



 * This class consists of {@code static} utility methods for operating
 * on objects.  These utilities include {@code null}-safe or {@code
 * null}-tolerant methods for computing the hash code of an object,
 * returning a string for an object, and comparing two objects.
 * @since 1.7


  • 该类是使用final修饰,不能被继承
  • 该类的构造方法被私有化(使用private修饰),不能直接创建对象
  • 该类中所有的方法都是静态方法,可以使用类型直接调用(对应2,该类不需要创建对象)




public static boolean equals(Object a, Object b);

public static boolean deepEquals(Object a, Object b);

public static int hashCode(Object o);

public static int hash(Object... values);

public static String toString(Object o)

public static String toString(Object o, String nullDefault)

//使用指定的比较器c 比较参数a和参数b的大小(相等返回0,a大于b返回整数,a小于b返回负数)
public static <T> int compare(T a, T b, Comparator<? super T> c) 

public static <T> T requireNonNull(T obj) 

public static <T> T requireNonNull(T obj, String message)


public static boolean isNull(Object obj)

//判断传入的obj是否不为null,不为空返回true,为空返回false (和isNull()方法相反)
public static boolean nonNull(Object obj)

public static <T> T requireNonNull(T obj, Supplier<String> messageSupplier)



package cn.demo;

import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Objects;

public class ObjectsTest {

     *  因为Objects类比较简单,所以只用这一个测试用例进行测试
     * */
    public void equalsTest(){
        String str1 = "hello";
        String str2 = "hello";
        // 比较对象是否是同一对象
        // Objects.equals(str1, str2) ?  true
        boolean equals = Objects.equals(str1, str2);
        System.out.println("Objects.equals(str1, str2) ?  "+ equals);
    public void deepEqualsTest(){
        String str1 = "hello";
        String str2 = "hello";
        // 比较对象是否是同一对象
        boolean deepEquals = Objects.deepEquals(str1, str2);
        //Objects.deepEquals(str1, str2) ?  true
        System.out.println("Objects.deepEquals(str1, str2) ?  "+ deepEquals);
        int[] arr1 = {1,2};
        int[] arr2 = {1,2};
        // 比较数组是否是同一数组
        deepEquals = Objects.deepEquals(arr1, arr2);
        //Objects.deepEquals(arr1, arr2) ?  true
        System.out.println("Objects.deepEquals(arr1, arr2) ?  "+ deepEquals);
    public void hashCodeTest(){
        String str1 = "hello";

        // 获取hashCode 值
        int hashCode = Objects.hashCode(str1);
        //Objects.hashCode(str1) ?  99162322
        System.out.println("Objects.hashCode(str1) ?  "+ hashCode);

        // 获取null的hashCode 值
        hashCode = Objects.hashCode(null);
        //Objects.hashCode(null) ?  0
        System.out.println("Objects.hashCode(null) ?  "+ hashCode);

    public void hashTest(){
        int  a  = 100;

        // 获取hashCode 值
        int hashCode = Objects.hashCode(a);
        //Objects.hashCode(str1) ?  100
        System.out.println("Objects.hashCode(str1) ?  "+ hashCode);

        // 获取hashCode 值
        int[] arr = {100,100};
        hashCode = Objects.hash(arr);
        //Objects.hashCode(arr) ?  1555093793
        System.out.println("Objects.hashCode(arr) ?  "+ hashCode);

    public void compareTest(){
        int a = 10;
        int b = 11;

		// 比较对象
        int compare = Objects.compare(a, b, new Comparator<Integer>() {
            public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
                return o1.compareTo(o2);
        // compare = -1
        System.out.println(" compare = "+ compare);

    public void requireNonNullTest(){
        String test = null;
        // java.lang.NullPointerException
       //  String s = Objects.requireNonNull(test);

        // java.lang.NullPointerException: 这是空指针异常提示的信息
        // String s = Objects.requireNonNull(test, "这是空指针异常提示的信息");

        // java.lang.NullPointerException: 我是返回的异常信息
        String s = Objects.requireNonNull(test,()->"我是返回的异常信息");


