WithEvents  LabelAuthentication  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private   WithEvents  LabelUser  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private   WithEvents  LabelPassword  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private   WithEvents  ComboBoxServer  As  System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Private   WithEvents  ComboBoxAuthentication  As  System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Private   WithEvents  TextBoxPassword  As  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Private   WithEvents  CheckBoxRemember  As  System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
Private   WithEvents  GroupBox1  As  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
Private   WithEvents  ButtonOK  As  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Private   WithEvents  ButtonCancel  As  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Private   WithEvents  ComboBoxDatabase  As  System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Private   WithEvents  LabelDatabase  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private   WithEvents  ButtonConnect  As  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Private   WithEvents  GroupBox2  As  System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
Friend   WithEvents  LabelMessage  As  System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private   WithEvents  ButtonDatabase  As  System.Windows.Forms.Button
Friend   WithEvents  TextBoxUser  As  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
End Class
End Namespace
