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1.1      什么是 IOzone

 IOzone是一个文件系统测试工具,可以用来测试磁盘IO的读写性能,可以在各种操作系统上面使用,我们可以在下面网站下载这个工具 http://www.iozone.org/


1.2      IOzone 安装




rpm -ivh iozone-3-331.i386.rpm

command :/opt/iozone/bin/iozone -i 0 -i 1 -r 4096 -s 1G -Recb log.xls -t 2  -C |tee iozone.log



rpm -ivh iozone-3.283-1.el4.rf.x86_64.rpm

command : /usr/bin/iozone -i 0 -i 1 -r 4096 -s 1G -Recb log.xls -t 2  -C |tee iozone.log




rpm -ivh iozone-3.315-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm

command :/usr/bin/iozone -i 0 -i 1 -r 4096 -s 1G -Recb log.xls -t 2  -C |tee iozone.log


1.3      使用IOzone测试IO性能



#/usr/bin/iozone -i 0 -i 1 -r 4096 -s 1G -Recb log.xls -t 2  -C |tee iozone.log

#vi iozone.log

You can find the test result as following contents


        Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O

                Version $Revision: 3.331 $

                Compiled for 32 bit mode.

                Build: linux


        Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins

                     Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss

                     Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,

                     Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,

                     Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,

                     Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,

                     Fabrice Bacchella.


        Run began: Tue May  4 15:47:41 2010


        Record Size 4096 KB

        File size set to 1048576 KB

        Excel chart generation enabled

        Include fsync in write timing

        Include close in write timing

        Command line used: /opt/iozone/bin/iozone -i 0 -i 1 -r 4096 -s 1G -Recb log.xls -t 2 -C

        Output is in Kbytes/sec

        Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.

        Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes.

        Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.

        File stride size set to 17 * record size.

        Throughput test with 2 processes

        Each process writes a 1048576 Kbyte file in 4096 Kbyte records


        Children see throughput for  2 initial writers  =  123255.69 KB/sec

        Parent sees throughput for  2 initial writers   =  117519.99 KB/sec

        Min throughput per process                      =   59093.47 KB/sec

        Max throughput per process                      =   64162.22 KB/sec

        Avg throughput per process                      =   61627.84 KB/sec

        Min xfer                                        =  970752.00 KB

        Child[0] xfer count =  970752.00 KB, Throughput =   59093.47 KB/sec

        Child[1] xfer count = 1048576.00 KB, Throughput =   64162.22 KB/sec


        Children see throughput for  2 rewriters        =  114641.95 KB/sec

        Parent sees throughput for  2 rewriters         =  114251.79 KB/sec

        Min throughput per process                      =   57138.49 KB/sec

        Max throughput per process                      =   57503.46 KB/sec

        Avg throughput per process                      =   57320.98 KB/sec

        Min xfer                                        = 1048576.00 KB

        Child[0] xfer count = 1048576.00 KB, Throughput =   57503.46 KB/sec

        Child[1] xfer count = 1048576.00 KB, Throughput =   57138.49 KB/sec


        Children see throughput for  2 readers          = 1353629.25 KB/sec

        Parent sees throughput for  2 readers           = 1243357.66 KB/sec

        Min throughput per process                      =  592218.50 KB/sec

        Max throughput per process                      =  761410.75 KB/sec

        Avg throughput per process                      =  676814.62 KB/sec

        Min xfer                                        =  950272.00 KB

        Child[0] xfer count =  950272.00 KB, Throughput =  592218.50 KB/sec

        Child[1] xfer count = 1048576.00 KB, Throughput =  761410.75 KB/sec


        Children see throughput for 2 re-readers        = 1987734.69 KB/sec

        Parent sees throughput for 2 re-readers         = 1935438.66 KB/sec

        Min throughput per process                      =  857971.81 KB/sec

        Max throughput per process                      = 1129762.88 KB/sec

        Avg throughput per process                      =  993867.34 KB/sec

        Min xfer                                        =  831488.00 KB

        Child[0] xfer count =  831488.00 KB, Throughput =  857971.81 KB/sec

        Child[1] xfer count = 1048576.00 KB, Throughput = 1129762.88 KB/sec


"Throughput report Y-axis is type of test X-axis is number of processes"

"Record size = 4096 Kbytes "

"Output is in Kbytes/sec"

"  Initial write "  123255.69

"     Rewrite "  114641.95

"       Read " 1353629.25

"      Re-read" 1987734.69


来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/21605631/viewspace-715298/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。

