MDK解决方案:Warning L6989W


Warning: L6989W: Could not apply patch sdcomp-29491-629360 to instruction VPOP     {d8-d12} at offset 0x24, instruction is within an IT block and is not the last instruction for sin_i_x.o(i.____kernel_sin$lsc).





Some members of the STM32L4 family have an eratta for the FMC (Flexible Memory Controller) where a read burst access of 9 words or more is not supported by FMC. To prevent burst accesses that are greater than 8 words, a special linker patch was developed to patch certain instructions that result in burst accesses of greater than 8 words. The patch can be applied in most cases with a few exceptions. One of these exceptions is when the instruction to be patched is inside an IT (If-Then) block and is not the last instruction in that block. In this case this warning will be generated.


Since the FMC is only used for external memory, you can ignore this warning if you are only using internal memory. If you are using external memory, make sure your stack is located on-chip. In compiled code, the use of IT blocks can be eliminated by using the --no_conditionalize compiler option. If you are using the DSP library, you will need to rebuild it with the --no_conditionalize compiler option to prevent this warning.This can increase the processing time for DSP functions, so this should only be done for the library used with the STM32L4xx. Also, some math functions such as log10() contain IT blocks that cannot be patched. Since these math functions are not available to be re-built, it may be difficult to eliminate the warning in all cases. In the case of log10(), you can use a similar function, log10f() that does not have the IT block restriction.


版本:MDK-ARM V5.16及更高版本


解决办法:由于FMC仅用于外部存储器,因此,如果仅使用内部存储器,则可以忽略此警告。如果您使用的是外部存储器,请确保您的堆栈位于芯片上。在已编译的代码中,可以使用--no_conditionalize 编译器选项来消除对IT块的使用。如果使用的是DSP库,则需要使用--no_conditionalize 编译器选项来重建它以防止出现此警告,这会增加DSP函数的处理时间,因此仅应针对STM32L4xx所使用的库执行此操作。此外,某些数学函数(例如log10())包含无法修补的IT块。由于无法重建这些数学函数,因此可能很难在所有情况下都消除警告。如果是log10(),则可以使用类似的函数,


