

Xiao Ming recently indulges in match stick game and he thinks he is good at it. His friend Xiao Jun decides to test him. Xiao Jun gives him an expression of length , made by match sticks and asks him to calculate the maximum value of the expression by moving any match sticks (but he can’t discard any of them). The expression is made up of some numbers, plus signs and minus signs represented as A_1 \ op_1 \ A_2 \ op_2 \ A_3 \ op_3 \ \cdots A_{m - 1} \ op_{m - 1} \ A_mA1 op1 A2 op2 A3 op3 Am1 opm1 Ammm must be count by himself, A_k(1 \le k \le m)Ak(1km) is an integer without leading zeros and less than 10^9109 , op_k (1 \le k \le m)opk(1km) is a plus sign or a minus sign. At the same time, there are some requirements of the new expression:

  1. The new expression should also be made up of mm numbers and m - 1m1 operators.
  2. The number of digits per number should keep consistent with the original.
  3. There couldn’t be any leading zeros per number.


The first line consists of a single integer TTdenoting the number of test cases.

There’re two lines in each test case.

The first line contains an integer nn.

A string of length nn follows in the next line, denoting the expression given.

The expression is guaranteed to be valid.


For each test case, print a single integer denoting the maximum result of the expression.


1 \le n \le 1001n100


Expression with the maximum result for the second sample is 7 - 171 .

Expression with the maximum result for the second sample is 7 + 7 + 97+7+9.




 1 #include
 2 #include
 3 #include
 4 #include
 5 #include
 6 #include
 7 using namespace std;
 8 char ch[105];
 9 map<char,int>mp;
10 typedef long long ll;
11 int q[105];
12 ll dp[105][705],dp2[705][15],dp3[705][15];
13 vector<int>g[11];
14 int main(){
15     int t;
16     scanf("%d",&t);
17     g[6].push_back(0);
18     mp['0']=6;
19     g[2].push_back(1);
20     mp['1']=2;
21     g[5].push_back(2);
22     mp['2']=5;
23     g[5].push_back(3);
24     mp['3']=5;
25     g[4].push_back(4);
26     mp['4']=4;
27     g[5].push_back(5);
28     mp['5']=5;
29     g[6].push_back(6);
30     mp['6']=6;
31     g[3].push_back(7);
32     mp['7']=3;
33     g[7].push_back(8);
34     mp['8']=7;
35     g[6].push_back(9);
36     mp['9']=6;
37     mp['+']=2;
38     mp['-']=1;
39     memset(dp2,-1,sizeof(dp2));
40     memset(dp3,-1,sizeof(dp3));
41     dp2[0][0]=0;
42     for(int i=1;i<=700;i++){
43         for(int j=2;j<=7;j++){
44             for(int k=1;k<15;k++){
45             if(dp2[i-j][k-1]!=-1&&i>=j)dp2[i][k]=max(dp2[i-j][k-1]*10+g[j][g[j].size()-1],dp2[i][k]);
46            // if(dp2[i-j]!=-1&&dp2[i][k]==-1&&i>=j)dp2[i][k]=dp2[i-j][k-1]*10+g[j][g[j].size()-1];
47             }
48         }
49     }
50     dp3[0][0]=0;
51     for(int i=1;i<=700;i++){
52         for(int j=2;j<=7;j++){
53             for(int k=1;k<15;k++){
54                 if(dp3[i-j][k-1]!=-1&&i>=j)dp3[i][k]=min(dp3[i-j][k-1]*10+g[j][0],dp3[i][k]);
55                 if(dp3[i-j][k-1]!=-1&&dp3[i][k]==-1&&i>=j)dp3[i][k]=dp3[i-j][k-1]*10+g[j][0];
56             }
57         }
58     }
59     //for(int i=1;i<=12;i++)cout<
60     while(t--){
61         int n;
62         scanf("%d",&n);
63         scanf("%s",ch);
64         int tot=0;
65         ll sum=0;
66         int f=0;
67         for(int i=0;i){
68             if(ch[i]=='+'||ch[i]=='-'){tot++;q[tot]=i-f;f=i+1;}
69             sum+=mp[ch[i]];
70         }
71         q[++tot]=n-f;
72         memset(dp,-1,sizeof(dp));
73         dp[0][0]=0;
74        // cout<
75         for(int i=1;i<=tot;i++){
76             for(int j=0;j<=sum;j++){
77                 for(int k=1;k<=100;k++){
78                     //cout<
79                     if(i>1&&j-k-2>=0&&dp[i-1][j-k-2]!=-1&&dp2[k][q[i]]!=-1)dp[i][j]=max(dp[i-1][j-k-2]+dp2[k][q[i]],dp[i][j]);
80                     if(i==1&&j-k>=0&&dp[i-1][j-k]!=-1&&dp2[k][q[i]]!=-1)dp[i][j]=max(dp[i-1][j-k]+dp2[k][q[i]],dp[i][j]);
81                     if(j-k-1>=0&&dp[i-1][j-k-1]!=-1&&dp3[k][q[i]]!=-1)dp[i][j]=max(dp[i-1][j-k-1]-dp3[k][q[i]],dp[i][j]);
82                     if(dp[i][j]==-1){
83                         if(i>1&&j-k-2>=0&&dp[i-1][j-k-2]!=-1&&dp2[k][q[i]]!=-1){
84                             dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j-k-2]+dp2[k][q[i]];
85                         }
86                         if(i==1&&j-k>=0&&dp[i-1][j-k]!=-1&&dp2[k][q[i]]!=-1){
87                             dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j-k]+dp2[k][q[i]];
88                         }
89                         if(j-k-1>=0&&dp[i-1][j-k-1]!=-1&&dp3[k][q[i]]!=-1){
90                             dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j-k-1]-dp3[k][q[i]];
91                         }
92                     }
93                 }
94             }
95         }
96         printf("%lld\n",dp[tot][sum]);
97     }
98     return 0;
99 }
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