struct _a_struct{
int x;
int y
volatile bool alive=false;
ASTRUCT a_struct;
//Thread 1
a_struct.x = x;
a_struct.y = y;
a_struct.alive =true;
//thread 2
if (a_struct.alive==true)
draw_struct(a_struct.x, a_struct.y);
int* pi; // is a pointer to an int.
int volatile* pvi; // is a pointer to a volatile int; meaning the object it is pointing to, is volatile
int* volatile vpi; // is a volatile pointer to an int; pointer is volatile, the object it is pointing to is an int. This is of fairly less use.
int volatile* volatile vpvi; // volatile pointer to a volatile int; both the pointer and the memory location it is pointing to, are volatile int.
Complex Objects
You can declare a volatile struct as
struct volatile _a
int mem_i;
int* pmem_i;
} A;
A a_struct; //a_struct is volatile
a_struct.mem_i; // the type is volatile int
a_struct.pmem_i; // the type is, wait for it, int* volatile (the pointer is volatile not the object it is pointing to) 即 指针变量被修饰,而非对象
When using volatile on a collective such as structs, volatile is prepended to left of the identifier and to the right of the type. 结构体类型中volatile的位置:类型的右边,标识符的左边
int volatile *pvi; //pointer to volatile int.
int* pi; //pointer to an int.
pvi = pi;
When modifying a volatile type with non-volatile type, the compiler will implicitly cast the non-volatile type to a volatile type.
int i;
int* pi;
int volatile* pvi;
int func(int i, int* pi);
上面代码一样不能通过编译,定义形参 int* pi,但传递的是volatile修饰的实参pvi。根据C标准,没有这样使用情况,意味着啥都可能发生。
When modifying a non-volatile type with volatile type, the compiler should throw a warning, if it doesn’t then raise a ticket to your compiler team. 不要尝试用volatile修饰的类型去修改未经volatile修饰的类型,一般编译器会报错,要是没报错就给编译小组张红牌吧。
volatile uint16_t my_delay;
void wait(uint16_t time) {
my_delay = 0;
while (my_delay
volatile uint16_t my_delay;
void wait(uint16_t time) {
uint16_t tmp;
my_delay = 0;
do {
tmp = my_delay;
} while(tmp
volatile int ready;
int Message[100];
void foo( int i )
Message[i/10] = 42;
Ready = 1;
void Thread2(i)
while(ready != 1);
//read message
asm volatile ("" : : : "memory");
volatile int ready;
int message[100];
void foo (int i) {
message[i/10] = 42;
asm volatile ("" : : : "memory");
ready = 1;
void vPortYieldFromISR(void) {
/* Set a PendSV to request a context switch. */
/* Barriers are normally not required but do ensure the code is completely within the specified behavior for the architecture. */
__asm volatile("dsb");
__asm volatile("isb");
上面两条汇编指令 dsb isb 分别实现数据同步屏障,指令同步屏障。从而保证数据和指令程序段执行的序列化,有关内存屏障可阅读:
In a kernel setting as in multithreaded environment you can be sure to have kernel locking primitives which make the data safe i.e. mutexes, spinlocks and barriers. These locks are designed to also prevent unwanted optimizations and make sure the operations are atomic on both the cpu and compiler level. Thus if they are being used properly then you don’t need volatile.
Thus the only significant use of volatile (that one can think of) in a kernel setting can be for accessing a memory mapped IO. Since you don’t want the compiler to optimize out the register accesses within the critical region, you still have to use volatile inside the critical region even if you use locks around those accesses. But in most kernel settings you have special accessor functions for accessing IO memory regions, because accessing this memory region directly is frowned upon in a kernel setting. These accessor functions must make sure to prevent any unwanted optimizations and if they do it properly then volatile is not needed.