1、teacher 表
CREATE TABLE `teacher` (
`last_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名字字段',
`age` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '年龄字段',
2、student 表
CREATE TABLE `student` (
`last_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '学生名字',
`sex` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '学生性别',
`tech_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
CREATE TABLE `job_grade` (
`grade_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '级别编号',
`grade_level` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '级别水平',
`lowest_sal` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最低工资标准',
`highest_sal` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最高工资标准',
PRIMARY KEY (`grade_id`)
一、sql92 标准
① 多表等值连接的结果为多表的交集部分
② n 表连接,至少需要n-1 个连接条件
③ 多表的顺序没有要求
④ 一般需要为表放别名
⑤ 可以搭配前面介绍的所有子句使用,比如:排序、分组、筛选
——select student.last_name as 学生名字, teacher.last_name as 老师名字
from student, teacher
where student.tech.id=teacher.id;
——select e.last_name as 员工名, e.department_name as 部门名称
from employees as e, departments as d
where e.department_id=d.department_id;
① 提高了语句的简洁度
② 区分多个重名字段
——select e.last_name as 员工名, e.job_id as 工种号, j.job_name as 工种名
from employees as e, jobs as j
where e.job_id=j.job_id;
——select e.last_name as 员工名, e.job_id as 工种号, j.job_name as 工种名
from jobs as j, employees as e
where e.job_id=j.job_id;
——select e.last_name as 员工名, d.department_name as 部门名
from employees as e, departments as d
where e.department_id=d.department_id
and e.commission_pet is not null;
——select d.department_name as 部门名, l.city as 城市名
from departments as d, location as l
where l.city like '_o%';
——select count(*) as 部门个数, city as 城市名
from departments as d, locations as l
where d.location_id=l.location_id
group by l.city;
——select department_name as 部门名, d.manager_id as 部门领导编号, min(e.salary) as 最低工资
from departments as d, employees as e
where d.department_id=e.department_id
and commission_pet is not null
group by department_name, d.manager_id;
——select e.jobs_id as 工种名, count(*) as 员工个数
from employees as e, jobs as j
where e.jobs_id=j.jobs_id
group by jobs_name
order by count(*) desc;
——select last_name as 员工名, d.department_id as 部门名, city as 城市名
from employees as e, departments as d, locations as l
where e.department_id=d.department_id
and d.location_id=l.location_id
——select salary as 工资, grade_level as 工资级别
from employees as e, job_grade as j_g
where e.salary between j_g.loweest_sal and j_g.highest_sal;
——select last_name as 员工名, empoyee_id as 员工编号, last_name as 领导名称, employee_id as 领导编号
from employees as e, employees as m
where e.employee_id=m.employee_id;
——select max(salary) as 最大工资, avg(salary) as 平均工资
from employees;
#案例2:查询员工表的employee_id,job_id,last_name,按department_id 降序,salary 升序
——select employee_id as 员工编号, job_id as 工作编号, last_name as 员工姓名
from employees
order by department_id desc, salary asc;
#案例3:查询员工表的job_id 中包含 a 和 e 的,并且a 在e 的前面
——select job_id as 工种编号, employee_id as 员工编号, employee_name as 员工姓名
from employees
where job_id like '%a%e%';
#案例4:已知表 student,里面有 id(学号),name,grade_id(年级编号)
——select s.name as 学生姓名, g.name as 年级名, score as 成绩
from student as s, grade as g, result as r
where s.grade_id=g.id
and s.id=r.studentNo;
——select now();
——select trim(startIndex, str);
——select substr(str, startIndex, length);
——select employee_id as 员工姓名, department_id as 员工编号, department_name as 部门名称
from employees as e, departments as d
where e.department_id=d.department_id;
#案例7:查询90号部门员工的job_id 和90 号部门的location_id
——select e.job_id as 工种编号, d.location_id as 位置编号, e.department_id as 部门编号
from employees as e, departments as d
where e.department_id=d.department_id
and e.department_id=90;
——select e.last_name as 员工姓名, e.job_id as 工种编号, d.department_name as 部门名称, l.location_id as 位置编号, city as 城市名
from employees as e, departments as d, locations as l
where e.department_id=d.department_id
and d.location_id=l.location_id
and commission_pet is not null;
#案例9:选择city 在Toronto 工作的员工的last_name、job_id、department_id、department_name
——select e.last_name as 员工姓名, e.job_id as 工种编号, d.department_id as 部门编号, d.department_name as 部门名称
from employees as e, departments as d, locations as l
where e.department_id=d.department_id
and d.department_id=l.department_id
and city='Toronto'
——select department_name as 部门名称, job_name as 工种名称, min(salary) as 最低工资
from departments as d, employees as e, jobs as j
where d.department_id=e.department_id
and e.job_id=j.job_id
group by department_name;
#案例11:查询每个国家下的部门个数大于2 的国家编号
——select country_id as 国家编号, count(*) as 部门个数
from locations as l, departments as d
where l.location_id=d.location_id
group by country_id
having count(*)>2;
员工姓名 员工编号 领导姓名 领导编号
kocahhar 1001 King 100
——select e.last_name as 员工姓名, e.employee_id as 员工编号, m.last_name as 领导姓名, m.employee_id as 领导编号
from employees as e, employees as m
where e.manager_id=m.employee_id
and last_name='kocahhar';
二、sql99 标准
select 查询列表
from 表1 别名 【连接类型】
join 表2 别名
on 连接条件
【where 筛选条件】
【group by 分组条件】
【having 筛选条件】
【order by 排序列表】
【limit 偏移, 条目数】
select 查询列表
from 表1 别名
inner join 表2 别名
on 连接条件
【where 筛选条件】
【group by 分组条件】
【having 筛选条件】
【order by 排序列表】
【limit 偏移, 条目数】
① 添加排序、分组、筛选
② inner 可以省略
③ 筛选条件可以放在where 后面,连接条件放在on 后面,提高分离性,便于阅读
④ inner join 连接和sql92 语法中的等值连接效果一样的,都是查询多张表的交集
⑤ n 表连接至少需要n-1 个连接条件
——select employee_name as 员工名, department_name as 部门名
from employees as e
inner join department_name as d
on e.department_id=d.deparment_id
——select last_name as 员工名, job_name as 工种名
from employees as e
inner join jobs as j
on e.job_id=j.job_id
where last_name like '%e%';
#案例3:查询部门个数>3 的城市名和部门个数(分组+筛选)
——select city as 城市名称, count(*) as 部门个数
from departments as d
inner join locations as l
on d.location_id=l.location_id
group by city
having count(*)>3;
#案例4:查询哪个部门的部门员工个数>3 的部门名和员工个数,并按个数降序(排序)
——select department_name as 部门名称, count(*) as 员工个数
from employees as e
inner join departments as d
on e.department_id=d.department_id
group by d.department_id
having count(*)>3
order by count(*) desc;
——select last_name as 员工名, department_name as 部门名称, job_name as 工种名称
from employees as e
inner join departments as d on e.department_id=d.department_id
inner join jobs as j on e.job_id=j.job_id
order by 部门名称 desc;
② 非等值连接
——select salary as 工资, grade_level as 工资级别
from employees as e
inner join job_grade as j_g
on e.salary between j_g.lowest_sal and highest_level;
——select count(*) as 员工个数, grade_level as 工资级别
from employees e
inner join job_grade as j_g
on e.salary between j_g.lowest_sal and highest_sal
group by grade_level
having count(*)>3
order by count(*) desc;
③ 自连接
——select last_name as 员工姓名, manager_name as 领导名字
from employees as e
inner join employees as m
on e.manager_id=m.employee_id;
where e.last_name like '%k%';
select 查询列表
from 表1 别名
left/right/full 【outer】 join 表2 别名
on 连接条件
【where 筛选条件】
【group by 分组条件】
【having 筛选条件】
【order by 排序列表】
【limit 偏移, 条目数】
② 左外连接:left join左边的是主表
右外连接:right join右边的是主表
④ 全外连接=内连接的结果+表1中有但表2中没有的+表2中有但表1中没有的
——select s.last_name as 学生姓名, t.last_name as 老师姓名
from student as s
left outer join teacher as t
on s.tech_id=t.id
where t.last_name is null;
——select s.last_name as 学生姓名
from student as s
right outer join teacher as t
on t.id=s.tech_id
where t.last_name is null;
——select department_name as 部门名称
from departments as d
left outer employees as e
on d.department_Id=e.department_id
where e.department_id is null;
——select s.id as 学生编号, t.*
from student as s
left outer join teacher as t
on s.tech_id=t.id
where s.id>4
——select city as 城市名称
from locations as l
left outer join departments as d
on l.location_id=d.location_id
where d.location_id is null;
#案例3:查询部门名为SAL或IT 的员工信息
——select department_name as 部门名称, e.*
from departments as d
left outer join employees as e
on d.department_id=e.department_id
where department_name in('SAL', 'IT');
一、where或having 后面
① 子查询放在小括号内
② 子查询一般放在条件的右侧
③ 标量子查询,一般搭配着单行操作符使用(>、<、>=、<=、=、<>)
④ 列子查询,一般搭配着多行操作符使用(in、any/some、all)
⑤ 子查询的执行优先于主查询执行,主查询的条件用到了子查询的结果
#案例1:谁的工资比Abel 高
——select last_name as 员工名称, salary as 工资
from employees
where salary>(select salary from employees where last_name='Abel');
#案例2:返回job_id 与员工编号为123 相同,salary 比员工编号为134 多的员工姓名,job_id 和工资
——select last_name as 员工姓名, job_id as 工种编号, salary as 工资
from employees
where job_id=(select job_id from employees where employee_id=123)
and salary>(select salary from employees where employee_id=134);
#案例3:返回公司工资最少的员工信息的last_name, job_id 和salary
——select last_name as 员工姓名, job_id as 工种编号, salary as 工资
from employees
where salary=(select min(salary) from employees);
#案例4:查询最低工资大于部门编号为50 最低工资的部门编号和其最低工资
①部门编号为50 的最低工资
③ 在②基础上满足min(salary)>①
——select department_id as 部门编号, salary as 最低工资
from employees
group by department_id;
having min(salary)>(select min(salary) from employees where department_id=50)
#案例1:返回location_id 是1400或1800 的部门中的所有员工姓名
——select last_name as 员工姓名
from employees
where department_id in(
select distinct department_id
from departments
where location_id in(1400, 1800)
#案例2:返回其他工种中比job_id 为‘IT_PROG’ 工种任一工资都低的员工的员工编号、姓名、job_id 以及salary
①job_id 为‘IT_PROG’ 部门的任一工资
——select distinct salary from employees where job_id='IT_PROG';
②查询员工的员工编号、姓名、job_id 以及salary,salary<(①)的任意一个
——select employee_id as 员工编号, last_name as 员工姓名, job_id as 工种编号, salary as 工资
from employees
where salary'IT_PROG';
#案例3:返回其他工种中比job_id 为‘IT_PROG’ 工种所有工资都低的员工的员工编号、姓名、job_id 以及salary
——select employee_id as 员工编号, last_name as 员工姓名, job_id as 工种编号, salary as 工资
from employees
where salary'IT_PROG';
——select *
from employees
where (employee_id, salary)=(
select min(employee_id), max(salary)
from employees
二、select 后面(仅仅支持标量子查询)
——select d.*, (
select count(*)
from employees as e
where e.department_id=d.department_id
) as个数
from departments as d;
——select (
select department_name
from departments as d
inner join employees as e
on d.department_id=e.department_id
where e.employee_id=120
) as 部门名称;
三、from 后面
——select avg_dep.*, grade_level as 工资等级
from (
select avg(salary) as av, department_id as dp
from employees as e
group by e.department_id
) as avg_dep
inner join job_grade as j_g
on avg_dep.av between lowest_sal and highest_sal;
四、exists 后面(相关子查询)
——select department_name as 部门名称
from departments as d
where exists(
select *
from employees as e
where e.department_id=d.department_id
——select *
from student as s
where not exists(
select *
from teacher as t
where t.id=s.tech_id
——select last_name as 学生姓名, sex as 学生性别
from student as s
where s.tech_id=(
select st.tech_id
from student as st
where last_name='张无忌'
——select s.id as 学生编号, s.last_name as 学生姓名, s.score as 学生分数
from student as s
where score>(
select avg(score)
from student
③在 ① 的基础上和② 做比较
——select score as 学生分数, s.last_name as 学生姓名, tech_id as 指导组编号
from student as s
inner join teacher as t
on s.tech_id=t.id
where score>(
select avg(score)
from student as st
group by st.tech_id
having t.id=st.tech_id
#案例4:查询和姓名中包含字母‘刘’ 的学生在相同指导教师组的学生编号和姓名
① 查询名字含字母‘刘’ 的学生的指导组编号
② 查询在① 为基础上的指导组内的学生信息
——select *
from student
where tech_id in(
select tech_id
from student as s
where last_name like '%刘%'
#案例5:查询在教师组的任教课程 为‘语文’ 的指导组的学生的编号
——select s.id, tech_id
from student as s
inner join(
select t.id
from teacher as t
where course='语文'
) as th
on s.tech_id=th.id
——select s.last_name as 学生姓名, score as 分数
from student as s
where tech_id in(
select t.id
from teacher as t
where t.last_name='赵六'
#案例7:查询分数最高的学生的姓名,要求last_name 和sex 显示为一列,列名为姓名
——select concat(last_name, sex) as 姓名
from student
where score=(
select max(score)
from student
——select te.*
from teacher as te
where id=(
select tech_id
from student as s
inner join teacher as t
where tech_id=t.id
group by tech_id
order by avg(score)
limit 0,1
① 先查询出最低指导组的学生平均分数和指导组ID
② 利用① 的结果作为从表和teacher 表建立内连接关联
③ 在② 基础上查询teacher 表中id=从表中ID 的信息
——select t.*, ag_tid.ag
from teacher as t
inner join (
select avg(score) as ag, tech_id
from student as s
inner join teacher as t
where tech_id=t.id
group by tech_id
order by avg(score)
limit 1
) as ag_tid
on t.id=ag_tid.tech_id
#案例10:查询平均分数最高的 指导组老师信息
——select *
from teacher
where id=(
select tech_id
from student as s
inner join teacher as t
where tech_id=t.id
group by tech_id
order by avg(score) desc
limit 1
① 获得所有学生的平均分数
② 获得所有指导组的学生平均分数
③ 获取指导组平均分数比学生平均分数高的指导组ID
④ 在teacher 表中查询id in(③ 结果)的信息
——select * ##④
from teacher
where id in(
select tech_id ##②③
from student as s
inner join teacher as t
where tech_id=t.id
group by tech_id
having avg(score)>(
select avg(score) ##①
from student
#案例12:查询公司所有 manger 的详细信息
——select *
from employees as e
where e.employee.id in(
select distinct employee_id
from employees
where manager_id is not null
① 查询各个指导组的学生最高分数的tech_id
② 查询student 表中以① 结果作为条件的学生分数
③ 获取其中的最低分数
——select min(score) ##②
from student
where tech_id=(
select tech_id ##①
from student as s
inner join teacher as t
on s.tech_id=t.id
where tech_id is not null
group by tech_id
order by max(score)
limit 1
#案例14:查询平均分数最高的指导组的 老师的详细信息
——select *
from teacher
where id=(
select tech_id
from student as s
inner join teacher as t
on s.tech_id=t.id
group by s.tech_id
order by avg(score) desc
limit 1
select 查询列表
from 表
【join type join 表2】
on 连接条件
where 筛选条件
group by 分组字段
having 分组后的筛选
order by 排序字段
limit offset, size;
——offset 要显示条目的起始索引(起始索引从0开始)
——size 要显示的条目个数(就是每个分页的条数)
① limit 语句放在查询语句的最后
② 公式
要显示的页数 page,每页的条目数size
select 查询列表
from 表
limit (page-1)*size, size;
——select s.*
from student as s
limit 0, 5;
#案例2:查询第11~22 条学生信息
——select s.*
from student as s
limit 10, 12;
#案例3:有指导组的学生信息,并且分数较高的前15 名显示出来
——select s.*
from student as s
where tech_id is not null
order by score desc
limit 0, 15;
已知表 stu_info
id 学号
name 姓名
email 邮箱 [email protected]
gradeId 年级编号
sex 性别(男、女)
age 年龄
已知表 grade
id 年级编号
gradeName 年级名称
#案例1:查询所有学员的邮箱的用户名(注:邮箱中 @前面的字符即为用户名)
——select substr(email, 1, instr(email, '@')-1) as 用户名
from stu_info;
——select count(*) as 个数, sex
from stu_info
group by sex;
#案例3:查询年龄>18 的所有学生的姓名和年级名称
——select name as 姓名, gradeName as 年级名称
from stu_info as s
inner join grade as g
on s.gradeId=g.id
where s.age>18;
——select gradeName as 年级名称, min(age) as 最小年龄
from stu_info as s
left outer grade as g
on s.gradeId=g.id
group by g.id
having 最小年龄>20;
——select 查询列表 ⑦
from 表1 ①
连接类型 join 表2 ②
on 连接条件 ③
where 筛选条件 ④
group by 分组列表 ⑤
having 分组后的筛选 ⑥
order by 排序列表 ⑧
limit 偏移, 条目数; ⑨
——select count(*) as 学生人数, (select majorname from major as m where m.majorid= s.majorid) as 专业名称
from stu_info as s
group by majorid
——select avg(score) as 平均分, max(score) as 最高分
from result
group by studentno
#案例3:查询姓‘张’的每个学生的最低分>60 的学号、姓名
① 查询姓张的每个学生的成绩
② 在① 的基础上进行result 按学号分组的查询
——select min(score) as 最低分数
from result
where studentno in(
select studentno as 学号
from stu_info
where studentname like '张%'
group by studentno
having 最低分数>60;
① 查询生日在‘1998-04-23’后的学生名字和专业编号
② 查询所有专业的名称和编号
③ ① + ② 建立内连接
——select studentname as 学生名字, m.majorname as 专业名称
from stu_info as s
inner join major as m
on s.majorid=m.majorid
where datediff(borndate,'1998-04-23')>0
group by s.majorid
① 查询每个专业的人数和专业编号
② 查询这个专业女男比例
——select majorid as 专业编号,
(select count(*) from stu_info as at where sex='女' and s.majorid=at.majorid) as 女生人数,
(select count(*) from stu_info as st where sex='男' and s.majorid=st.majorid) as 男生人数
from stu_info as s
group by majorid;
① 查询名字为‘张翠山’的专业编号
② 在① 的基础上查询该专业的学生编号
③ 在 ② 的基础上查询这批学生的最低分数
——select min(score)
from result
where studentno in(
select studentno
from stu_info
where majorid in(
select majorid from stu_info where studentname='张翠山'
① 内连接stu_info 表和 result 表查询分数大于60的学生信息
② 在① 的基础上内连接major 表
③ 在② 的基础上查询学生姓名、密码、专业名
——select studentname as 学生名字, loginpwd as 密码, majorname as 专业名称
from stu_info as s
inner join result as r
on r.studentno=s.studentno
inner join major as m
on s.majorid=m.majorid
where score>60
——select count(*) as 学生个数, length(email) as 邮箱长度
from stu_info
where email is not null
group by length(email);
——select s.studentname as 学生名字, m.majorname as 专业名称, r.score as 分数
from stu_info as s
inner join result as r
on s.studentno=r.studentno
inner join major as m
on s.majorid=m.majorid
——select count(*) as 学生人数, m.majorname as 专业名称
from stu_info as s
left outer join major as m
on s.majorid=m.majorid
group by m.majorid
having count(*) is null
——select count(*) as 学生人数, m.majorname as 专业名称
from stu_info as s
right outer join major as m
on m.majorid=s.majorid
group by m.majorid
having count(*)=0
——select count(*) as 学生人数
from stu_info as s
left outer join result as r
on s.studentno=r.studentno
where r.score is null;
—— select e.* from employees as e where email like ‘%a%’
select s.* from employees as s where department_id>90;
MySQL 的查询学习就到此结束了。接下来可以继续学习DML 语言(插入、修改、删除)