HDR( High Dynamic Range Rendering ) by HLSL

HDR( High Dynamic Range Rendering ) by HLSL_第1张图片


LDR Low Dynamic Range. All our CRT or LCD is LDR. In computer, each light factor( r, g, b, or a ) is stored in byte format, it’s range is from 0 to 256, which is a pretty low dynamic range. Human eye's range is about 10e3.

HDR High Dynamic Range. The environment around us is typically HDR. In computer, each light factor( r, g, b, or a ) is stored in floating-point format, ranging from -10e5 to 10e5, which is a really high dynamic range.

Tone map How can we use our LDR devices to display HDR scene? This "Tone map" technique perform a lighting adapting ( like our eyes )procedure to use the LDR screen to display the HDR scene.

Bloom Bloom effect.


HDR( High Dynamic Range Rendering ) by HLSL_第2张图片


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