25 名词解释 Network Policy

Network Policy

Network Policy提供了 基于策略的网络控制, 用于 隔离应用 减少攻击面 。它使用标签选择器模拟传统的分段网络,并通过策略控制它们之间的流量以及来自外部的流量。
在使用Network Policy之前,需要注意
  • apiserver开启 extensions/v1beta1/networkpolicies
  • 网络插件要支持Network Policy,如Calico、Romana、Weave Net和trireme等



kubectl annotate ns "net.beta.kubernetes.io/network-policy={\"ingress\": {\"isolation\": \"DefaultDeny\"}}"
注:目前,Network Policy仅支持Ingress流量控制。


通过使用标签选择器(包括namespaceSelector和podSelector)来控制Pod之间的流量。比如下面的Network Policy
  • 允许default namespace中带有role=frontend标签的Pod访问default namespace中带有role=db标签Pod的6379端口
  • 允许带有project=myprojects标签的namespace中所有Pod访问default namespace中带有role=db标签Pod的6379端口
apiVersion : extensions / v1beta1
kind : NetworkPolicy
metadata :
name : test - network - policy
namespace : default
spec :
podSelector :
matchLabels :
role : db
ingress :
- from :
- namespaceSelector :
matchLabels :
project : myproject
- podSelector :
matchLabels :
role : frontend
ports :
- protocol : tcp
port : 6379


以calico为例看一下Network Policy的具体用法。
kubelet -- network - plugin = cni -- cni - conf - dir = /etc/ cni / net . d -- cni - bin - dir = /opt/ cni / bin ...
# 注意修改CIDR,需要跟k8s pod-network-cidr一致,默认为192.168.0.0/16
kubectl apply - f http : //docs.projectcalico.org/v2.1/getting-started/kubernetes/installation/hosted/kubeadm/1.6/calico.yaml
$ kubectl run nginx -- image = nginx -- replicas = 2
deployment "nginx" created
$ kubectl expose deployment nginx -- port = 80
service "nginx" exposed
$ kubectl run busybox -- rm - ti -- image = busybox / bin / sh
Waiting for pod default / busybox - 472357175 - y0m47 to be running , status is Pending , pod ready : false

Hit enter for command prompt

/ # wget --spider --timeout=1 nginx Connecting to nginx ( 10.100 . 0.16 : 80 ) / #
开启default namespace的DefaultDeny Network Policy后,其他Pod(包括namespace外部)不能访问nginx了:
$ kubectl annotate ns default "net.beta.kubernetes.io/network-policy={\"ingress\": {\"isolation\": \"DefaultDeny\"}}"

$ kubectl run busybox -- rm - ti -- image = busybox / bin / sh
Waiting for pod default / busybox - 472357175 - y0m47 to be running , status is Pending , pod ready : false

Hit enter for command prompt

/ # wget --spider --timeout=1 nginx Connecting to nginx ( 10.100 . 0.16 : 80 )
wget : download timed out / #
$ cat nginx - policy . yaml
kind : NetworkPolicy
apiVersion : extensions / v1beta1
metadata :
name : access - nginx
spec :
podSelector :
matchLabels :
run : nginx
ingress :
- from :
- podSelector :
matchLabels :
access : "true"

$ kubectl create - f nginx - policy . yaml
networkpolicy "access-nginx" created

# 不带access=true标签的Pod还是无法访问nginx服务
$ kubectl run busybox -- rm - ti -- image = busybox / bin / sh
Waiting for pod default / busybox - 472357175 - y0m47 to be running , status is Pending , pod ready : false

Hit enter for command prompt

/ # wget --spider --timeout=1 nginx Connecting to nginx ( 10.100 . 0.16 : 80 )
wget : download timed out / #

# 而带有access=true标签的Pod可以访问nginx服务
$ kubectl run busybox -- rm - ti -- labels = "access=true" -- image = busybox / bin / sh
Waiting for pod default / busybox - 472357175 - y0m47 to be running , status is Pending , pod ready : false

Hit enter for command prompt

/ # wget --spider --timeout=1 nginx Connecting to nginx ( 10.100 . 0.16 : 80 ) / #
$ cat nginx - external - policy . yaml
apiVersion : extensions / v1beta1
kind : NetworkPolicy
metadata :
name : front - end - access
namespace : sock - shop
spec :
podSelector :
matchLabels :
run : nginx
ingress :
- ports :
- protocol : TCP
port : 80

$ kubectl create - f nginx - external - policy . yaml
