*** non-numeric second argument to `wordlist' function: ''. Stop错误解决办法

PS: 解决办法搜集自:stackoverflow
website: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5677178/ndk-gdb-fails-with-message-invalid-attribute-name-package

1. 原因:
The AndroidManifest.xml file had Windows carriage control (\r\n) which was messing up the ndk-gdb script. 

总之就是说AndroidManifest.xml文件格式不对,原格式是Windows下面的dos格式,现在转到Mac OS X下面了,文件格式不对,对里面的内容的读取出现问题不能正常解析,现在需要转换成Mac OS X下面的unix格式才可以.

"general"->"Editors"->"Text Editors"选中后,右侧"Show whitespace characters"选面选中即可。

2. 解决办法:
To fix this,

edited the file in vi and did a "set filetype=unix".
on mac, it should be "set fileformat=unix". 

That is:
vim AndroidManifest.xml
:set fileformat=unix

ps: 相应的Linux下面则用unix2dosdos2unix即可;windows下面,则可以使用UltraEdit工具转换。


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