.NET Core 3.0以上不支持vs2017

今天用vs2017新建.net core应用,发现不能选择最新的.net core版本,查找一些资料和链接后在官方找到了一些线索,vs2017不支持.net core3以上了,没办法只能下载vs2019 (16.4+)了,最新版本应该什么都支持吧,体验一下传说的blazor,C#编译成js的全栈技术。

Version Status Visual Studio 2017 SDK  Visual Studio 2019 SDK  Runtime  Release notes
.NET 5.0 Preview  N/A x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime 
Release notes
.NET Core 3.1 LTS  N/A x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime 
Release notes
.NET Core 3.0 End of life  N/A x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime 
Release notes
.NET Core 2.2 End of life  x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime 
Release notes
.NET Core 2.1 LTS  x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime 
Release notes
.NET Core 2.0 End of life  x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime 
Release notes
.NET Core 1.1 End of life  x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime 
Release notes
.NET Core 1.0 End of life  x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 SDK | x86 SDK 
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime 
Release notes


在github .net core发行说明里也有相关说明

Visual Studio compatibility: .NET Core 3.1 requires Visual Studio 2019 16.4 or above to take full advantage of all its features. .NET Core 3.1 won't work properly in earlier versions of Visual Studio. See the following table to select the correct download.

OS Development Environment .NET Core SDK
Windows Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 3.1.103
Windows Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 3.1.201
MacOS Visual Studio for Mac Visual Studio for Mac .NET Core Support

