UCF Local Programming Contest 2012 C. Clean Up the Powers that Be(记住这个错误)

UCF Local Programming Contest 2012 C. Clean Up the Powers that Be(记住这个错误)_第1张图片
UCF Local Programming Contest 2012 C. Clean Up the Powers that Be(记住这个错误)_第2张图片UCF Local Programming Contest 2012 C. Clean Up the Powers that Be(记住这个错误)_第3张图片


我是个憨憨,因为我数组开到 N N N,然后就到遍历直接写的到 N N N,所以就数组越界一直 w a wa wa,重写完过了找了好久才发现,以后这种低级错误绝不再犯。


const int N = 10009;
int n, m;
int res, ans, tmp;
int x, y;
int cnt[N];

int getlength(int x)
    int len = 0;
    while (x)
        x /= 10;
    return len;

int main()
    int t;
    int cas = 1;
    cin >> t;
    while (t--)
        cin >> n;
        mem(cnt, 0);
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            sdd(x, y);
            cnt[x] += y;
        cout << "Prime Factorization #" << cas++ << ":\n";
        rep(i, 2, N-1)
            if (cnt[i])
                int len = getlength(i);
                rep(i, 1, len)
                    printf(" ");
                printf("%d", cnt[i]);
        cout << "\n";
        rep(i, 2, N)
            if (cnt[i])
                printf("%d", i);
                int len = getlength(cnt[i]);
                rep(i, 1, len)
                    printf(" ");
        cout << "\n\n";
    return 0;
