Alice received a cake for her birthday! Her cake can be described by a convex polygon with n vertices. No three vertices are collinear.
Alice will now choose exactly k random vertices (k≥3) from her cake and cut a piece, the shape of which is the convex polygon defined by those vertices. Compute the expected area of this piece of cake.
Each test case will begin with a line with two space-separated integers n and k (3≤k≤n≤2500), where n is the number of vertices of the cake, and k is the number of vertices of the piece that Alice cuts.
Each of the next n lines will contain two space-separated real numbers x and y (−1e9≤x,y≤1e9), where (x,y) is a vertex of the cake. The vertices will be listed in clockwise order. No three vertices will be collinear. All real numbers have at most 6 digits after the decimal point.
Output a single real number, which is the expected area of the piece of cake that Alice cuts out. Your answer will be accepted if it is within an absolute error of 1e−6.
O A → ∗ O B → + O B → ∗ O C → + O C → ∗ O D → + O D → ∗ O E → + O E → ∗ O A → 2 = S \frac{\overrightarrow{OA}*\overrightarrow{OB}+\overrightarrow{OB}*\overrightarrow{OC}+\overrightarrow{OC}*\overrightarrow{OD}+\overrightarrow{OD}*\overrightarrow{OE}+\overrightarrow{OE}*\overrightarrow{OA}}{2}=S 2OA∗OB+OB∗OC+OC∗OD+OD∗OE+OE∗OA=S
几个三角形面积相加等于这个多边形面积,注意 O E → ∗ O A → \overrightarrow{OE}*\overrightarrow{OA} OE∗OA是个负数,相当于把三角形OAE删掉了。
计算其中k个点组成的多边形面积期望,很显然不能暴力枚举求和,那会是 C n k C_{n}^{k} Cnk的数量,联系刚才求多边形面积的时候,很显然是把三角形分割成诸多三角形再求和而成,那能不能将这 C n k C_{n}^{k} Cnk个多边形分成三角形,再计算其贡献度。
首先任意枚举两个点,还是以这张图为例,枚举AB,我想知道有多少符合条件的多边形包含AB两点,因为包含AB即意味着该多边形包含三角形OAB。很显然是 C n − 2 k − 2 C_{n-2}^{k-2} Cn−2k−2个,因为固定AB后,要在剩余的点集中再选k-2个。
最后统一除以 C n k C_{n}^{k} Cnk,注意精度影响。
using namespace std;
const int eps=1e-5;
struct Point
long double x, y;
double angle, dis;
Point() {}
Point(double x0, double y0): x(x0), y(y0) {}
typedef vector Points;
Points points;
long double cross(Point x,Point y)
return x.x*y.y-x.y*y.x;
const int N=2600;
long double C[N][N];
long double getc(int i,int j)
if(ieps)return C[i][j];
return (C[i][j]=(getc(i-1,j)+getc(i-1,j-1)));
int main()
int n,k;
long double x,y;
for(int i=0; i>x>>y;
long double ans=0;
for(int i=0; i