
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import re
import aiofiles
import time
# time是同步的,不要进入异步代码
LOOP = asyncio.get_event_loop()
HEADERS = {"Cookie": "__cdnuid=efaf90be3615c5e79e92852f271af777; jieqiVisitTime=jieqiArticlesearchTime%3D1534652382",
           "Referer": "",
           "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Mobile Safari/537.36"}


async def get_html(session, url):
        # 6.31415926535 66.30009722709656秒  ----左边是时间没有控制好的错误例子,好像重复执行了500多次
        async with session.get(url=url, timeout=10.31415926535) as resp:
            # 这个timeout非常重要,笔趣阁的服务器是有点渣,他既不拒绝你又不答应你,时间自己好好考虑
            # 我这里采用的是回调,可以说,如果不懂异常处理和回调,你不要看了
            if not resp.status // 100 == 2:
                print("爬取", url, "出现错误")
                resp.encoding = 'gb18030'
                text = await resp.text()
                return text
    except Exception as e:
        print("出现错误", e)
        await get_html(session, url)

def parse_url(html):
    # 解析出来url
    pattern_url = re.compile('
') url_list = re.findall(pattern=pattern_url, string=html) return [BASE_URL + each for each in url_list] def novel_content(html): # 返回两个列表 pattern_title = re.compile('


') pattern_content = re.compile('(?<=    )(.*?)(?=.*?') url_list = re.findall(pattern=pattern_url, string=html) return [BASE_URL + each for each in url_list] def novel_content(html): # 返回两个列表 pattern_title = re.compile('


') pattern_content=re.compile('    (.*?)
') title_list = re.findall(pattern_title, html) content_list = re.findall(pattern_content, html) return title_list, content_list async def download(title_list, content_list): async with'/home/prty/桌面/爬虫/{}.txt'.format(title_list[0]), 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: await f.write('{}'.format(str(content_list))) async def get_content(session, chapter_url): try: html = await get_html(session=session, url=chapter_url) title_list, content_list = novel_content(html) except Exception as e: print("出现错误,", e) await get_content(session, chapter_url) else: # 进行下载 await download(title_list, content_list) print(title_list, url) async def run(url): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: session.headers = HEADERS html = await get_html(session, url) url_list = parse_url(html) tasks = [] for each in url_list: tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(get_content(session, each))) await asyncio.gather(*tasks) if __name__ == '__main__': func = lambda: time.time() start = func() url = "" # 三寸人间 LOOP.run_until_complete(run(url)) print(func() - start) # 我为什么说这个网站垃圾 个别章节 个别页面 出现一些乱七八糟的字符 如果它规范一点我也就爬起来轻松一点 想爬的自己过滤一下吧 速度不要太快了 这网站服务器撑不住 我发送几千次请求 它撑死就能响应我几百次
