如题,今天我们来看下java.math.BigDecimal是如何解决浮点数的精度问题的,在那之前当然得先了解下浮点数精度问题是什么问题了。下面我们先从IEEE 754说起。
IEEE二进制浮点数算术标准(IEEE 754)是20世纪80年代以来最广泛使用的浮点数运算标准,为许多CPU与浮点运算器所采用。这个标准定义了表示浮点数的格式(包括负零-0)与反常值(denormal number)),一些特殊数值(无穷(Inf)与非数值(NaN)),以及这些数值的“浮点数运算符”;它也指明了四种数值舍入规则和五种异常状况(包括异常发生的时机与处理方式)。
sign | exponent | fraction |
1位 | 11位 | 52位 |
63 | 62-52 实际的指数大小+1023 |
51-0 |
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void printBits(double d) {
long l = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);
String bits = Long.toBinaryString(l);
int len = bits.length();
if(len == 64) {
System.out.println("[51-0]"+bits.substring(12, 64));
} else {
System.out.println("[62-52]"+ pad(bits.substring(0, len - 52)));
System.out.println("[51-0]"+bits.substring(len-52, len));
private static String pad(String exp) {
int len = exp.length();
if(len == 11) {
return exp;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 11-len; i > 0; i--) {
return sb.toString();
上面我们使用的浮点数3.5刚好可以准确的用二进制来表示, 2 1 2^1 21+ 2 0 2^0 20+ 2 − 1 2^{-1} 2−1,但并不是所有的小数都可以用二进制来表示,例如,0.1。
public static void main(String[] args) {
0.1无法表示成 2 x 2^x 2x+ 2 y 2^y 2y+… 这样的形式,尾数部分后面应该是1100一直循环下去,但是由于计算机无法表示这样的无限循环,所以就需要截断,这就是浮点数的精度问题。精度问题会带来一些unexpected的问题,例如0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(0.1 + 0.1 == 0.2); // true
System.out.println(0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3); // false
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal("100.001");
也就是100.001 = 100001 * 0.1^3
X* 0. 1 n 0.1^n 0.1n + Y* 0. 1 m 0.1^m 0.1m == X* 0. 1 n 0.1^n 0.1n + (Y* 0. 1 m − n 0.1^{m-n} 0.1m−n) * 0. 1 n 0.1^n 0.1n == (X+Y* 0. 1 m − n 0.1^{m-n} 0.1m−n) * 0. 1 n 0.1^n 0.1n,其中 n > m n>m n>m
* Returns a {@code BigDecimal} whose value is {@code (this +
* augend)}, and whose scale is {@code max(this.scale(),
* augend.scale())}.
* @param augend value to be added to this {@code BigDecimal}.
* @return {@code this + augend}
public BigDecimal add(BigDecimal augend) {
long xs = this.intCompact;
long ys = augend.intCompact;
BigInteger fst = (xs != INFLATED) ? null : this.intVal;
BigInteger snd = (ys != INFLATED) ? null : augend.intVal;
int rscale = this.scale;
long sdiff = (long)rscale - augend.scale;
if (sdiff != 0) {
if (sdiff < 0) {
int raise = checkScale(-sdiff);
rscale = augend.scale;
if (xs == INFLATED ||
(xs = longMultiplyPowerTen(xs, raise)) == INFLATED)
fst = bigMultiplyPowerTen(raise);
} else {
int raise = augend.checkScale(sdiff);
if (ys == INFLATED ||
(ys = longMultiplyPowerTen(ys, raise)) == INFLATED)
snd = augend.bigMultiplyPowerTen(raise);
if (xs != INFLATED && ys != INFLATED) {
long sum = xs + ys;
// See "Hacker's Delight" section 2-12 for explanation of
// the overflow test.
if ( (((sum ^ xs) & (sum ^ ys))) >= 0L) // not overflowed
return BigDecimal.valueOf(sum, rscale);
if (fst == null)
fst = BigInteger.valueOf(xs);
if (snd == null)
snd = BigInteger.valueOf(ys);
BigInteger sum = fst.add(snd);
return (fst.signum == snd.signum) ?
new BigDecimal(sum, INFLATED, rscale, 0) :
new BigDecimal(sum, rscale);
X* 0. 1 n 0.1^n 0.1n * Y* 0. 1 m 0.1^m 0.1m == (X*Y) * 0. 1 n + m 0.1^{n+m} 0.1n+m
* Returns a {@code BigDecimal} whose value is (this ×
* multiplicand), and whose scale is {@code (this.scale() +
* multiplicand.scale())}.
* @param multiplicand value to be multiplied by this {@code BigDecimal}.
* @return {@code this * multiplicand}
public BigDecimal multiply(BigDecimal multiplicand) {
long x = this.intCompact;
long y = multiplicand.intCompact;
int productScale = checkScale((long)scale + multiplicand.scale);
// Might be able to do a more clever check incorporating the
// inflated check into the overflow computation.
if (x != INFLATED && y != INFLATED) {
* If the product is not an overflowed value, continue
* to use the compact representation. if either of x or y
* is INFLATED, the product should also be regarded as
* an overflow. Before using the overflow test suggested in
* "Hacker's Delight" section 2-12, we perform quick checks
* using the precision information to see whether the overflow
* would occur since division is expensive on most CPUs.
long product = x * y;
long prec = this.precision() + multiplicand.precision();
if (prec < 19 || (prec < 21 && (y == 0 || product / y == x)))
return BigDecimal.valueOf(product, productScale);
return new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(x).multiply(y), INFLATED,
productScale, 0);
BigInteger rb;
if (x == INFLATED && y == INFLATED)
rb = this.intVal.multiply(multiplicand.intVal);
else if (x != INFLATED)
rb = multiplicand.intVal.multiply(x);
rb = this.intVal.multiply(y);
return new BigDecimal(rb, INFLATED, productScale, 0);
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte[] mag = {
2, 1 // 10 00000001 == 513
System.out.println(new BigInteger(mag));
通过byte[]来当作底层的二进制表示,例如栗子中的[2, 1],也就是[00000010B, 00000001B],就是表示二进制的10 00000001B这个数,也就是513了。
* Translates a byte array containing the two's-complement binary
* representation of a BigInteger into a BigInteger. The input array is
* assumed to be in big-endian byte-order: the most significant
* byte is in the zeroth element.
* @param val big-endian two's-complement binary representation of
* BigInteger.
* @throws NumberFormatException {@code val} is zero bytes long.
public BigInteger(byte[] val) {
if (val.length == 0)
throw new NumberFormatException("Zero length BigInteger");
if (val[0] < 0) {
mag = makePositive(val);
signum = -1;
} else {
mag = stripLeadingZeroBytes(val);
signum = (mag.length == 0 ? 0 : 1);
* Returns a copy of the input array stripped of any leading zero bytes.
private static int[] stripLeadingZeroBytes(byte a[]) {
int byteLength = a.length;
int keep;
// Find first nonzero byte
for (keep = 0; keep < byteLength && a[keep]==0; keep++)
// Allocate new array and copy relevant part of input array
int intLength = ((byteLength - keep) + 3) >>> 2;
int[] result = new int[intLength];
int b = byteLength - 1;
for (int i = intLength-1; i >= 0; i--) {
result[i] = a[b--] & 0xff;
int bytesRemaining = b - keep + 1;
int bytesToTransfer = Math.min(3, bytesRemaining);
for (int j=8; j <= (bytesToTransfer << 3); j += 8)
result[i] |= ((a[b--] & 0xff) << j);
return result;
上面也可以看到这个byte[]应该是big-endian two's-complement binary representation
那么为什么构造函数不直接让我们扔一个int[]进去就得了呢,还要这么转换一下?答案是因为Java的整数都是有符号整数,举个栗子,int类型没办法表示 2 32 − 1 2^{32}-1 232−1,也就是32位上全都是1这个数的,这时候用byte[]得这么写,(byte)255,(byte)255,(byte)255,(byte)255
private static int[] add(int[] x, int[] y) {
// If x is shorter, swap the two arrays
if (x.length < y.length) {
int[] tmp = x;
x = y;
y = tmp;
int xIndex = x.length;
int yIndex = y.length;
int result[] = new int[xIndex];
long sum = 0;
// Add common parts of both numbers
while(yIndex > 0) {
// 最低位对齐再开始加
sum = (x[--xIndex] & LONG_MASK) +
(y[--yIndex] & LONG_MASK) + (sum >>> 32); // sum>>>32 是高32位,也就是进位
result[xIndex] = (int)sum; // 低32位直接保存
// Copy remainder of longer number while carry propagation is required
boolean carry = (sum >>> 32 != 0);
while (xIndex > 0 && carry) // x比y长,且最后还有进位
carry = ((result[--xIndex] = x[xIndex] + 1) == 0); // 一位一位往前进位,直到没有产生进位
// Copy remainder of longer number
while (xIndex > 0)
result[--xIndex] = x[xIndex];
// Grow result if necessary
if (carry) {
int bigger[] = new int[result.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(result, 0, bigger, 1, result.length);
bigger[0] = 0x01;
return bigger;
return result;
private int[] multiplyToLen(int[] x, int xlen, int[] y, int ylen, int[] z) {
int xstart = xlen - 1;
int ystart = ylen - 1;
if (z == null || z.length < (xlen+ ylen))
z = new int[xlen+ylen];
long carry = 0;
for (int j=ystart, k=ystart+1+xstart; j>=0; j--, k--) {
long product = (y[j] & LONG_MASK) *
(x[xstart] & LONG_MASK) + carry;
z[k] = (int)product;
carry = product >>> 32;
z[xstart] = (int)carry;
for (int i = xstart-1; i >= 0; i--) {
carry = 0;
for (int j=ystart, k=ystart+1+i; j>=0; j--, k--) {
long product = (y[j] & LONG_MASK) *
(x[i] & LONG_MASK) +
(z[k] & LONG_MASK) + carry;
z[k] = (int)product;
carry = product >>> 32;
z[i] = (int)carry;
return z;
最后的最后,想说的一点是,其实BigInteger可以看成是 2 32 2^{32} 232进制的计数表示,这样就比较容易理解上面的加法跟乘法运算了 ^_^