




 A. gnuplot
gnuplot和xgraph, 存储的文件都可以是如下形式:
0.5  10
1.0  15
1.5  20
... ...
使用命令: $gnuplot  从而进入  gnuplot>  模式,即可开始使用命令开始绘图;
假设有文件 file1, file2
则绘制基本命令为: gnuplot> plot "file1", "file2"  //还有更多的文件是,分别用逗号隔开
1. 坐标轴的控制
   坐标轴“量程”设置     set xtics $start,$incr,$end    // ytics 类似
                        set xrange [$xmin:$xmax]       // yrange
   坐标标注:           set xlabel "Simulation time"   //  ylabel类似
   设置图片的标题:       set title "TITLE"

     set arrow {tag} {from sx,sy}{,sz} {to sx,sy}{,sz} {{no} head}

  设置一条线条id 为: tag, 从起点到终点, 是否带箭头;
  其中的{} 表示该选项是可选的!
  unset arrow {tag}     //删除 tag 线条
3.线条类型的定义 plot "FILE" with <选项>
     lines,     points,   linespoints,   impluses(引垂线到X轴)
  dots,      steps,   
  errorbars, boxes,    boxerrorbars
 gnuplot> set terminal gif  
 gnuplot> set output "file.gif"
 gnuplot> replot      //产生了一个 file.gif  的图片
实例演示:Node A1, Node A2, Node A3, Node A4文件的数据:
1 0.1397
2 0.1731
3 0.1624
4 0.1927
5 0.1164
6 0.134
7 0.164
8 0.1648
9 0.1894
10 0.1722
1 0.1792
2 0.1758
3 0.1789
4 0.15
5 0.1736
6 0.1829
7 0.1915
8 0.1765
9 0.1577
10 0.1316
1 0.1314
2 0.1043
3 0.129
4 0.1189
5 0.1046
6 0.087
7 0.1053
8 0.1059
9 0.1068
10 0.0682
1 0.1066
2 0.0796
3 0.0874
4 0.1065
5 0.0778
6 0.0761
7 0.084
8 0.0953
9 0.082
10 0.0822
1 0.924
2 0.972
3 0.961
4 0.9983
5 0.8362
6 0.9069
7 0.841
8 0.9934
9 0.9828
10 0.87
1 0.9432
2 0.925
3 0.9299
4 0.8408
5 0.9087
6 0.964
7 0.9934
8 0.906
9 0.8692
10 0.9052
1 0.8314
2 0.8022
3 0.6945
4 0.704
5 0.7824
6 0.6456
7 0.6672
8 0.7344
9 0.7032
10 0.6332
1 0.6778
2 0.6267
3 0.5813
4 0.6593
5 0.5782
6 0.5406
7 0.5558
8 0.5645
9 0.6118
10 0.559

gnuplot> plot "Node A1" with linespoints,"Node A2" with     linespoints,  "Node A3" with linespoints,  "Node A4" with linespoints

gnuplot> set terminal gif

gnuplot> set output "file.gif"

gnuplot> replot

gnuplot> plot "Zhu--A1" with linespoints,"Zhu--A2" with     linespoints,  "Zhu--A3" with linespoints,  "Zhu--A4" with linespoints

gnuplot> set terminal gif

gnuplot> set output "zhu.gif"

gnuplot> replot


gnuplot> set title "Grey Projection for Node A1-A2-A3-A4"

gnuplot> set xlabel "Simulation time"

gnuplot> set ylabel "Values"

gnuplot> set yrange [-0.3:0.23]

gnuplot> plot "Node A1" with linespoints,"Node A2" with     linespoints,  "Node A3" with linespoints,  "Node A4" with linespoints

gnuplot> set terminal gif

gnuplot> set output "GreyProjection.gif"

gnuplot> replot


gnuplot> set title "Main attibutes for Node A1-A2-A3-A4"

gnuplot> set xlabel "Simulation time"

gnuplot> set ylabel "Values"

gnuplot> set yrange [-0.2:1.1]

gnuplot> plot "Zhu--A1" with linespoints,"Zhu--A2" with     linespoints,  "Zhu--A3" with linespoints,  "Zhu--A4" with linespoints

gnuplot> set terminal gif

gnuplot> set output "zhu.gif"

gnuplot> replot

