Failed to connect to server: :8032: retries get failed due to exceeded maximum allowed retries numbe

spark-shell 报 WARN ipc.Client: Failed to connect to server: xxx/ retries get failed due to exceeded maximum allowed retries number: 0 Connection refused

In Yarn configs -> custom yarn-site.xml, you might have configuration for rm1 as resource-manager-A. This is the reason first attempt to connect was made to this server and then got connection refused. Then it goes to active resource manager which is resource-manager-B. This warning is not seen when resource-manager-A is active, because the property rm1 pointing to this server, first connect attempt is successful. First connection attempt is always made to the resource manager which is specified in rm1.

Failed to connect to server: :8032: retries get failed due to exceeded maximum allowed retries numbe_第1张图片
