转:ZedGraph 常用函数



Member ->> Description
AxisChange()() ->> This performs an axis change command on the graphPane.
BeenDisposed ->> This checks if the control has been disposed. This is synonymous with the graph pane having been nulled or disposed. Therefore this is the same as ZedGraphControl.GraphPane == null.
BorderStyle ->> Gets or sets the border style of the tree view control. (Inherited from UserControl.)
ContextMenuBuilder ->> Subscribe to this event to be able to modify the ZedGraph context menu.
Copy(Boolean) ->> 将图像复制到剪贴板。
DoPageSetup()() ->> 打开打印设置对话框。
DoPrint()() ->> 打印图表。
DoPrintPreview()() ->> 打印预览。
EditButtons ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which Mouse button will be used to edit point data values
EditModifierKeys ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which modifier keys will be used to edit point data values
GetImage()() ->> 返回图表上的图像。
GraphPane ->> Gets or sets the GraphPane property for the control
IsAntiAlias ->> Gets or sets a value that determines if all drawing operations for this control will be forced to operate in Anti-alias mode. Note that if this value is set to "true", it overrides the setting for sub-objects. Otherwise, the sub-object settings (such as IsAntiAlias) will be honored.
IsAutoScrollRange ->> Gets or sets a value that controls whether or not the axis value range for the scroll bars will be set automatically.
IsEnableHEdit ->> Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not editing of point data is allowed in the horizontal direction.
IsEnableHPan ->> Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not panning is allowed for the control in the horizontal direction.
IsEnableHZoom ->> 是否允许横向缩放。
IsEnableSelection ->> Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not selection is allowed for the control.
IsEnableVEdit ->> Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not editing of point data is allowed in the vertical direction.
IsEnableVPan ->> Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not panning is allowed for the control in the vertical direction.
IsEnableVZoom ->> 是否允许纵向缩放。
IsEnableZoom ->> 是否允许缩放。
IsPrintFillPage ->> Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not the MasterPaneRectdimensions will be expanded to fill the available space when printing this ZedGraphControl.
IsPrintKeepAspectRatio ->> Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not the visible aspect ratio of the MasterPaneRectwill be preserved when printing this ZedGraphControl.
IsPrintScaleAll ->> Gets or sets a value that determines whether the settings of IsFontsScaled and IsPenWidthScaled will be overridden to true during printing operations.
IsScrolling ->> Returns true if the user is currently scrolling via the scrollbar, or false if no scrolling is taking place.
IsScrollY2 ->> Gets or sets a value that determines if the vertical scroll bar will affect the Y2 axis.
IsShowContextMenu ->> 是否显示右键菜单,如果指定了ContextMenuStrip会一直显示指定的ContextMenu。
IsShowCopyMessage ->> 复制图像时是否显示提示信息。
IsShowCursorValues ->> 鼠标在图表上移动时是否显示鼠标所在点对应的坐标值。默认为false
IsShowHScrollBar ->> 是否显示横向滚动条。
IsShowPointValues ->> 鼠标经过图表上的点时是否气泡显示该点所对应的值。默认为false
IsShowVScrollBar ->> 是否显示纵向滚动条。
IsSynchronizeXAxes ->> Gets or sets a value that determines if the XAxisScaleranges for all GraphPane objects in the MasterPane will be forced to match.
IsSynchronizeYAxes ->> Gets or sets a value that determines if the YAxisScaleranges for all GraphPane objects in the MasterPane will be forced to match.
IsZoomOnMouseCenter ->> 使用滚轮时以鼠标所在点进行缩放还是以图形中心进行缩放。
LinkButtons ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which Mouse button will be used to click on linkable objects
LinkEvent ->> Subscribe to this event to be able to respond to mouse clicks within linked objects.
LinkModifierKeys ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which modifier keys will be used to click on linkable objects
MasterPane ->> Gets or sets the MasterPane property for the control
MouseDownEvent ->> 代替MouseDown事件,有一个bool类型的返回值,代表是否响应该事件。
MouseUpEvent ->> 代替MouseUp事件,有一个bool类型的返回值,代表是否响应该事件。
PanButtons ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which mouse button will be used as a primary option to trigger a pan event.
PanButtons2 ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which mouse button will be used as the secondary option to trigger a pan event.
PanModifierKeys ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which modifier keys will be used as a primary option to trigger a pan event.
PanModifierKeys2 ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which modifier keys will be used as a secondary option to trigger a pan event.
PointDateFormat ->> Gets or sets the format for displaying tooltip values. This format is passed to ToString(String).
PointEditEvent ->> Subscribe to this event to receive notifcation and/or respond after a data point has been edited via IsEnableHEdit and IsEnableVEdit.
PointValueEvent ->> Subscribe to this event to provide custom formatting for the tooltips
PointValueFormat ->> Gets or sets the format for displaying tooltip values. This format is passed to ToString(String).
PrintDocument ->> Gets or sets the PrintDocumentinstance that is used for all of the context menu printing functions.
RestoreScale(GraphPane) ->> Handler for the "Set Scale to Default" context menu item. Sets the scale ranging to full auto mode for all axes.
SaveAs()() ->> 显示另存为对话框。
SaveAsBitmap()() ->> 显示另存为对话框,将图像另存为BMP文件。
SaveAsEmf()() ->> 显示另存为对话框,将图像另存为EMF文件。
SaveFileDialog ->> Gets or sets the SaveFileDialog instance that will be used by the "Save As..." context menu item.
ScrollDoneEvent ->> Subscribe to this event to be notified when the GraphPane is scrolled by the user using the scrollbars.
ScrollEvent ->> Subscribe to this event to be notified when the GraphPane is scrolled by the user using the scrollbars.
ScrollGrace ->> Set a "grace" value that leaves a buffer area around the data when IsAutoScrollRange is true.
ScrollMaxX ->> The maximum value for the X axis scroll range.
ScrollMaxY ->> The maximum value for the Y axis scroll range.
ScrollMaxY2 ->> The maximum value for the Y2 axis scroll range.
ScrollMinX ->> The minimum value for the X axis scroll range.
ScrollMinY ->> The minimum value for the Y axis scroll range.
ScrollMinY2 ->> The minimum value for the Y2 axis scroll range.
ScrollProgressEvent ->> Subscribe to this event to be notified when the GraphPane is scrolled by the user using the scrollbars.
SelectAppendModifierKeys ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which Modifier keys will be used to append a CurveItem to the selection list.
SelectButtons ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which Mouse button will be used to select CurveItem's.
Selection ->> Readonly property that gets the list of selected CurveItems
SelectModifierKeys ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which Modifier keys will be used to select CurveItem's.
SetScrollRangeFromData()() ->> Sets the value of the scroll range properties (see ScrollMinX, ScrollMaxX, YScrollRangeList, and Y2ScrollRangeList based on the actual range of the data for each corresponding Axis.
Y2ScrollRangeList ->> Access the ScrollRangeList for the Y2 axes.
YScrollRangeList ->> Access the ScrollRangeList for the Y axes.
ZoomButtons ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which mouse button will be used as a primary option to trigger a zoom event.
ZoomButtons2 ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which mouse button will be used as the secondary option to trigger a zoom event.
ZoomEvent ->> Subscribe to this event to be notified when the GraphPane is zoomed or panned by the user, either via a mouse drag operation or by the context menu commands.
ZoomModifierKeys ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which modifier keys will be used as a primary option to trigger a zoom event.
ZoomModifierKeys2 ->> Gets or sets a value that determines which modifier keys will be used as a secondary option to trigger a zoom event.
ZoomOut(GraphPane) ->> Handler for the "UnZoom/UnPan" context menu item. Restores the scale ranges to the values before the last zoom, pan, or scroll operation.
ZoomOutAll(GraphPane) ->> Handler for the "Undo All Zoom/Pan" context menu item. Restores the scale ranges to the values before all zoom and pan operations
ZoomPane(GraphPane, Double, PointF, Boolean) ->> Zoom a specified pane in or out according to the specified zoom fraction.
ZoomStepFraction ->> Gets or sets the step size fraction for zooming with the mouse wheel. A value of 0.1 will result in a 10% zoom step for each mouse wheel movement.

Axis Class 坐标轴信息 
Member ->> Description
AxisGap ->> The size of the gap between multiple axes (see YAxisList and Y2AxisList).
CalcSpace(Graphics, GraphPane, Single, Single%) ->> Calculate the space required (pixels) for this Axis object.
Color ->> The color to use for drawing this Axis.
Cross ->> Gets or sets the scale value at which this axis should cross the "other" axis.
CrossAuto ->> Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not the Cross value is set automatically.
Draw(Graphics, GraphPane, Single, Single) ->> Do all rendering associated with this Axis to the specified Graphics device.
DrawMinorTics(Graphics, GraphPane, Double, Single, Single, Single) ->> Draw the minor tic marks as required for this Axis.
DrawTitle(Graphics, GraphPane, Single, Single) ->> Draw the title for this Axis.
GetCrossAxis(GraphPane) ->> Gets the "Cross" axis that corresponds to this axis.
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) ->> Populates a SerializationInfoinstance with the data needed to serialize the target object
IsAxisSegmentVisible ->> Gets or sets a property that determines whether or not the axis segment (the line that represents the axis itself) is drawn.
IsVisible ->> 是否可见。
MajorGrid ->> 见下面相关内容。
MajorTic ->> 见下面相关内容。
MinorGrid ->> 见下面相关内容。
MinorTic ->> 见下面相关内容。
MinSpace ->> Gets or sets the minimum axis space allocation.
ResetAutoScale(GraphPane, Graphics) ->> Restore the scale ranging to automatic mode, and recalculate the Axis scale ranges
Scale ->> Gets the Scale instance associated with this Axis.
ScaleFormatEvent ->> Subscribe to this event to handle custom formatting of the scale labels.
ScaleTitleEvent ->> Allow customization of the title when the scale is very large Subscribe to this event to handle custom formatting of the scale axis label.
SetMinSpaceBuffer(Graphics, GraphPane, Single, Boolean) ->> This method will set the MinSpace property for this Axis using the currently required space multiplied by a fraction ().
SetTransformMatrix(Graphics, GraphPane, Single) ->> Setup the Transform Matrix to handle drawing of this Axis
Implement the ICloneableinterface in a typesafe manner by just calling the typed version of Clone.
A tag object for use by the user. This can be used to store additional information associated with the Axis. ZedGraph does not use this value for any purpose.
Gets or sets the Label class that contains the title of this Axis.
Gets or sets the AxisType for this Axis.

MinorGrid/MajorGrid 小刻度和大刻度的虚线的,显示在图表中用来分割图表的。默认IsVisible是False,看不到效果。 
Member ->> Description
Color ->> 线的颜色。
DashOff ->> 点线中点与点之间的间隔。
DashOn ->> 点线中点的长度。
IsVisible ->> 是否可见。
PenWidth ->> 画笔宽度。

MinorTic/MajorTic 坐标轴上小刻度和大刻度的线的设置。 
Member ->> Description
Color ->> 刻度线的颜色。
IsAllTics ->> This is convenience property sets the status of all the different tic properties in this instance to the same value. true to activate all tics, false to clear all tics.
IsCrossInside ->> Gets or sets the display mode for the Axis major inside "cross" tic marks.
IsCrossOutside ->> Gets or sets the display mode for the Axis major outside "cross" tic marks.
IsInside ->> 刻度条是否要显示到坐标轴的里边。
IsOpposite ->> 对面的坐标轴是否显示该刻度。
IsOutside ->> 刻度条是否要显示到坐标轴的外边。
PenWidth ->> 画笔宽度。
ScaledTic(Single) ->> Calculate the scaled tic size for this Axis
Size ->> 刻度线的长度。

Scale 刻度值相关 
Member ->> Description
Align ->> Controls the alignment of the Axis tic labels.
AlignH ->> Controls the alignment of the Axis tic labels.
BaseTic ->> 第一个刻度从哪个值开始。
CalcMaxLabels(Graphics, GraphPane, Single) ->> Calculate the maximum number of labels that will fit on this axis.
DeLinearize(Double) ->> Convert a value from its linear equivalent to its actual scale value for this type of scale.
Exponent ->> Gets or sets the scale exponent value. This only applies to Exponent.
FontSpec ->> 刻度值的字体属性。
Format ->> 刻度值的格式化,string类型。
FormatAuto ->> 为true时自动设置Format属性,注意设置Format属性时该属性自动变为False
GetClusterWidth(GraphPane) ->> Determine the width, in pixel units, of each bar cluster including the cluster gaps and bar gaps.
GetClusterWidth(Double) ->> Calculates the cluster width, in pixels, by transforming the specified clusterScaleWidth.
IsAnyOrdinal ->> Gets a value that indicates if this Scale is of any of the ordinal types in the AxisType enumeration.
IsDate ->> 是否为日期。
IsExponent ->> True if this scale is Exponent, false otherwise.
IsLabelsInside ->> 坐标标签是不是在坐标轴的内部显示。
IsLog ->> True if this scale is Log, false otherwise.
IsOrdinal ->> True if this scale is Ordinal, false otherwise.
IsPreventLabelOverlap ->> Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines if ZedGraph will check to see if the Axis scale labels are close enough to overlap. If so, ZedGraph will adjust the step size to prevent overlap.
IsReverse ->> 刻度以0为中心翻转,图形也会随着翻转。
IsSkipCrossLabel ->> 不显示交叉点的标签。
IsSkipFirstLabel ->> 不显示第一个刻度标签。
IsSkipLastLabel ->> 不显示最后一个标签。
IsText ->> 返回刻度值是否是文本类型(只读)
IsUseTenPower ->> 是否为10次幂表示,scale为LogScale时有效。 The powers-of-ten notation is just the text "10" followed by a superscripted value indicating the magnitude. This mode is only valid for log scales. boolean value; true to show the title as a power of ten, false to show a regular numeric value (e.g., "0.01", "10", "1000")
IsVisible ->> 是否可见。
LabelGap ->> The gap between the scale labels and the tics.
Linearize(Double) ->> Convert a value to its linear equivalent for this type of scale.
LocalTransform(Double) ->> Transform the coordinate value from user coordinates (scale value) to graphics device coordinates (pixels).
Mag ->> 如果坐标轴的值要用10次幂显示,此值设置幂数。为0则不用10次幂
MagAuto ->> 是否自动套用10次幂方式显示
MajorStep ->> 大刻度步长值。
MajorStepAuto ->> 自动设置大刻度的步长值。
MajorUnit ->> Gets or sets the type of units used for the major step size (MajorStep).
MakeNewScale(Scale, AxisType) ->> A construction method that creates a new Scale object using the properties of an existing Scale object, but specifying a new AxisType.
Max ->> 默认显示的最大刻度值(缩放时会显示比它大的值)
MaxAuto ->> 自动设置最大刻度值。
MaxGrace ->> Gets or sets the "grace" value applied to the maximum data range.
Min ->> 默认显示的最小刻度值(缩放时会显示比它小的值)
MinAuto ->> 自动设置最小刻度值
MinGrace ->> Gets or sets the "grace" value applied to the minimum data range.
MinorStep ->> 小刻度的步长值。
MinorStepAuto ->> 是否自动设定小刻度的步长值。
MinorUnit ->> Gets or sets the type of units used for the minor step size (MinorStep).
PickScale(GraphPane, Graphics, Single) ->> Select a reasonable scale given a range of data values.
ReverseTransform(Single) ->> Reverse transform the user coordinates (scale value) given a graphics device coordinate (pixels).
SetupScaleData(GraphPane, Axis) ->> Setup some temporary transform values in preparation for rendering the Axis.
TextLabels ->> The text labels for this Axis.
Transform(Double) ->> Transform the coordinate value from user coordinates (scale value) to graphics device coordinates (pixels).
Transform(Boolean, Int32, Double) ->> Transform the coordinate value from user coordinates (scale value) to graphics device coordinates (pixels).
Type ->> 获取刻度类型(只读)。 

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