
一 http框架在哪里启动


二 ngx_http_block做了哪些事

1 创建ngx_http_conf_ctx_t


typedef struct {
    void        **main_conf;
    void        **srv_conf;
    void        **loc_conf;
} ngx_http_conf_ctx_t;


    *(ngx_http_conf_ctx_t **) conf = ctx;

    /* count the number of the http modules and set up their indices */

    ngx_http_max_module = ngx_count_modules(cf->cycle, NGX_HTTP_MODULE);

    /* the http main_conf context, it is the same in the all http contexts */

    ctx->main_conf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool,
                                 sizeof(void *) * ngx_http_max_module);
    if (ctx->main_conf == NULL) {
        return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

     * the http null srv_conf context, it is used to merge
     * the server{}s' srv_conf's

    ctx->srv_conf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(void *) * ngx_http_max_module);
    if (ctx->srv_conf == NULL) {
        return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

     * the http null loc_conf context, it is used to merge
     * the server{}s' loc_conf's

    ctx->loc_conf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(void *) * ngx_http_max_module);
    if (ctx->loc_conf == NULL) {
        return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

2 调用所有http模块create方法


     * create the main_conf's, the null srv_conf's, and the null loc_conf's
     * of the all http modules

    for (m = 0; cf->cycle->modules[m]; m++) {
        if (cf->cycle->modules[m]->type != NGX_HTTP_MODULE) {

        module = cf->cycle->modules[m]->ctx;
        mi = cf->cycle->modules[m]->ctx_index;

        if (module->create_main_conf) {
            ctx->main_conf[mi] = module->create_main_conf(cf);
            if (ctx->main_conf[mi] == NULL) {
                return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

        if (module->create_srv_conf) {
            ctx->srv_conf[mi] = module->create_srv_conf(cf);
            if (ctx->srv_conf[mi] == NULL) {
                return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

        if (module->create_loc_conf) {
            ctx->loc_conf[mi] = module->create_loc_conf(cf);
            if (ctx->loc_conf[mi] == NULL) {
                return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

    pcf = *cf;
    cf->ctx = ctx;
  • 按照ngx_modules[]数组里的顺序,第一个http模块时ngx_http_core_module ,它的create_main_conf、create_srv_conf、create_loc_conf中分别创建了ngx_http_core_main_conf_t、ngx_http_core_srv_conf_t 、ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t存储配置项的结构体,并将其成员变量初始化为NGX_CONF_UNSET。这里基本上包含了所有的http块的配置指令:error_pages, buffer,timeout等等。
  • 第二个http模块是ngx_http_log_module,它只实现了create_main_conf和create_loc_conf方法,改方法中做的事情也差不多,分别创建了ngx_http_log_main_conf_t结构体,初始化formats成员 ,以及创建ngx_http_log_loc_conf_t,初始化成员变量。formats是一个与日志格式相关的字段
  • 第三个http模块是ngx_http_upstream_module,它更加简单了,只实现了create_main_conf方法,创建了ngx_http_upstream_main_conf_t的结构体,并且初始化了其中的upstream成员,而upstream成员是一个ngx_http_upstream_srv_conf_t类型的结构体,可见在这个模块中,它将初始化这两个结构体的操作放在了一块进行。
  • 接下里是其他的http模块,一共有77个(我机器上的)http模块,函数原理和前三个大体相同,这里不再详述,。

3 调用所有模块的preconfiguration方法


    for (m = 0; cf->cycle->modules[m]; m++) {
        if (cf->cycle->modules[m]->type != NGX_HTTP_MODULE) {

        module = cf->cycle->modules[m]->ctx;

        if (module->preconfiguration) {
            if (module->preconfiguration(cf) != NGX_OK) {
                return NGX_CONF_ERROR;


static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_core_preconfiguration(ngx_conf_t *cf)
    return ngx_http_variables_add_core_vars(cf);


ngx_http_variables_add_core_vars(ngx_conf_t *cf)
    ngx_http_variable_t        *cv, *v;
    ngx_http_core_main_conf_t  *cmcf;

    cmcf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_main_conf(cf, ngx_http_core_module);

    cmcf->variables_keys = ngx_pcalloc(cf->temp_pool,
    if (cmcf->variables_keys == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;
	... ...
    for (cv = ngx_http_core_variables; cv->name.len; cv++) {
        v = ngx_http_add_variable(cf, &cv->name, cv->flags);
        if (v == NULL) {
            return NGX_ERROR;

        *v = *cv;

    return NGX_OK;

可以看到,在这里申请了cmcf->variables_keys 的内存空间,并且通过循环的调用ngx_http_add_variable函数将ngx_http_core_variables[]数组里的变量加入到variables_keys 列表中。ngx_http_add_variable的原型如下:

ngx_http_variable_t *
ngx_http_add_variable(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_str_t *name, ngx_uint_t flags)
    ngx_int_t                   rc;
    ngx_uint_t                  i;
    ngx_hash_key_t             *key;
    ngx_http_variable_t        *v;
    ngx_http_core_main_conf_t  *cmcf;

    if (name->len == 0) {
        ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                           "invalid variable name \"$\"");
        return NULL;

    if (flags & NGX_HTTP_VAR_PREFIX) {
        return ngx_http_add_prefix_variable(cf, name, flags);

    cmcf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_main_conf(cf, ngx_http_core_module);

    key = cmcf->variables_keys->keys.elts;
    for (i = 0; i < cmcf->variables_keys->keys.nelts; i++) {
        if (name->len != key[i].key.len
            || ngx_strncasecmp(name->data, key[i], name->len) != 0)

        v = key[i].value;

        // 如果已添加,并且是不可变的变量,则提示变量的重复添加
        // 其它NGX_HTTP_VAR_CHANGEABLE就是为了让变量的重复添加时不出错,都指向同一变量
        if (!(v->flags & NGX_HTTP_VAR_CHANGEABLE)) {
            ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                               "the duplicate \"%V\" variable", name);
            return NULL;

        if (!(flags & NGX_HTTP_VAR_WEAK)) {
            v->flags &= ~NGX_HTTP_VAR_WEAK;
        // 如果变量已添加,并且有NGX_HTTP_VAR_CHANGEABLE标识,则直接返回
        return v;
    v = ngx_palloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_variable_t));
    if (v == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    v->name.len = name->len;
    v-> = ngx_pnalloc(cf->pool, name->len);
    if (v-> == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    ngx_strlow(v->, name->data, name->len);

    v->set_handler = NULL;
    v->get_handler = NULL;
    v->data = 0;
    v->flags = flags;
    v->index = 0;

    rc = ngx_hash_add_key(cmcf->variables_keys, &v->name, v, 0);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR) {
        return NULL;

    if (rc == NGX_BUSY) {
        ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                           "conflicting variable name \"%V\"", name);
        return NULL;

    return v;


(gdb) p key[0]
$40 = {key = {len = 9, data = 0x7ffff6ca2ba0 "http_host"}, key_hash = 91998378965759, value = 0x7ffff6ca2b68}
(gdb) p key[1]
$41 = {key = {len = 15, data = 0x7ffff6ca2c28 "http_user_agent"}, key_hash = 3611054648123159976, value = 0x7ffff6ca2bf0}
(gdb) p key[2]
$42 = {key = {len = 12, data = 0x7ffff6ca2cb0 "http_referer"}, key_hash = 2740723716345331830, value = 0x7ffff6ca2c78}
(gdb) p key[3]
$43 = {key = {len = 8, data = 0x7ffff6ca2d38 "http_via\b"}, key_hash = 2967689657303, value = 0x7ffff6ca2d00}
(gdb) p key[4]
$44 = {key = {len = 20, data = 0x7ffff6ca2db8 "http_x_forwarded_for"}, key_hash = 2810977803666258672, value = 0x7ffff6ca2d80}
(gdb) p key[5]
$45 = {key = {len = 11, data = 0x7ffff6ca2f48 "http_cookie"}, key_hash = 88410442042824187, value = 0x7ffff6ca2f10}
(gdb) p key[6]
$46 = {key = {len = 14, data = 0x7ffff6ca2fd0 "content_length"}, key_hash = 17349979335510112620, value = 0x7ffff6ca2f98}
(gdb) p key[7]
$47 = {key = {len = 12, data = 0x7ffff6ca3058 "content_type"}, key_hash = 2609428126208685888, value = 0x7ffff6ca3020}
(gdb) p key[8]
$48 = {key = {len = 4, data = 0x7ffff6ca30e0 "host"}, key_hash = 3208616, value = 0x7ffff6ca30a8}
(gdb) p key[9]
$49 = {key = {len = 18, data = 0x7ffff6ca3360 "binary_remote_addr"}, key_hash = 18156848646088231180, value = 0x7ffff6ca3328}
(gdb) p key[59]
$50 = {key = {len = 10, data = 0x7ffff6cc4cf0 "time_local"}, key_hash = 3159641065293689, value = 0x7ffff6cc4cb8}
(gdb) p key[60]
$51 = {key = {len = 11, data = 0x7ffff6cc4d78 "tcpinfo_rtt"}, key_hash = 97792917155386946, value = 0x7ffff6cc4d40}
(gdb) p key[61]
$52 = {key = {len = 14, data = 0x7ffff6cc4e00 "tcpinfo_rttvar"}, key_hash = 17209975403733021093, value = 0x7ffff6cc4dc8}
(gdb) p key[62]
$53 = {key = {len = 16, data = 0x7ffff6cc4e88 "tcpinfo_snd_cwnd\021"}, key_hash = 10503672965383374960, value = 0x7ffff6cc4e50}
(gdb) p key[63]
$54 = {key = {len = 17, data = 0x7ffff6cc4ed0 "tcpinfo_rcv_spacehttp_"}, key_hash = 12019211534282075260, value = 0x7ffff6cc4e98}
(gdb) p key[64]
$55 = {key = {len = 24, data = 0x7ffff6ca47a0 "sent_http_content_lengthhostname"}, key_hash = 27, value = 0x7ffff6cc4858}
(gdb) p key[65]
$56 = {key = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, key_hash = 0, value = 0x0}



static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_upstream_add_variables(ngx_conf_t *cf)
    ngx_http_variable_t  *var, *v;

    for (v = ngx_http_upstream_vars; v->name.len; v++) {
        var = ngx_http_add_variable(cf, &v->name, v->flags);
        if (var == NULL) {
            return NGX_ERROR;

        var->get_handler = v->get_handler;
        var->data = v->data;

    return NGX_OK;

通过gdb调试发现,此时这个数组中已经有64个值了,这些变量都是ngx_http_core_variables[]里的,很明显这是ngx_http_core_module在他前面已经捷足先登了。这时候nginx会把定义在ngx_http_upstream.c的 ngx_http_upstream_vars[]中的变量继续往其中添加,添加完成之后,variables_keys变成了:

-------------------- ngx_http_core_variables[]-------------------------------
(gdb) p key[0]
$25 = {key = {len = 9, data = 0x7ffff6ca2ba0 "http_host"}, key_hash = 91998378965759, value = 0x7ffff6ca2b68}
(gdb) p key[1]
$26 = {key = {len = 15, data = 0x7ffff6ca2c28 "http_user_agent"}, key_hash = 3611054648123159976, value = 0x7ffff6ca2bf0}
(gdb) p key[2]
$27 = {key = {len = 12, data = 0x7ffff6ca2cb0 "http_referer"}, key_hash = 2740723716345331830, value = 0x7ffff6ca2c78}
(gdb) p key[3]
$34 = {key = {len = 11, data = 0x7ffff6cc4d78 "tcpinfo_rtt"}, key_hash = 97792917155386946, value = 0x7ffff6cc4d40}
(gdb) p key[63]
$35 = {key = {len = 17, data = 0x7ffff6cc4ed0 "tcpinfo_rcv_spacehttp_sent_http_sent_trailer_cookie_arg_"}, key_hash = 12019211534282075260, 
  value = 0x7ffff6cc4e98}
(gdb) p key[64]
$36 = {key = {len = 24, data = 0x7ffff6ca47a0 "sent_http_content_lengthhostname"}, key_hash = 27, value = 0x7ffff6cc4858}
(gdb) p key[64]
$5 = {key = {len = 13, data = 0x7ffff6cc4f40 "upstream_addr"}, key_hash = 2865999093934786517, value = 0x7ffff6cc4f08}
(gdb) p key[65]
$6 = {key = {len = 15, data = 0x7ffff6cc4f98 "upstream_status"}, key_hash = 5660262289136669398, value = 0x7ffff6cc4f60}
(gdb) p key[66]
$7 = {key = {len = 21, data = 0x7ffff6cc4fe0 "upstream_connect_time"}, key_hash = 13496111015847451878, value = 0x7ffff6cc4fa8}
(gdb) p key[67]
$8 = {key = {len = 20, data = 0x7ffff6cc5030 "upstream_header_time"}, key_hash = 18290868616047682779, value = 0x7ffff6cc4ff8}
(gdb) p key[70]
$9 = {key = {len = 23, data = 0x7ffff6cc5160 "upstream_bytes_received"}, key_hash = 3752868925487481369, value = 0x7ffff6cc5128}
(gdb) p key[71]
$10 = {key = {len = 19, data = 0x7ffff6cc51f0 "upstream_bytes_sent"}, key_hash = 6540449568393741264, value = 0x7ffff6cc51b8}


4 解析http块内部的配置

