

  上一篇讲了怎么发送数据包,这次接着讲怎么接收数据包,数据包过滤后,就被复制到内核缓冲区(kernel buffer),接收数据包的方式有2种,使用回调函数接收数据包,比如pcap_looppcap_dispatch,二是非回调函数的方式来接收数据包,如pcap_ next, pcap_next_ex。这一篇讲讲怎么发送数据包。

(1)      pcap_loop函数调用read_op(p,cnt,callback,user)

int pcap_loop(pcap_t *p,int cnt, pcap_handler callback,u_char* user)调用read_op(p,cnt,callback,user),该函数是一个回调函数,在pcap_win32.c中有p->read_op=pcap_read_win32_npf



staticintpcap_read_win32_npf(pcap_t *p,intcnt,pcap_handlercallback,u_char *user)



    intn = 0;

    registeru_char *bp, *ep;


    staticintsamp_npkt;               // parameter needed for sampling, with '1 out of N' method has been requested

    staticstructtimevalsamp_time;// parameter needed for sampling, with '1 every N ms' method has been requested

#endif  /* HAVE_REMOTE */

    cc =p->cc;

    if (p->cc == 0) {


         * Has "pcap_breakloop()" been called?


        if (p->break_loop) {


              * Yes - clear the flag that indicates that it

              * has, and return -2 to indicate that we were

              * told to break out of the loop.


             p->break_loop = 0;

             return (-2);


       /* capture the packets接收包*/


             snprintf(p->errbuf,PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE,"read error: PacketReceivePacket failed");

             return (-1);


        cc =p->Packet->ulBytesReceived;

        bp =p->Packet->Buffer;



        bp =p->bp;


     * Loop through each packet.


#definebhp ((struct bpf_hdr *)bp)

    ep =bp +cc;                   

    while (1) {



         * Has "pcap_breakloop()" been called?

         * If so, return immediately - if we haven't read any

         * packets, clear the flag and return -2 to indicate

         * that we were told to break out of the loop, otherwise

         * leave the flag set, so that the *next* call will break

         * out of the loop without having read any packets, and

         * return the number of packets we've processed so far.


        if (p->break_loop) {

             if (n == 0) {

                  p->break_loop = 0;         

                  return (-2);

             }else {

                  p->bp =bp;

                  p->cc =ep - bp;                

                  return (n);           



        if (bp >=ep)                   


        caplen =bhp->bh_caplen;        

        hdrlen =bhp->bh_hdrlen;        


        if (p->rmt_samp.method ==PCAP_SAMP_1_EVERY_N)


             samp_npkt= (samp_npkt + 1) %p->rmt_samp.value;

             // Discard all packets that are not '1 out of N'

             if (samp_npkt != 0)


                  bp +=BPF_WORDALIGN(caplen +hdrlen);





        if (p->rmt_samp.method ==PCAP_SAMP_FIRST_AFTER_N_MS)


        structpcap_pkthdr *pkt_header= (structpcap_pkthdr*)bp;

             // Check if the timestamp of the arrived packet is smaller than our target time

             if ( (pkt_header->ts.tv_sec <samp_time.tv_sec) ||

                      ( (pkt_header->ts.tv_sec ==samp_time.tv_sec) && (pkt_header->ts.tv_usec <samp_time.tv_usec) ) )


                  bp +=BPF_WORDALIGN(caplen +hdrlen);



             // The arrived packet is suitable for being sent to the remote host

             // So, let's update the target time

             samp_time.tv_usec=pkt_header->ts.tv_usec +p->rmt_samp.value * 1000;

             if (samp_time.tv_usec > 1000000)


                  samp_time.tv_sec=pkt_header->ts.tv_sec +samp_time.tv_usec / 1000000;

                  samp_time.tv_usec=samp_time.tv_usec % 1000000;



#endif  /* HAVE_REMOTE */


         * XXX A bpf_hdr matches a pcap_pkthdr.


        (*callback)(user, (structpcap_pkthdr*)bp,bp + hdrlen);    

        bp +=BPF_WORDALIGN(caplen +hdrlen);

        if (++n >=cnt && cnt > 0) {        

             p->bp =bp;

             p->cc =ep - bp;

             return (n);                              




    p->cc = 0;

    return (n);




BOOLEANPacketReceivePacket(LPADAPTERAdapterObject,LPPACKETlpPacket,BOOLEANSync) //Sync=TRUE






    if (AdapterObject->Flags ==INFO_FLAG_NDISWAN_ADAPTER)


        lpPacket->ulBytesReceived =WanPacketReceivePacket(AdapterObject->pWanAdapter,lpPacket->Buffer,lpPacket->Length);






    if(AdapterObject->Flags ==INFO_FLAG_AIRPCAP_CARD)



        // Wait for data, only if the user requested us to do that


        if((int)AdapterObject->ReadTimeOut != -1)


             WaitForSingleObject(AdapterObject->ReadEvent, (AdapterObject->ReadTimeOut==0)?INFINITE:AdapterObject->ReadTimeOut);



        // Read the data.

        // g_PAirpcapRead always returns immediately.


        res = (BOOLEAN)g_PAirpcapRead(AdapterObject->AirpcapAd,









    if(AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_NPFIM_DEVICE)



        // Read the data.

        // NpfImReceivePacket performs its own wait internally.


        res = (BOOLEAN)g_NpfImHandlers.NpfImReceivePackets(AdapterObject->NpfImHandle,





        return res;




    if((AdapterObject->Flags & INFO_FLAG_DAG_CARD) || (AdapterObject->Flags & INFO_FLAG_DAG_FILE))


        g_p_dagc_wait(AdapterObject->pDagCard, &AdapterObject->DagReadTimeout);

        res = (BOOLEAN)(g_p_dagc_receive(AdapterObject->pDagCard, (u_char**)&AdapterObject->DagBuffer, (u_int*)&lpPacket->ulBytesReceived) == 0);


        return res;


#endif// HAVE_DAG_API

    if (AdapterObject->Flags ==INFO_FLAG_NDIS_ADAPTER)


        if((int)AdapterObject->ReadTimeOut != -1)

             WaitForSingleObject(AdapterObject->ReadEvent, (AdapterObject->ReadTimeOut==0)?INFINITE:AdapterObject->ReadTimeOut);


        res = (BOOLEAN)ReadFile(AdapterObject->hFile,lpPacket->Buffer,lpPacket->Length, &lpPacket->ulBytesReceived,NULL);




        TRACE_PRINT1("Request to read on an unknown device type (%u)",AdapterObject->Flags);

        res =FALSE;











 PUCHAR              packp;

    ULONG                 Input_Buffer_Length;

    UINT              Thead;

    UINT              Ttail;

    UINT              TLastByte;

    PUCHAR                CurrBuff;

    LARGE_INTEGER     CapTime;

    LARGE_INTEGER     TimeFreq;

    structbpf_hdr        *header;

    KIRQL                 Irql;

    PUCHAR                UserPointer;

    ULONG                 bytecopy;

    UINT              SizeToCopy;

    UINT              PktLen;

    ULONG                 copied,count,current_cpu,av,plen,increment,ToCopy,available;

    CpuPrivateData        *LocalData;

    ULONG                 i;

    ULONG                 Occupation;

    IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("NPF: Read/n");)

    IrpSp =IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);        //获取Irp当前堆栈

   Open=IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext;                 //得到打开上下文

    if (NPF_StartUsingOpenInstance(Open) ==FALSE)



        // an IRP_MJ_CLEANUP was received, just fail the request


        Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;

        Irp->IoStatus.Status =STATUS_CANCELLED;

        IoCompleteRequest(Irp,IO_NO_INCREMENT);      //完成irp请求





    // we need to test if the device is still bound(绑定) to the Network adapter,

    // so we perform a start/stop using binding.

    // This is not critical, since we just want to have a quick way to have the

    // dispatch read fail in case the adapter has been unbound

    if(NPF_StartUsingBinding(Open) ==FALSE)



        // The Network adapter has been removed or diasabled




    if (Open->Size == 0)  





    if(Open->mode &MODE_DUMP &&Open->DumpFileHandle ==NULL ){ 

        // this instance is in dump mode, but the dump file has still not been opened






        Occupation += (Open->Size -Open->CpuData[i].Free);  //计算出已经占用的内核缓冲区

    //See if the buffer is full enough to be copied判断缓冲区是否enough

    if(Occupation <=Open->MinToCopy*g_NCpu ||Open->mode &MODE_DUMP )


        if (Open->ReadEvent !=NULL)


             //wait until some packets arrive or the timeout expires     

             if(Open->TimeOut.QuadPart != (LONGLONG)IMMEDIATE)





                      (Open->TimeOut.QuadPart == (LONGLONG)0)?NULL: &(Open->TimeOut));




        if(Open->mode &MODE_STAT)

        {  //this capture instance is in statistics mode






             if (CurrBuff ==NULL)





             if (Open->mode &MODE_DUMP)


                  if (IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Length <sizeof(struct bpf_hdr) + 24)



                      Irp->IoStatus.Status =STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;







                  if (IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Length <sizeof(struct bpf_hdr) + 16)



                      Irp->IoStatus.Status =STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;





             //fill the bpf header for this packet



             if(Open->mode &MODE_DUMP){




                  Irp->IoStatus.Information = 24 +sizeof(structbpf_hdr);






                  Irp->IoStatus.Information = 16 +sizeof(structbpf_hdr);




             //reset the countetrs

             NdisAcquireSpinLock( &Open->CountersLock );



             NdisReleaseSpinLock( &Open->CountersLock );


            Irp->IoStatus.Status =STATUS_SUCCESS;




// 监控模式

// The MONITOR_MODE (aka TME extensions) is not supported on

// 64 bit architectures



        if(Open->mode==MODE_MON)  //this capture instance is in monitor mode











             if (UserPointer ==NULL)





             if ((!IS_VALIDATED(Open->tme.validated_blocks,Open->tme.active_read))||(IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Length<sizeof(structbpf_hdr)))








             //moves user memory pointer


             //calculus of data to be copied

             //if the user buffer is smaller than data to be copied,

             //only some data will be copied


             if (data->last_read.tv_sec!=0)



             if ((IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Length-sizeof(structbpf_hdr))<bytecopy)






             for (cnt=0;cnt<bytecopy;cnt++)














//end of //this capture instance is in monitor mode




             Occupation += (Open->Size -Open->CpuData[i].Free);

        if (Occupation == 0 ||Open->mode &MODE_DUMP)

             // The timeout has expired, but the buffer is still empty (or the packets must be written to file).

             // We must awake the application, returning an empty buffer.






        if(Open->mode==MODE_MON)  //this capture instance is in monitor mode











    available =IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Length;






    if (packp ==NULL)





    if (Open->ReadEvent !=NULL)


    while (count <g_NCpu)//round robin on the CPUs, if count = NCpu there are no packets left to be copied


        if (available ==copied)





        LocalData = &Open->CpuData[current_cpu];

        if (LocalData->Free <Open->Size) 

        { //there are some packets in the selected (aka LocalData) buffer

             structPacketHeader *Header = (structPacketHeader*)(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->C);

             if (Header->SN ==Open->ReaderSN)

             {  //check if it the next one to be copied

                  plen =Header->header.bh_caplen;

                  if (plen +sizeof (struct bpf_hdr) >available -copied) 

                  { //if the packet does not fit into the user buffer, we've ended copying packets 





//                FIX_TIMESTAMPS(&Header->header.bh_tstamp);


                  copied +=sizeof(structbpf_hdr);

                  LocalData->C +=sizeof(structPacketHeader);

                  if (LocalData->C ==Open->Size)

                      LocalData->C = 0;

                  if (Open->Size -LocalData->C <plen)


                      //the packet is fragmented in the buffer (i.e. it skips the buffer boundary)

                      ToCopy =Open->Size -LocalData->C;

                      RtlCopyMemory(packp +copied,LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->C,ToCopy);

                      RtlCopyMemory(packp +copied + ToCopy,LocalData->Buffer,plen-ToCopy);

                      LocalData->C =plen-ToCopy;




                      //the packet is not fragmented

                      RtlCopyMemory(packp +copied ,LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->C ,plen);

                      LocalData->C +=plen;

             //      if (c==size) inutile, contemplato nell "header atomico"

             //           c=0;




                  increment =plen +sizeof(structPacketHeader);

                  if (Open->Size -LocalData->C <sizeof(structPacketHeader))

                  {  //the next packet would be saved at the end of the buffer, but the NewHeader struct would be fragmented

                      //so the producer (--> the consumer) skips to the beginning of the buffer

                      increment +=Open->Size-LocalData->C;


























NDIS_STATUSNPF_tap (IN NDIS_HANDLEProtocolBindingContext,INNDIS_HANDLEMacReceiveContext,





   PNDIS_PACKET       pPacket;

   ULONG              SizeToTransfer;

   NDIS_STATUS        Status;

   UINT               BytesTransfered;

   ULONG              BufferLength;

   PMDL               pMdl1,pMdl2;

    LARGE_INTEGER     CapTime;

    LARGE_INTEGER     TimeFreq;

    UINT              fres;

    USHORT                NPFHdrSize;


    CpuPrivateData        *LocalData;

    ULONG                 Cpu;

    structPacketHeader   *Header;

    ULONG                 ToCopy;

    ULONG                 increment;

    ULONG                 i;

    BOOLEAN               ShouldReleaseBufferLock;


   IF_VERY_LOUD(DbgPrint("NPF: tap/n");)

    IF_VERY_LOUD(DbgPrint("HeaderBufferSize=%u, LookAheadBuffer=%p, LookaheadBufferSize=%u, PacketSize=%u/n",






    Open= (POPEN_INSTANCE)ProtocolBindingContext;


   Cpu =KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber();

    LocalData = &Open->CpuData[Cpu];



    IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("Received on CPU %d /t%d/n",Cpu,LocalData->Received);)

//  Open->Received++;     // Number of packets received by filter ++






    //Check if the lookahead buffer follows the mac header.

    //If the data follow the header (i.e. there is only a buffer) a normal bpf_filter() is

    //executed on the packet.

    //Otherwise if there are 2 separate buffers (this could be the case of LAN emulation or

    //things like this) bpf_filter_with_2_buffers() is executed.


    if((UINT)((PUCHAR)LookaheadBuffer-(PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer) != HeaderBufferSize)























// the jit filter is available on x86 (32 bit) only




        if(Open->Filter !=NULL)


             if (Open->bpfprogram !=NULL)







                  fres = -1;























// The MONITOR_MODE (aka TME extensions) is not supported on

// 64 bit architectures




    // we are in monitor mode


        if (fres==1)


             if (Open->ReadEvent !=NULL)












        // Packet not accepted by the filter, ignore it.




    //if the filter returns -1 the whole packet must be accepted

    if(fres == -1 ||fres > PacketSize+HeaderBufferSize)

        fres =PacketSize+HeaderBufferSize;


    if(Open->mode &MODE_STAT)


    // we are in statistics mode

        NdisAcquireSpinLock( &Open->CountersLock );








        // add preamble+SFD+FCS to the packet

        // these values must be considered because are not part of the packet received from NDIS



        NdisReleaseSpinLock( &Open->CountersLock );


        if(!(Open->mode &MODE_DUMP))





    if(Open->Size == 0)






    if(Open->mode &MODE_DUMP && Open->MaxDumpPacks)





        if( Accepted >Open->MaxDumpPacks)


             // Reached the max number of packets to save in the dump file. Discard the packet and stop the dump thread.

             Open->DumpLimitReached =TRUE;// This stops the thread

             // Awake the dump thread


             // Awake the application

             if (Open->ReadEvent !=NULL)








    ShouldReleaseBufferLock =TRUE;




        if (fres +sizeof(structPacketHeader) > LocalData->Free)





        if (LocalData->TransferMdl1 !=NULL)



             //if TransferMdl is not NULL, there is some TransferData pending (i.e. not having called TransferDataComplete, yet)

             //in order to avoid buffer corruption, we drop the packet





        if (LookaheadBufferSize +HeaderBufferSize >= fres)



             // we do not need to call NdisTransferData, either because we need only the HeaderBuffer, or because the LookaheadBuffer

             // contains what we need


             Header = (structPacketHeader*)(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P);



             Header->SN =InterlockedIncrement(&Open->WriterSN) - 1;

             Header->header.bh_caplen =fres;

             Header->header.bh_datalen =PacketSize + HeaderBufferSize;


             LocalData->P +=sizeof(structPacketHeader);

             if (LocalData->P ==Open->Size)

                  LocalData->P = 0;

             if (fres <=HeaderBufferSize || (UINT)( (PUCHAR)LookaheadBuffer - (PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer ) ==HeaderBufferSize )



                  //we can consider the buffer contiguous, either because we use only the data

                  //present in the HeaderBuffer, or because HeaderBuffer and LookaheadBuffer are contiguous

                  // ;-))))))


                  if (Open->Size -LocalData->P <fres)


                      //the packet will be fragmented in the buffer (aka, it will skip the buffer boundary)

                      //two copies!!

                      ToCopy =Open->Size -LocalData->P;

                      NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P,HeaderBuffer,ToCopy);

                      NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0 , (PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer +ToCopy,fres -ToCopy);

                      LocalData->P =fres-ToCopy;




                      //the packet does not need to be fragmented in the buffer (aka, it doesn't skip the buffer boundary)

                      // ;-)))))) only ONE copy

                      NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P,HeaderBuffer,fres);

                      LocalData->P +=fres;





                  //HeaderBuffer and LookAhead buffer are NOT contiguous,

                  //AND, we need some bytes from the LookaheadBuffer, too

                  if (Open->Size -LocalData->P <fres)


                      //the packet will be fragmented in the buffer (aka, it will skip the buffer boundary)

                      if (Open->Size -LocalData->P >=HeaderBufferSize)


                           //HeaderBuffer is NOT fragmented

                           NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P,HeaderBuffer,HeaderBufferSize);

                           LocalData->P +=HeaderBufferSize;

                           if (LocalData->P ==Open->Size)


                                //the fragmentation of the packet in the buffer is the same fragmentation

                                //in HeaderBuffer+LookaheadBuffer


                                NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0,LookaheadBuffer, fres -HeaderBufferSize);

                                LocalData->P += (fres -HeaderBufferSize);




                                //LookAheadBuffer is fragmented, two copies

                                ToCopy =Open->Size -LocalData->P;

                                NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P,LookaheadBuffer,ToCopy);


                                NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0, (PUCHAR)LookaheadBuffer+ToCopy,fres -HeaderBufferSize -ToCopy);

                                LocalData->P =fres - HeaderBufferSize -ToCopy;





                           //HeaderBuffer is fragmented in the buffer (aka, it will skip the buffer boundary)

                           //two copies to copy the HeaderBuffer

                           ToCopy =Open->Size -LocalData->P;

                           NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P,HeaderBuffer,ToCopy);

                           LocalData->P = 0;

                           NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0, (PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer +ToCopy,HeaderBufferSize -ToCopy);

                           LocalData->P =HeaderBufferSize - ToCopy;


                           //only one copy to copy the LookaheadBuffer

                           NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P,LookaheadBuffer,fres-HeaderBufferSize);

                           LocalData->P += (fres -HeaderBufferSize);





                      //the packet won't be fragmented in the destination buffer (aka, it won't skip the buffer boundary)

                      //two copies, the former to copy the HeaderBuffer, the latter to copy the LookaheadBuffer

                      NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P,HeaderBuffer,HeaderBufferSize);

                      LocalData->P +=HeaderBufferSize;

                      NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P,LookaheadBuffer,fres -HeaderBufferSize);

                      LocalData->P += (fres -HeaderBufferSize);



             increment =fres +sizeof(structPacketHeader);

             if (Open->Size -LocalData->P <sizeof(structPacketHeader)) //we check that the available, AND contiguous, space in the buffer will fit

             {                                                                 //the NewHeader structure, at least, otherwise we skip the producer

                  increment +=Open->Size-LocalData->P;               //at the beginning of the buffer (p = 0), and decrement the free bytes appropriately

                  LocalData->P = 0;


             InterlockedExchangeAdd(&LocalData->Free, (ULONG)(-(LONG)increment));

             if(Open->Size -LocalData->Free >=Open->MinToCopy)


                  if(Open->mode &MODE_DUMP)




                      if (Open->ReadEvent !=NULL)











                  //ndisTransferData required

                  LocalData->NewP =LocalData->P;

             LocalData->NewP +=sizeof(structPacketHeader);

             if (LocalData->NewP ==Open->Size)

                  LocalData->NewP = 0;

             //first of all, surely the header must be copied

             if (Open->Size-LocalData->NewP >=HeaderBufferSize)


                  //1 copy!

                  NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->NewP,HeaderBuffer,HeaderBufferSize);

                  LocalData->NewP +=HeaderBufferSize;

                  if (LocalData->NewP ==Open->Size)

                      LocalData->NewP = 0;




                  ToCopy =Open->Size -LocalData->NewP;

                  NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->NewP,HeaderBuffer,ToCopy);

                  NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0, (PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer +ToCopy,HeaderBufferSize -ToCopy);

                  LocalData->NewP =HeaderBufferSize - ToCopy;


             //then we copy the Lookahead buffer

             if (Open->Size-LocalData->NewP >=LookaheadBufferSize)


                  //1 copy!

                  NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->NewP,LookaheadBuffer,LookaheadBufferSize);

                  LocalData->NewP +=LookaheadBufferSize;

                  if (LocalData->NewP ==Open->Size)

                      LocalData->NewP = 0;




                  ToCopy =Open->Size -LocalData->NewP;

                  NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->NewP,LookaheadBuffer,ToCopy);

                  NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0, (PUCHAR)LookaheadBuffer +ToCopy,LookaheadBufferSize -ToCopy);

                  LocalData->NewP =LookaheadBufferSize - ToCopy;



             //Now we must prepare the buffer(s) for the NdisTransferData

             if ((Open->Size -LocalData->NewP) >= (fres -HeaderBufferSize -LookaheadBufferSize))


                  //only 1 buffer

                  pMdl1 =IoAllocateMdl(

                      LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->NewP,

                      fres -HeaderBufferSize -LookaheadBufferSize,




                  if (pMdl1 ==NULL)


                      IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("Error allocating Mdl1/n");)






                  LocalData->NewP +=fres - HeaderBufferSize -LookaheadBufferSize;




                  //2 buffers

                  pMdl1 =IoAllocateMdl(

                      LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->NewP,

                      Open->Size -LocalData->NewP,




                  if (pMdl1 ==NULL)


                      IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("Error allocating Mdl1/n");)




                  pMdl2 =IoAllocateMdl(

                      LocalData->Buffer + 0,

                      fres -HeaderBufferSize -LookaheadBufferSize - (Open->Size -LocalData->NewP),




                  if (pMdl2 ==NULL)


                      IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("Error allocating Mdl2/n");)





                  LocalData->NewP =fres - HeaderBufferSize -LookaheadBufferSize - (Open->Size -LocalData->NewP);





             NdisAllocatePacket(&Status, &pPacket,Open->PacketPool);

             if (Status !=NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)


                  IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("NPF: Tap - No free packets/n");)


                  if (pMdl2 !=NULL)





             if (pMdl2 !=NULL)



             RESERVED(pPacket)->Cpu =Cpu;

             LocalData->TransferMdl1 =pMdl1;

             LocalData->TransferMdl2 =pMdl2;

             Header = (structPacketHeader*)(LocalData->Buffer +LocalData->P);

             Header->header.bh_caplen =fres;

             Header->header.bh_datalen =PacketSize + HeaderBufferSize;


    /*调用NdisTransferData重新获取剩余的所需数据包,从网卡的Nic memory copy to kernel buffer*/






                  fres -HeaderBufferSize -LookaheadBufferSize,



             if (Status !=NDIS_STATUS_PENDING)


                  IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("NdisTransferData, not pending!/n");) 

                      LocalData->TransferMdl1 =NULL;

                  LocalData->TransferMdl2 =NULL;


                  if (pMdl2 !=NULL )



                  // Put the packet on the free queue


                  LocalData->P =LocalData->NewP;



                  Header->SN =InterlockedIncrement(&Open->WriterSN) - 1;

                  increment =fres +sizeof(structPacketHeader);

                  if (Open->Size -LocalData->P <sizeof(structPacketHeader))


                      increment +=Open->Size-LocalData->P;

                      LocalData->P = 0;


                  InterlockedExchangeAdd(&LocalData->Free, (ULONG)(-(LONG)increment));

                  if(Open->Size -LocalData->Free >=Open->MinToCopy)


                      if(Open->mode &MODE_DUMP)




                           if (Open->ReadEvent !=NULL)










                  IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("NdisTransferData, pending!/n");)

                      ShouldReleaseBufferLock =FALSE;





    if (ShouldReleaseBufferLock)







