(一)基于android平台的智能家居控制系统之 android客户端篇

根据项目要求,要写andoid客户端,web服务端程序。下面先来简单说说 android客户端程序(先不说通信方面)

1   本人用的数据库是SQLite.(原因:轻量级,手机内嵌)


2  先写个小小的Demo,只要把这个做了,其他的就复制粘贴的问题了。(不讨论具体细节,适合于初学者) 



     业务:(1)点击OK Button,向SQLite传递数据。(2)同时调取SQLite数据,在TextView里面显示。

                                                   (一)基于android平台的智能家居控制系统之 android客户端篇_第1张图片

                                                        图1 程序界面


3 代码


 1 public class MainActivity extends Activity {
 2  3 public static String dbpath;  4  5 public static Bll_Test bll_Test;  6  7  @Override  8 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  9 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 10  setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); 11 12 bll_Test = new Bll_Test(this); 13 14 Button button = (Button) findViewById(R.id.OK); 15 16 button.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() 17  { 18 19 20 21  @Override 22 public void onClick(View v) { 23 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 24 int i = 7; 25 Test t = new Test(); 26 TextView textView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.Show); 27 28  t.Set_Value(i); 29 //t.Set_ID(4); 30  bll_Test.InsertValue(t); 31 //textView.setText((bll_Test.GetValue().get(0)).Get_Value()); 32 33 textView.setText(Integer.toString(bll_Test.GetValue().get(0).Get_Value())); 34 //String string = Integer.toString(bll_Test.GetValue().get(0).Get_Value()); 35 //System.out.println(string); 36 37 //textView.setText("Haaaaa"); 38 39 40  }}); 41 42 43 44  } 45 46  @Override 47 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { 48 // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. 49  getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu); 50 return true; 51 52 53 54 55  } 56 57  @Override 58 public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { 59 // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will 60 // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long 61 // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml. 62 int id = item.getItemId(); 63 if (id == R.id.action_settings) { 64 return true; 65  } 66 return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); 67  } 68 }
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 1 public class Bll_Test 
 2 {  3 private Context context;  4 private Dal_Test dal_Test;  5 //private Test test;  6 public Bll_Test(Context c)  7  {  8 this.context = c;  9 dal_Test = new Dal_Test(this.context); 10  } 11 12 public void InsertValue(Test t) 13  { 14  dal_Test.InsertValue(t); 15  } 16 public ArrayList GetValue() 17  { 18 return dal_Test.GetValue(); 19  } 20 }
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 1 public class Dal_Test 
 2 {  3 private Context context;  4 private SQLiteDatabase db;  5 public Dal_Test(Context c)  6  {  7 try{  8 this.context = c;  9 DBHelpr_SQLite dbhelper = new DBHelpr_SQLite(this.context); 10 db = dbhelper.getReadableDatabase(); 11  } 12 catch(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException e) 13  { 14  db.close(); 15 throw e; 16  } 17  } 18 public void InsertValue(Test t) 19  { 20 String sql = "INSERT INTO Test(value)"+"VALUES(?)"; 21  db.beginTransaction(); 22 db.execSQL(sql, new Object[]{t.Get_Value()}); 23  db.setTransactionSuccessful(); 24  db.endTransaction(); 25  } 26 27 public ArrayList GetValue() 28  { 29 ArrayList tests = new ArrayList(); 30 String sql = "SELECT value from Test"; 31 Cursor cursor =db.rawQuery(sql,null); 32 while(cursor.moveToNext()) 33  { 34 //int id = cursor.getInt(0); 35 int value = cursor.getInt(0); 36 37 Test test = new Test(); 38 //test.Set_ID(id); 39  test.Set_Value(value); 40  tests.add(test); 41  } 42  cursor.close(); 43 return tests; 44 45 46  } 47 }
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 1 public class DBHelpr_SQLite extends SQLiteOpenHelper{  
 2 public DBHelpr_SQLite(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory, int version) {  3 super(context, name, factory, version);  4 // TODO Auto-generated constructor  5  6  }  7  8 //private static Context context;  9 //private static SQLiteDatabase db; 10 private static final String dbname = "Test.db"; 11 private static final int version = 1; 12 13 public DBHelpr_SQLite(Context c) 14  { 15 this(c,dbname,null,version); 16 17  } 18 19 20 21  @Override 22 public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) 23  { 24 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 25 db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE Test(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, value INTEGER)"); 26  } 27 28  @Override 29 public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { 30 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 31 32  } 33 34 } 
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 1 public class Test 
 2 {  3 private int id;  4 private int value;  5 public int get_ID() {  6  7 return this.id;  8  }  9 10 11 public void Set_ID(int i) { 12 this.id = i; 13  } 14 15 public int Get_Value() 16  { 17 return this.value; 18  } 19 20 public void Set_Value(int i) 21  { 22 this.value =i; 23  } 24 25 }
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