上一篇文章自定义UI-1UI的绘制原理之setContentView 主要介绍了我们在setContentView的时候系统主要帮我们做了两件事,一是:加载一个DecorView作为最底层的View,二是解析我们的布局Xml。那么到底系统是如何将我们自己的布局放置于DecorView中并显示在屏幕上的呢。那么我们可以从startActivity开始我们查看下Activity启动系统帮我们做了什么。
public void startActivityForResult(@RequiresPermission Intent intent, int requestCode,
@Nullable Bundle options) {
if (mParent == null) {
options = transferSpringboardActivityOptions(options);
Instrumentation.ActivityResult ar =
this, mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), mToken, this,
intent, requestCode, options);
if (ar != null) {
mToken, mEmbeddedID, requestCode, ar.getResultCode(),
if (requestCode >= 0) {
// If this start is requesting a result, we can avoid making
// the activity visible until the result is received. Setting
// this code during onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) or onResume() will keep the
// activity hidden during this time, to avoid flickering.
// This can only be done when a result is requested because
// that guarantees we will get information back when the
// activity is finished, no matter what happens to it.
mStartedActivity = true;
// TODO Consider clearing/flushing other event sources and events for child windows.
} else {
if (options != null) {
mParent.startActivityFromChild(this, intent, requestCode, options);
} else {
// Note we want to go through this method for compatibility with
// existing applications that may have overridden it.
mParent.startActivityFromChild(this, intent, requestCode);
public ActivityResult execStartActivity(
Context who, IBinder contextThread, IBinder token, Activity target,
Intent intent, int requestCode, Bundle options) {
IApplicationThread whoThread = (IApplicationThread) contextThread;
Uri referrer = target != null ? target.onProvideReferrer() : null;
if (referrer != null) {
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_REFERRER, referrer);
if (mActivityMonitors != null) {
synchronized (mSync) {
final int N = mActivityMonitors.size();
for (int i=0; i= 0 ? am.getResult() : null;
try {
int result = ActivityManager.getService()
.startActivity(whoThread, who.getBasePackageName(), intent,
token, target != null ? target.mEmbeddedID : null,
requestCode, 0, null, options);
checkStartActivityResult(result, intent);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failure from system", e);
return null;
[email protected]
public static IActivityManager getService() {
return IActivityManagerSingleton.get();
private static final Singleton IActivityManagerSingleton =
new Singleton() {
protected IActivityManager create() {
final IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
final IActivityManager am = IActivityManager.Stub.asInterface(b);
return am;
public abstract static class Stub extends Binder implements IActivityManager {
public static IActivityManager asInterface(IBinder obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return null;
} else {
IInterface iin = obj.queryLocalInterface("android.app.IActivityManager");
return (IActivityManager)(iin != null && iin instanceof IActivityManager ? (IActivityManager)iin : new IActivityManager.Stub.Proxy(obj));
创建了一个Sub的代理类 IActivityManager.Stub.Proxy,在这个类中我们查看对于startActivity的处理:
public int startActivity(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage, Intent intent, String resolvedType, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int flags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle options) throws RemoteException {
Parcel _data = Parcel.obtain();
Parcel _reply = Parcel.obtain();
int _result;
try {
_data.writeStrongBinder(caller != null ? caller.asBinder() : null);
if (intent != null) {
intent.writeToParcel(_data, 0);
} else {
if (profilerInfo != null) {
profilerInfo.writeToParcel(_data, 0);
} else {
if (options != null) {
options.writeToParcel(_data, 0);
} else {
this.mRemote.transact(3, _data, _reply, 0);
_result = _reply.readInt();
} finally {
return _result;
当Bander接收到相应通讯请求 时会在transact中进行处理,这里我们只看对startActivity的处理:
case 3:
_arg0 = android.app.IApplicationThread.Stub.asInterface(data.readStrongBinder());
_arg1 = data.readString();
if (0 != data.readInt()) {
_arg2 = (Intent)Intent.CREATOR.createFromParcel(data);
} else {
_arg2 = null;
_arg3 = data.readString();
_arg4 = data.readStrongBinder();
_arg5 = data.readString();
_arg6 = data.readInt();
_arg7 = data.readInt();
if (0 != data.readInt()) {
_arg8 = (ProfilerInfo)ProfilerInfo.CREATOR.createFromParcel(data);
} else {
_arg8 = null;
if (0 != data.readInt()) {
_arg9 = (Bundle)Bundle.CREATOR.createFromParcel(data);
} else {
_arg9 = null;
_arg10 = this.startActivity(_arg0, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8, _arg9);
return true;
public final int startActivity(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage,
Intent intent, String resolvedType, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode,
int startFlags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle bOptions) {
return startActivityAsUser(caller, callingPackage, intent, resolvedType, resultTo,
resultWho, requestCode, startFlags, profilerInfo, bOptions,
public final int startActivityAsUser(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage,
Intent intent, String resolvedType, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode,
int startFlags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle bOptions, int userId) {
userId = mUserController.handleIncomingUser(Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(),
userId, false, ALLOW_FULL_ONLY, "startActivity", null);
// TODO: Switch to user app stacks here.
return mActivityStarter.startActivityMayWait(caller, -1, callingPackage, intent,
resolvedType, null, null, resultTo, resultWho, requestCode, startFlags,
profilerInfo, null, null, bOptions, false, userId, null, "startActivityAsUser");
自此我们找到了Activity的启动的一个关键类 ActivityStarter,后续的源码中判断了启动权限,Activity是否启动,进程是否存在,屏幕是否锁定等等情况,并生成一个ActivityRecord进行对Activity各种相关判断情况的记录,由于本篇文章是探究我们从开始跳转到手机上看见我们的页面的流程,所以在这里就不详细介绍细节内容,有兴趣的可以具体走下源码。最终我们的启动会进入
void startSpecificActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r,
boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig) {
// Is this activity's application already running?
ProcessRecord app = mService.getProcessRecordLocked(r.processName,
r.info.applicationInfo.uid, true);
if (app != null && app.thread != null) {
try {
if ((r.info.flags&ActivityInfo.FLAG_MULTIPROCESS) == 0
|| !"android".equals(r.info.packageName)) {
// Don't add this if it is a platform component that is marked
// to run in multiple processes, because this is actually
// part of the framework so doesn't make sense to track as a
// separate apk in the process.
app.addPackage(r.info.packageName, r.info.applicationInfo.versionCode,
realStartActivityLocked(r, app, andResume, checkConfig);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Exception when starting activity "
+ r.intent.getComponent().flattenToShortString(), e);
// If a dead object exception was thrown -- fall through to
// restart the application.
mService.startProcessLocked(r.processName, r.info.applicationInfo, true, 0,
"activity", r.intent.getComponent(), false, false, true);
public final void scheduleLaunchActivity(Intent intent, IBinder token, int ident,
ActivityInfo info, Configuration curConfig, Configuration overrideConfig,
CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, String referrer, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
int procState, Bundle state, PersistableBundle persistentState,
List pendingResults, List pendingNewIntents,
boolean notResumed, boolean isForward, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo) {
updateProcessState(procState, false);
ActivityClientRecord r = new ActivityClientRecord();
r.token = token;
r.ident = ident;
r.intent = intent;
r.referrer = referrer;
r.voiceInteractor = voiceInteractor;
r.activityInfo = info;
r.compatInfo = compatInfo;
r.state = state;
r.persistentState = persistentState;
r.pendingResults = pendingResults;
r.pendingIntents = pendingNewIntents;
r.startsNotResumed = notResumed;
r.isForward = isForward;
r.profilerInfo = profilerInfo;
r.overrideConfig = overrideConfig;
sendMessage(H.LAUNCH_ACTIVITY, r);
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
if (DEBUG_MESSAGES) Slog.v(TAG, ">>> handling: " + codeToString(msg.what));
switch (msg.what) {
Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "activityStart");
final ActivityClientRecord r = (ActivityClientRecord) msg.obj;
r.packageInfo = getPackageInfoNoCheck(
r.activityInfo.applicationInfo, r.compatInfo);
handleLaunchActivity(r, null, "LAUNCH_ACTIVITY");
} break;
private void handleLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent, String reason) {
// If we are getting ready to gc after going to the background, well
// we are back active so skip it.
mSomeActivitiesChanged = true;
if (r.profilerInfo != null) {
// Make sure we are running with the most recent config.
handleConfigurationChanged(null, null);
if (localLOGV) Slog.v(
TAG, "Handling launch of " + r);
// Initialize before creating the activity
if (!ThreadedRenderer.sRendererDisabled) {
//创建Activity onCreate处理
Activity a = performLaunchActivity(r, customIntent);
if (a != null) {
r.createdConfig = new Configuration(mConfiguration);
Bundle oldState = r.state;
handleResumeActivity(r.token, false, r.isForward,
!r.activity.mFinished && !r.startsNotResumed, r.lastProcessedSeq, reason);
if (!r.activity.mFinished && r.startsNotResumed) {
// The activity manager actually wants this one to start out paused, because it
// needs to be visible but isn't in the foreground. We accomplish this by going
// through the normal startup (because activities expect to go through onResume()
// the first time they run, before their window is displayed), and then pausing it.
// However, in this case we do -not- need to do the full pause cycle (of freezing
// and such) because the activity manager assumes it can just retain the current
// state it has.
performPauseActivityIfNeeded(r, reason);
// We need to keep around the original state, in case we need to be created again.
// But we only do this for pre-Honeycomb apps, which always save their state when
// pausing, so we can not have them save their state when restarting from a paused
// state. For HC and later, we want to (and can) let the state be saved as the
// normal part of stopping the activity.
if (r.isPreHoneycomb()) {
r.state = oldState;
} else {
// If there was an error, for any reason, tell the activity manager to stop us.
try {
.finishActivity(r.token, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null,
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
throw ex.rethrowFromSystemServer();
ContextImpl appContext = createBaseContextForActivity(r);
Activity activity = null;
try {
java.lang.ClassLoader cl = appContext.getClassLoader();
activity = mInstrumentation.newActivity(
cl, component.getClassName(), r.intent);
if (r.state != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!mInstrumentation.onException(activity, e)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to instantiate activity " + component
+ ": " + e.toString(), e);
int theme = r.activityInfo.getThemeResource();
if (theme != 0) {
activity.mCalled = false;
if (r.isPersistable()) {
mInstrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(activity, r.state, r.persistentState);
} else {
mInstrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(activity, r.state);
至此我们看出performLaunchActivity首先创建除了一个Activity的实例,并调用了Activity的attach,onCreate,onStart生命周期等方法,在上一篇文章中我们分析过了在onCreate的setContentView中主要做了两件事一是创建根View -DocorView,二是解析我们布局文件并保存进入LayoutParam中,如此看我们就接上了之前的,那么问题是它是如何将我们的布局连接到DocorView上的呢。在handleLaunchActivity中还调用了handleResumeActivity方法
final void handleResumeActivity(IBinder token,
boolean clearHide, boolean isForward, boolean reallyResume, int seq, String reason) {
ActivityClientRecord r = mActivities.get(token);
if (!checkAndUpdateLifecycleSeq(seq, r, "resumeActivity")) {
// If we are getting ready to gc after going to the background, well
// we are back active so skip it.
mSomeActivitiesChanged = true;
// TODO Push resumeArgs into the activity for consideration
r = performResumeActivity(token, clearHide, reason);
if (r != null) {
final Activity a = r.activity;
if (localLOGV) Slog.v(
TAG, "Resume " + r + " started activity: " +
a.mStartedActivity + ", hideForNow: " + r.hideForNow
+ ", finished: " + a.mFinished);
final int forwardBit = isForward ?
WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION : 0;
// If the window hasn't yet been added to the window manager,
// and this guy didn't finish itself or start another activity,
// then go ahead and add the window.
boolean willBeVisible = !a.mStartedActivity;
if (!willBeVisible) {
try {
willBeVisible = ActivityManager.getService().willActivityBeVisible(
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
if (r.window == null && !a.mFinished && willBeVisible) {
r.window = r.activity.getWindow();
View decor = r.window.getDecorView();
ViewManager wm = a.getWindowManager();
WindowManager.LayoutParams l = r.window.getAttributes();
a.mDecor = decor;
l.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_BASE_APPLICATION;
l.softInputMode |= forwardBit;
if (r.mPreserveWindow) {
a.mWindowAdded = true;
r.mPreserveWindow = false;
// Normally the ViewRoot sets up callbacks with the Activity
// in addView->ViewRootImpl#setView. If we are instead reusing
// the decor view we have to notify the view root that the
// callbacks may have changed.
ViewRootImpl impl = decor.getViewRootImpl();
if (impl != null) {
if (a.mVisibleFromClient) {
if (!a.mWindowAdded) {
a.mWindowAdded = true;
wm.addView(decor, l);
} else {
// The activity will get a callback for this {@link LayoutParams} change
// earlier. However, at that time the decor will not be set (this is set
// in this method), so no action will be taken. This call ensures the
// callback occurs with the decor set.
由上可以看出在调用了Activity的resume生命周期方法后,它将Decor和我们直接的布局交给了ViewManager对象,而ViewManager 是一个接口,最终我们找到它的实现类WindowManagerImpl。
public void addView(@NonNull View view, @NonNull ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
mGlobal.addView(view, params, mContext.getDisplay(), mParentWindow);
public void addView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params,
Display display, Window parentWindow) {
if (view == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("view must not be null");
if (display == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("display must not be null");
if (!(params instanceof WindowManager.LayoutParams)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Params must be WindowManager.LayoutParams");
final WindowManager.LayoutParams wparams = (WindowManager.LayoutParams) params;
if (parentWindow != null) {
} else {
// If there's no parent, then hardware acceleration for this view is
// set from the application's hardware acceleration setting.
final Context context = view.getContext();
if (context != null
&& (context.getApplicationInfo().flags
& ApplicationInfo.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED) != 0) {
wparams.flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED;
ViewRootImpl root;
View panelParentView = null;
synchronized (mLock) {
// Start watching for system property changes.
if (mSystemPropertyUpdater == null) {
mSystemPropertyUpdater = new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
synchronized (mLock) {
for (int i = mRoots.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int index = findViewLocked(view, false);
if (index >= 0) {
if (mDyingViews.contains(view)) {
// Don't wait for MSG_DIE to make it's way through root's queue.
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("View " + view
+ " has already been added to the window manager.");
// The previous removeView() had not completed executing. Now it has.
// If this is a panel window, then find the window it is being
// attached to for future reference.
if (wparams.type >= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_SUB_WINDOW &&
wparams.type <= WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAST_SUB_WINDOW) {
final int count = mViews.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (mRoots.get(i).mWindow.asBinder() == wparams.token) {
panelParentView = mViews.get(i);
root = new ViewRootImpl(view.getContext(), display);
// do this last because it fires off messages to start doing things
try {
root.setView(view, wparams, panelParentView);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// BadTokenException or InvalidDisplayException, clean up.
if (index >= 0) {
removeViewLocked(index, true);
throw e;
private final ArrayList mViews = new ArrayList();//根布局,Decor
private final ArrayList mRoots = new ArrayList();
private final ArrayList mParams =
new ArrayList();
if (panelParentView != null) {
= panelParentView.getApplicationWindowToken();
mAdded = true;
int res; /* = WindowManagerImpl.ADD_OKAY; */
// Schedule the first layout -before- adding to the window
// manager, to make sure we do the relayout before receiving
// any other events from the system.
if ((mWindowAttributes.inputFeatures
& WindowManager.LayoutParams.INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL) == 0) {
mInputChannel = new InputChannel();
if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Log.v(mTag, "Ooops, something changed! mWidth="
+ mWidth + " measuredWidth=" + host.getMeasuredWidth()
+ " mHeight=" + mHeight
+ " measuredHeight=" + host.getMeasuredHeight()
+ " coveredInsetsChanged=" + contentInsetsChanged);
// Ask host how big it wants to be
performMeasure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);
final boolean didLayout = layoutRequested && (!mStopped || mReportNextDraw);
boolean triggerGlobalLayoutListener = didLayout
|| mAttachInfo.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes;
if (didLayout) {
performLayout(lp, mWidth, mHeight);
if (!cancelDraw && !newSurface) {
if (mPendingTransitions != null && mPendingTransitions.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < mPendingTransitions.size(); ++i) {
由此我们可以看出这个方法已经进入了UI的具体的绘制,从方法调用的顺序也可以看出,UI在绘制的过程中都经过了:measure→layout→draw 即:测量→布局→绘制。这个顺序对于我们日后自定义布局是至关重要的。
我们进入到三个perform方法中可以看出,他们最终都是进入到View的相应的onMeasure和onLayout和onDraw方法,而在android SDK给我们提供的各个空间,他们已经帮我们自己实现了各个View自己的measure和layout以及draw。因此我们在自定义View的时候主要也是对这个方法的重写。