Wireless and Mobile Networks

Elements of a wireless ntework
Wireless and Mobile Networks_第1张图片

  • wireless hosts
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第2张图片
    run application
    may be staionary(non-mobile) or mobile(wireless does not always mean mobility)
  • base station
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第3张图片
    typically connexted to wired network
    relay-responsible for sending packets between wired host(s) in its “area”(e.g.,cell towers,80.11 access points)
  • wireless link
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第4张图片
    typically used to connect mobile(s) to base station
    also used as bcakbone link
    multiple access protocol coordinate link access
    various data rates,transmission distance
  • infrastructure mode
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第5张图片
    base station connects mobile into wired network
    handoff:mobile changes base station providing connection into wired network
  • ad hoc mode
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第6张图片
    ad hoc mode
    no base stations
    nodes can only transmit to other nodes withink link coverage
    nodes organize themselves into a network:route among themselves

Wireless network taxonomy

single hop multiple hops
infrastructure(e.g.,APs) host connexts to base station(WiFi,WiMAX,cellular)which connects to larger Internet host may have to relay through several wireless nodes to connects to larger Internet:mesh net
no infrastructure no base station,no connection to larger Internet(Bluetooth,ad hoc nets) no base station,no connection to larger Internet.May have to relay to reach other relay to reach other a given wireless node MANET,VANET

spectrum of mobility,from the network
Wireless and Mobile Networks_第7张图片

  • vocabulary
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第8张图片
    home network:permanent “home” of mobile
    permanent address:address in home network,can always be used to reach mobile
    home agent:entity that will perform mobility functions on behalf of mobile,when mobile is remote
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第9张图片
    permanent address:remains constant
    care-of- address:address in visited network
    visited network:network in which moobile currently
    correspondent:wants to communicate with mobile
    foreign agent:entity in visited network that performs mobility functions on behalf of mobile


  • let routing handle it:
    routers advertise permanent address of mobile-nodes-in-residence via usual routing table exchange.
    routing tables indicate where each mobile located
    no changes to end-systems
  • let end-systems handle it:
    indirect routing:communication from correspondent to mobile goes through home agent,then forwared to remote
    direct routing:correspondent gets foreign address of mobile,sends directly to mobile
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第10张图片
    ⚡️Mobility via indirect routing
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第11张图片

  • mobile uses two addresses:
    permanent address:used by correspondent(hence mobile location is transparent to correspondent)
    care-of -address:used by home agent to forward datagrams to mobile
  • foreign agent functions may be done by mobile itself
  • traingle routing:
    Wireless and Mobile Networks_第12张图片
    inefficient when correspondent,mobile are in same network.

Indirect routing:mobving between networks
suppose mobile user moves to another network

  • registers with new foreign agent
  • new foreign agent registers with home agent
  • home agent update care-of -address for mobile
  • packets continue to be forwarded to mobile(but with new care-of-address)
    mobility,changing foreign networks networks transparent:on going connections can be maintained!

⚡️Mobility via direct routing
Wireless and Mobile Networks_第13张图片
overcome traingle routing problem
non-transparent to correspondent:correspondent must get care-of-address from home agent

Accomodating mobility with direct routing
anchor foreign agent:FA in first visited network
data always routed first to anchor FA
when mobile moves:new FA arranges to have data forwarded from old FA(chaining)
Wireless and Mobile Networks_第14张图片

Mobile IP

  • RFC 3344
  • has many features we’ve seen:
    home agents,foreign agents,foreign-agent regitration,care-of-address,encapsulation(packet-within-a-packet)
  • three components to standard:
    indirect routing of datagrams
    agent discovery
    registration with home agent

Mobile IP:indicate routing
Wireless and Mobile Networks_第15张图片

Mobile IP:agent discovery
agent advertisement:foreign/home agents advertise service by broadcasting ICMP messages(typefield=8)
Wireless and Mobile Networks_第16张图片
Mobile IP:registration example
Wireless and Mobile Networks_第17张图片
Wireless,mobility:impact on higher layer protocols

  • logically,impact should be minimal…
    best effort service model remains unchanged
    TCP and UDP can (and do) run over wireless,mobile
  • …but performance-wise
    packet loss/delay due to bit-error(discarded packets,delays for link-layer retransmissions),and handoff
    TCP interprets loss as congestion,will decrese congestion window un-necessarily
    delay impairments for real-time traffic
    limited bandwidth of wireless links
