android developers api guides 文档学习笔记(目录)

  • Android Developers Api Guides
    • Introduction to Android
      • Application Fundamentals
      • Device Compatibility
      • System Permissions
    • App Components
      • Intents and Intent Filters
        • Common Intents
      • Activities
        • Fragments
        • Loaders
        • Tasks and Back Stack
        • Overview Screen
      • Services
        • Bound Services
        • Android Interface Definition Language AIDL
      • Content Providers
        • Content Provider Basics
        • Creating a Content Provider
        • Calendar Provider
        • Contacts Provider
        • Storage Access Framework
      • App Widgets
        • App Widget Host
      • Processes and Threads
    • App Resources
      • Resources Overview
      • Providing Resources
      • Accessing Resources
      • Handling Runtime Changes
      • Localizing with Resources
      • Resource Types
        • Animation Resources
        • Color State List Resource
        • Drawable Resources
        • Layout Resource
        • Menu Resource
        • String Resources
        • Style Resource
        • More Resource Types
    • App Manifest
      • action
      • activity
      • activity-alias
      • application
      • category
      • compatible-screens
      • data
      • grant-uri-permission
      • instrumentation
      • intent-filter
      • manifest
      • meta-data
      • path-permission
      • permission
      • permission-group
      • permission-tree
      • provider
      • receiver
      • service
      • supports-gl-texture
      • supports-screens
      • uses-configuration
      • uses-feature
      • uses-library
      • uses-permission
      • uses-sdk
    • User Interface
      • UI Overview
      • Layouts
        • Linear Layout
        • Relative Layout
        • List View
        • Grid View
      • Input Controls
        • Buttons
        • Text Fields
        • Checkboxes
        • Radio Buttons
        • Toggle Buttons
        • Spinners
        • Pickers
      • Input Events
      • Menus
      • Action Bar
      • Settings
      • Dialogs
      • Notifications
      • Toasts
      • Search Overview
        • Creating a Search Interface
        • Adding Recent Query Suggestions
        • Adding Custom Suggestions
        • Searchable Configuration
      • Drag and Drop
      • Accessibility
        • Making Applications Accessible
        • Accessibility Developer Checklist
        • Building Accessibility Services
      • Styles and Themes
      • Custom Components
    • Animation and Graphics
      • Animation and Graphics Overview
      • Property Animation
      • View Animation
      • Drawable Animation
      • Canvas and Drawables
      • OpenGL ES
      • Hardware Acceleration
    • Computation
      • RenderScript
      • Advanced RenderScript
      • RenderScript Runtime API Reference
        • RenderScript Numerical Types
        • RenderScript Object Types
        • RenderScript Conversion Functions
        • RenderScript Mathematical Constants and Functions
        • RenderScript Vector Math Functions
        • RenderScript Matrix Functions
        • RenderScript Quaternion Functions
        • RenderScript Atomic Update Functions
        • RenderScript Time Functions and Types
        • RenderScript Allocation Data Access Functions
        • RenderScript Object Characteristics Functions
        • RenderScript Kernel Invocation Functions and Types
        • RenderScript InputOutput Functions
        • RenderScript Debugging Functions
        • RenderScript Graphics Functions and Types
        • RenderScript Index
    • Media and Camera
      • Media Playback
      • Media Router
      • Media Route Provider
      • ExoPlayer
      • Supported Media Formats
      • Audio Capture
      • JetPlayer
      • Camera
    • Location and Sensors APIs
      • Location and Maps
      • Location Strategies
      • Sensors Overview
      • Motion Sensors
      • Position Sensors
      • Environment Sensors
    • Connectivity
      • Bluetooth
        • Bluetooth Low Energy
      • Near Field Communication
        • NFC Basics
        • Advanced NFC
        • Host-based Card Emulation
      • Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer
      • USB Host and Accessory
        • USB Accessory
        • USB Host
      • Session Initiation Protocol
    • Text and Input
      • Copy and Paste
      • Creating an Input Method
      • Spelling Checker Framework
    • Data Storage
      • Storage Options
      • Data Backup
      • App Install Location
    • Administration
      • Device Administration
    • Web Apps
      • Supporting Different Screens in Web Apps
      • Building Web Apps in WebView
      • Migrating to WebView in Android 44
      • Debugging Web Apps
    • Best Practices for Web Apps
      • Supporting Multiple Screens
        • Distributing to Specific Screens
        • Screen Compatibility Mode
      • Supporting Tablets and Handsets
      • Verifying App Behavior on the Android Runtime ART

Android Developers Api Guides

Introduction to Android

Application Fundamentals

Device Compatibility

System Permissions

App Components

Intents and Intent Filters

Common Intents




Tasks and Back Stack

Overview Screen


Bound Services

Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)

Content Providers

Content Provider Basics

Creating a Content Provider

Calendar Provider

Contacts Provider

Storage Access Framework

App Widgets

App Widget Host

Processes and Threads

App Resources

Resources Overview

Providing Resources

Accessing Resources

Handling Runtime Changes

Localizing with Resources

Resource Types

Animation Resources

Color State List Resource

Drawable Resources

Layout Resource

String Resources

Style Resource

More Resource Types

App Manifest

User Interface

UI Overview


Linear Layout

Relative Layout

List View

Grid View

Input Controls


Text Fields


Radio Buttons

Toggle Buttons



Input Events

Action Bar





Search Overview

Creating a Search Interface

Adding Recent Query Suggestions

Adding Custom Suggestions

Searchable Configuration

Drag and Drop


Making Applications Accessible

Accessibility Developer Checklist

Building Accessibility Services

Styles and Themes

Custom Components

Animation and Graphics

Animation and Graphics Overview

Property Animation

View Animation

Drawable Animation

Canvas and Drawables


Hardware Acceleration



Advanced RenderScript

RenderScript Runtime API Reference

RenderScript Numerical Types

RenderScript Object Types

RenderScript Conversion Functions

RenderScript Mathematical Constants and Functions

RenderScript Vector Math Functions

RenderScript Matrix Functions

RenderScript Quaternion Functions

RenderScript Atomic Update Functions

RenderScript Time Functions and Types

RenderScript Allocation Data Access Functions

RenderScript Object Characteristics Functions

RenderScript Kernel Invocation Functions and Types

RenderScript Input/Output Functions

RenderScript Debugging Functions

RenderScript Graphics Functions and Types

RenderScript Index

Media and Camera

Media Playback

Media Router

Media Route Provider


Supported Media Formats

Audio Capture



Location and Sensors APIs

Location and Maps

Location Strategies

Sensors Overview

Motion Sensors

Position Sensors

Environment Sensors



Bluetooth Low Energy

Near Field Communication

NFC Basics

Advanced NFC

Host-based Card Emulation

Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer

USB Host and Accessory

USB Accessory

USB Host

Session Initiation Protocol

Text and Input

Copy and Paste

Creating an Input Method

Spelling Checker Framework

Data Storage

Storage Options

Data Backup

App Install Location


Device Administration

Web Apps

Supporting Different Screens in Web Apps

Building Web Apps in WebView

Migrating to WebView in Android 4.4

Debugging Web Apps

Best Practices for Web Apps

Supporting Multiple Screens

Distributing to Specific Screens

Screen Compatibility Mode

Supporting Tablets and Handsets

Verifying App Behavior on the Android Runtime (ART)
