python3 用地面雨量计数据校正TRMM/3B43数据之模型建立


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Nov 12 19:31:07 2019

@author: BAI Depei

from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo import gdal
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import polyfit,polyval,sqrt,stats

#------------------read the station_coordinates--------------------
fn = 'E:\课程PPT\Python空间数据处理\python空间数据处理-期中大作业02\梅川江地面数据\meichuan_prec_station.shp'
ds = ogr.Open(fn,False)
layer = ds.GetLayer(0)
spatialref = layer.GetSpatialRef()
lydefn = layer.GetLayerDefn()  #图层定义信息
geomtype = lydefn.GetGeomType()
fieldlist = [] 
for i in range(lydefn.GetFieldCount()):
    fddefn = lydefn.GetFieldDefn(i)
    fddict = {'name':fddefn.GetName(),'type':fddefn.GetType(),\
    fieldlist += [fddict]
    geomlist,reclist = [],[]
    feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
    while feature is not None:
        geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
        geomlist += [geom.ExportToWkt()]
        rec = {}
        for fd in fieldlist:
            rec[fd['name']] = feature.GetField(fd['name'])
        reclist += [rec]
        feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
pnt_coordinates = [[],[]]
for i in range(len(geomlist)):
    a = geomlist[i].split(' ')
    b = a[1].split('(')
    c = a[2].split(')')
    longitude = float(b[1])
    latitude = float(c[0])
    pnt_coordinates[0] += [longitude]
    pnt_coordinates[1] += [latitude]

path = 'E:\\课程PPT\\Python空间数据处理\\python空间数据处理-期中大作业02\\卫星降雨数据TRMM3B43_分辨率0.25度\\'
dataset = gdal.Open(path + '3B43_2010.TIF')
samples = dataset.RasterXSize
lines = dataset.RasterYSize
bands = dataset.RasterCount
img_geotrans = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
#Out[10]: (-180.0, 0.25, 0.0, 50.0, 0.0, -0.25)
img_proj = dataset.GetProjection()
#Out[12]: 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84"...]]]
im_data = dataset.ReadAsArray(0,0,samples,lines)

del dataset
im_loc = [[],[]]
# variable += [value] 等同于 variable.append(value)
for i in range(len(pnt_coordinates[0])):
    sample = sp.Symbol('sample')
    line = sp.Symbol('line')
    #pnt_coordinates[0][i] = img_geotrans[0] + sample*img_geotrans[1] + line*img_geotrans[2]
    #pnt_coordinates[1][i] = img_geotrans[3] + sample*img_geotrans[4] + line*img_geotrans[5]
    a = -pnt_coordinates[0][i] + img_geotrans[0] + sample*img_geotrans[1] + line*img_geotrans[2]
    b = -pnt_coordinates[1][i] + img_geotrans[3] + sample*img_geotrans[4] + line*img_geotrans[5]
    answer = sp.solve([a,b],[sample,line])#解二元一次方程组
    #Out[15]: {x: 0, y: 1}
    line = int(np.floor(answer[line]))
    sample = int(np.floor(answer[sample]))
    im_loc[0] += [line]
    im_loc[1] += [sample]
#----------------------read 2010_TRMM_stationpnt_value-------------------------    
data_TRMM_stationpnt = []
for i in range(len(im_loc[0])):
    data_TRMM_stationpnt += [im_data[im_loc[0][i],im_loc[1][i]]]
#----------------------read 2010_rain_gauge_value------------------------------
path2 = 'E:\\课程PPT\\Python空间数据处理\\python空间数据处理-期中大作业02\\梅川江地面数据\\'
file_handle = open(path2 + 'meichuan_precipitation_2007-2010.txt')
line_value = file_handle.readlines()

data_rain_gauge = []
for i in range(1,len(line_value)):
    temp = line_value[i][:-2].split(',')
    #Out[3]: '200704,DongShao,184.200000\n'
    if temp[0] != '201001':
        i += 12
        data = []
        for j in range(12):
            temp  = line_value[i+j][:-2].split(',')
            data += [float(temp[2])]
    total_value = sum(data)
    data_rain_gauge +=  [total_value]
    i += 12
#---------------built model between TRMM and rain_gauge_pnt----------------
#use 2010's data to built the linear model
#data_TRMM_stationpnt: X
#data_rain_gauge: Y
#Y = ax + b
(a,b) = np.polyfit(data_TRMM_stationpnt,data_rain_gauge,1)
mean_TRMM = np.mean(data_TRMM_stationpnt)
mean_gauge = np.mean(data_rain_gauge)
TRMM1 = data_TRMM_stationpnt - mean_TRMM
gauge1 = data_rain_gauge - mean_gauge
gauge2 = sum((data_TRMM_stationpnt - mean_TRMM)**2)
TRMM_gauge = sum(TRMM1 * gauge1)
print('y=',b,'+',a,'* x')
sigma2=sum((np.array(data_rain_gauge) - b - a*np.array(data_TRMM_stationpnt))**2)/61
#自由度为63-2=61,见概率论与数理统计(浙江大学版) P.250-251.
sigma=np.sqrt(sigma2) #标准差
t=a*np.sqrt(gauge2)/sigma #t值
print('t=',t) #已知临界值求p值
R2 = a*a
square = (np.array(data_TRMM_stationpnt)-np.array(data_rain_gauge))**2
RMSE = np.sqrt(np.array(sum(square)/63))
regression_x = np.linspace(1200,2600,200)
regression_y = [b + a*i for i in regression_x] 
fig = plt.gcf()
plt.xlim(xmax = 2600, xmin=1200)
plt.ylim(ymax = 2600, ymin=1200)
#[label.set_fontname('Times New Roman') for label in labels]
plt.scatter(np.array(data_TRMM_stationpnt),np.array(data_rain_gauge),c = 'g',\
            marker = '8')
plt.plot(np.array(regression_x),np.array(regression_y),'r',linewidth = 3)
#label = 'y='+str(round(a,3))+'*x+'+str(round(b,3)),\
plt.xlabel('TRMM value',{'size':24,'family' : 'Times New Roman'})
plt.ylabel('rain gauge value',{'size':24,'family' : 'Times New Roman'})
#plt.text('N = 63')
#,'R2 = '+str(R2)
#,['p_value = '+str(p),'RMSE = '+str(RMSE)]
plt.legend(loc = 'upper left',frameon = False)
#bbox_inches = 'tight'用来去除图形边界       

python3 用地面雨量计数据校正TRMM/3B43数据之模型建立_第1张图片
python3 用地面雨量计数据校正TRMM/3B43数据之模型建立_第2张图片
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